Sociology Midterm Exam

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sociology the study of human socitey 
sociological imagination ability to connect the most basic intimate aspects of an individuals life to seemlinglu impersonal and remot historical forces
social institutions group of social positions connected by social relations performing a social role any institution in a society that works to socialize the group or ppl within
social idenity individuals define themselves in relationsjop to groups wth which they affiliate
Comte positivism arose out of need to make sense of the social order in a time of declining religous authorityStages-theological stagemetaphysical stage:why things are the way they are -scientific stagewe can convience we could understand how social institutions work 
harriet martineau transle comte to englishway we educate kidsto government
Karl Marx marxist conflict theoryhistorical materialism: conflict between classes drove social change throughout historycommunism
max weber belief marx went 2 fare to coin it just a cause and affect-religon also laid the ground workverstehen: social world through experience
interpretive sociology study of social meaning
durkheim division of labor: degree to which jobs are specialized positivist sociology: strain within socioloy that believes the social world can be described and predicted relationships
anomie sense of aimlessness or despair that arises when we can no longer reasonably expect life to be predictable;to little social regulation
Jane adamsWEB Dubios Adams: hull house link ideas of university to the poor through full service examsblack and anomie
functionalism  various social instituation and processes in society exis to serve some important fuction to keep socoety running
conflict theory conflict promotes change
feminist theory equality between men and women challenging conventional wisdom
symbolic interactionism shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivation behind peoples actions
postmodernism questioning of notion of progress and history and the replacement of narrative within pastiche and multipe pehaps even conflicting edentities resulting from disjointed affliations
social construction instutionalized entity or artifact in system invented or constricted by participants in a paricular culture or society tat exists because ppl agree to behave as if it exist
deconstruction showing how certain social phenomena are arbitrary and devised by social actos with varying degrees of power
causulatiy change in 1 facto results in a corresponding change in another
research method approaches and methods that go with trying to find an answer to a question
quantitave methodsqualititave somethings that can be assigned a numeric value:eliminating al other possibilites through their study deisng to state with some certainty that one condition causes another
something that can not be assigned a number value:social processes rule out others
allows us to show
deductive appach starts with a theory forms  a hypothsis and tests
inductive appraoch obersvation and creates a theory
correlation or association simulanous varition in to variables
natural experiment event that affects is causing a certain outcome
time order chrikigy or sequence of events
alternative explaations plausaible stories that could explain our data but doesn't fit with central hypothesis
spurious false or misleadering 
reversw causality A is not causing B, B is causing A 
operationaliztion assigning a precise methode for measuring a term being examined for use in a particular study
Null hyptohsis Ho: relationship propsed between two ariables does not exist 
alternative hypothesis it does exist
moderating variables  stuff that affects independent and dependent
mediating variables variable that is there but does not affect indp. or dep.
validity it is measuring wut should be measured
reliability consistant results each time
generalbility extent to which we can claim or findings inform us about a group large than the one we studies 
reflexvity how much does tester have an affect on those being tested
populationsample censue entire grouprepresntive of pop. a sbsetsample that atempt to estimate the size of the entire population
case study in-depth look a phenimenon that is happening in a social stting
feminist metholodology treat omen experences as a legtimate emprical and theortical resourse that promote social science for women for a specific half of the public and that take into account the researcher as much as the overt subject matter
particpant observation qualitivae reseach seeks to observe social actions in practice
repeated cross sectinal survey smaples new wave represenice group each survey
panel survey tracks sme respondents over time
historical methods collects data from written report newspaper, articles, jornals, diaries, artwork, and other artifacts to stody
compartive research two entities similar...but 1 thing is different what makes it different
audit study specific type of experimental method in which a pair of comparale ppl are observed in a specific situation to see if they fare differently
content analusis analysis of strutire of a communication mainifest:something that yo can seelatent: stuff u cant see
ethics of studies do no harminformed consent voultary participationprotected populations: approval to st
public sociology seek to engage a on academic audience for a normative productive end