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the art and science of beautifying and improving the skin and hair is called cosmetology
in ancient rome, middle class women colored their hair: blond
during the renaissance period, the unusual practice of shaving eyebrows was done to give a woman a greater look of intelligence
the career possibilities are endless for a hard working professional cosmetologist who approaches his/her career with a strong sense of personal integrity
the inner desire that instinctively propels you to do something is motivation
a talent and unlimited inner resource of ideas and solutions is creativity
stressful and repetitive motions have a cumulative effect on joints and muscles
when servicing a client for the first time , a visual tool to your technical skills is a portfolio of your work
the single most important part of any service that should always be completed before any service is client consultation
during the consultation process, to reiterate everything discussed to the client means to repeat in measured, precise terms
the active stage and inactive or spore forming stage of bacteria are referred to as the life cycle of bacteria
body tissues being invaded by disease-causing or pathogenic bacteria results in a(n) infection
a common human bacteria that can be transferred through skin to skin contact or unclean implements is staph
nonpathogenic bacteria are harmless
the skin disease that is caused by an infestation of head lice is called pediculosis capitis
federal law requires manufacturers to provide important product information, precautions, safety information and ingredients in the form of material safety data sheets
to meet salon requirements for use against bacteria, fungi. and viruses, a disinfectant must have the correct efficacy
a very safe and useful type of disinfectant, commonly called quats, is quarternary ammonium compounds
to be effective the strength of ethyl alcohol must be no less than 20 percent
the first step in the decontamination process is called sanitation
the phase if metabolism that involves the breaking down of complex compounds within cells into smaller ones is catobolism
a collection of similar cells that perform a particular function is tissue
the physical foundation of the body consisting of bones with movable and immovable joints is the skeletal system
two bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region are the parietal bone
the inner and larger bone of the forearm, attached to the wrist and located on the of the little finger, is the ulna
Muscles attached to bones and are voluntary or controlled by the will are: striated muscles
the middle part of the muscle is belly
the muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head is the sternocleidomastoideus
the muscles that draws the eyebrow down and wrinklies the forehead vertically is the corrugator muscles
the muscles that cover the back of the neck and the upper and middle region of the back and that rotates and controls the swinging movement of the arms is the trapezius
muscles that separate the fingers abductors
muscles that are at the base of each finger and draws the fingers together are adductors
the medical branch of science that deals with the study of the skin its functions, and diseases is dermatology
the thinnest skin can be found on the eyelid
the deepest layer of the epidermis basal cell layer is also know as the stratrum germintivum
the top of the papillary layer where it joins the epidermis the epidermal- dermal junction
a fibrous protein that give the skin form and strength is collagen
the two types of duct glands that extract materials from the blood to form new substances are sudoriferous and sebaceous glands
retinoic acid or retin-a is a prescription cream use to treat acne
water is the number one nutrient of the body and composes what %of body weight 50 to 70%
the nail plate is constructed of how many layers of nail cells 100
the portion of the natural nail plate that extends over the finger tip or the toes is called fee edge
the nail that grows the fastest is the middle finger
the average rate of nail growth in the normal adult is about 1/10 inch per month
a small cone shaped area located at the base of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb is the dermal papilla
the substance secreted by the sebaceous glands is called the sebum
the pocket or tube like depression in the scalp of skin that contains the hair root is the follicle
the layer that consist of transparent scale like cells that look like shingles on a roof is the cuticle layer
the fibrous protein core formed by elongated cells that contains melanin pigment is the cortex layer
the measurement that describes the number of individual hair strands on one square inch of the scalp is diameter
the three growth cycles of the human hair are anagen , catagen, and telogen
the condition of abnormal hair growth of terminal hair is called hypertrichosis
a severe type of dandruff characterized by the accumulation of greasy or waxy scalp scales mixed with sebum pityriasis steatiodses
an infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice is pediculosis capitis
a highly contagious skin disease caused by a parasite called a mite is scabies
liquids that are not capable of being mixed into stable solutions are immiscible
a stable suspension of one liquid or solid in another liquid united with the aid of a binder is an emulsion
the head of a surfactant molecule is hydrophilic
a sweet, colorless, oily substance that is used as a moisturizer in the skin and body cream is glycerin
chemical reactions that are characterized by or formed by giving off heat are exothermic
a chemical reaction that combines an element or a compound with oxygen to produce oxide is oxidation
a metal substance that is a particularly good conductor of electricity is copper
the even-flowing electric current that travels in one direction only is direct current
the unit that mneasures the pressure or force that pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor is a volts