Sociology Exam Review - Chapters 11, 12, 13

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Religious experience Sudden awarness of god or coming into contact with him
credential society jobs = diplomas, used as a sorting system
ecclasia combination of church and state
moral community a groups beliefs & practices come together
mainstreaming incorporate everyone, ex: programs for the disabled
gatekeeping teachers determine kids outcome in kintergarden, open/close doors
social promotion passing students on to the next level regardless of comprehension -- leads to functional illiteracy
functional illiteracy read but cant comprehend
sect emphasizes personal salvation, loosly organized, get some money
difference between a church and a cult relationship with god is less personal in a church, church is more organized, less personal salvation
peter berger & legitamite power make people do things against their will. Example US government, obey the law out of fear of punishment
political gender gap men (rep) and women (demo) vote for different parties
global village nations linked by communication and trade
charasmatic leader uses personality to connect with the people
rational legal leader based on written rules (law)
traditional leader based on customs
critisism against socialism stifles productivity
voter apathy dont see the effects of the president so why vote
universal citizenship you have a set of rights just for being born in a country
agricultural society created trade & surplus which lead to social inequality
critisism of capitalism social inequality
totalitarian goverment total government control, one leader, rule by force
hunting and gathering societies created substinance
terrorism used in smaller groups to gain power
convergence theory capitalism & socialism coming together
socialism no competition, control by state
democratic socialism state & individual produce and distribute goods
partillineal decent fathers side
serial fatherhood father stays around for about a year then leaves kids to for kids w/new wife
social class and culture family variable in diversity
marriage trends in US married at an older age
polygamy man w/multiple wives
who says that family is universal functionalist
most likely to commit incest uncle
blended family divorce families coming together
father of what race is more likely to spend time with kids latino
family of orientation family you grew up in
family of procreation once a couple has a kid
family trends # of kids desired has gone down
social class & child rearing
poor focus of following rules
rich focus on intellect
grade inflation curving the grade scale
ritual ceremony or repetitive practice used in religion
who said religion is the opium of the people Marx
what is the biggest determining factor of who will attend college social class
goals of education skills & knowledge, integration, culture & tracking
dysfunction of religion war and persecution
most likely to drop out of school underclass
hidden curriculum obedience, things you learn at school that isnt school work
conflict perspective & schooling school creates inequality
how does religion create social change civil rights movement led by religious leaders
largest religion in US baptist