Social Work Test Prep Flashcards

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Piaget's Stages (ages) Sensorimotor (birth - 2 yrs); Preoperational (2 - 7 yrs); Concrete Operational (7 - 11 yrs); Formal Operational (11+ yrs)
Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Devel (ages) Oral (birth to 1 yr); Anal (1 - 3 yrs); Phallic (3 - 6 yrs); Latency (6 - 12 yrs); Genital (12+ yrs)
Erikson's Final Two Stages (ages) Generativity v. Stagnation (mid-adulthood); Integrity v. Despair (old age)
Erikson's First Three Stages (ages) Trust v. Mistrust (infancy); Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt (toddler); Initiative v. Guilt (early childhood);
Erikson Stages 4 - 6 (ages) Industry v. Inferiority (school age); Identity v. Role Confusion (teens); Intimacy v. Isolation (yng adult)
Flight of Ideas (MSE) Thoughts not associated by logic
Tangential Speech (MSE) Answers don't follow question
Loose Associations (MSE) Ideas slip off the track on to another which is obliquely related or unrelated.
Circumstantial Speech (MSE) Speech very delayed at reaching its goal. Excessive long windedness/detail.
Mental Retardation (DSM) IQ < or = 70; impaired functioning; onset before 18.
Rett's D/O (DSM) Females only; head growth decel; lost coordination; social probs.
Pica (DSM) Eating non-food (e.g., dirt)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (keywords) Schemas; core beliefs; automatic thoughts; cognitive distortions; thought record; downward arrow;
Freud's Structural Personality Theory Id (pleasure principle; primary process thinking); Ego (reality principle; secondary process thinking); Superego (ego ideal; conscience)
Object Relations Phases Normal autism (1st month); Symbiotic (2 - 8 mos); Differentiation (7m - 2y); Integration/Rapproachment (2 - 3 yrs)
Repression Id's drives out of conscious into unconsious
Regression Retreat to earlier stage
Projection Unacceptable needs/drives attributed to other
Reaction Formation Express opposite of anxiety-forming instinct
Displacement Transfer instinct to less threatening target (e.g., angry at dad, mom yells at kid)
Sublimation Impulses diverted into socially acceptable outlet (e.g., work, art)
Denial Ignore personal relevance or deny existence of an anxiety-provoking impulse
Introjection Ascribe thoughts/bx of others to oneself.
Rationalization Interpret own bx as rational/acceptable
Undoing Bx to undo effect of past action
Structural Family Therapy (keywords) alignments; heirarchies; subsystems; boundaries; enmeshment; joining; mimesis; family map; enactment; reframing
Strategic Family Therapy (keywords) social/problem/interaction/goal-setting stages; communication; interpersonal phenom; prob solving; directives; paradoxical ints;
Paradoxical Interventions Milton Erickson/Strategic Family Therapy: restraning (don't change); positioning (exag sx); reframing
Existential Therapy (keywords) death; isolation; freedom; meaninglessness; experience; phenomenology; Yalom; Franl
Person-Centered Therapy (keywords) unconditional positive regard; accurate empathy; genuineness; dx = label; incongruence; Carl Rogers
Narrative Therapy (keywords) ambiguous experience; externalizing; influence mapping; reauthoring; deconstruction
Gestalt Therapy (keywords) awareness; Fritz Perls; boundary disturbances; "I" language; empty chair; here & now; body language; holistic
Boundary Disturbances (Gestalt) Introjection (swallow w/out understanding); Projection (disowning self); Retroflection (eg anger inward); Confluence (bound probs)
Additive Empathy Reflect expressed and implied content (e.g. “I have the impression that ...”)
Reciprocal Empathy Reflection - accurate understanding, non-additive.
Reflection Errors (4) Timing (over/under reflection); Stereotyping (SW=robot); Depth (+/-); Language (eg slang)
Word Salad Jumble of incoherent speech
Neologisms Invented words
Clanging Speech driven by word sounds (e.g., rhyming or alliteration).
Confabulation Formation of false memories, perceptions, or beliefs--usu. to cover memory loss (Alzheimer's or blackouts).
Proxemics v. Kenesics v. Paralanguage Proxemics = spatial bx; Kinesics = movement; Para = nonverbal vocal cues (e.g. vol, speed, intonation)
Ideas of reference Delusional belief that casual events, people's remarks, etc. are referring to oneself when, in fact, they are not (eg TV, newspaper)
Wechsler (testing) Generates an IQ score - WAIS (16+); WISC (6 - 16); WPPSI (@3- @7)
Projective Tests Interpretive/subjective personality tests (e.g., Rorschach, DAP (draw a person), sand tray, HTP (tree/house/person), sentence completion
Commonly Used Intelligence Tests WAIS, WISC, Vineland, Stanford-Binet, and elements of the MSE
Anorexia v. Bulimia (DSM Diff) A.N. = low weight; psychotic flavor (re body); can include purge B.N. = binge/purge; normal weight
OCD v. OCPD (DSM Diff) OCD = ego dystonic; anxiety driven; rituals/obsessions; OCPD = ego syntonic; rigid; no obses/compuls. Dx's can coexist (eg, rigid hoarding)
Factitious D/O v. Malingering v. Somatoform D/O (DSM DIff) Factitious = sick role Malingering = for goal (e.g., SSI) Somatoform = not faking
Personality Disorders (by cluster) A ("weird"): Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal B ("wild"): Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narc. C ("wimp"): Avoidant, Dependent, OCPD
Schizoid PD Loner; minimal rxs; prefers solitude; no pleasure or desire for social interaction; cold; detached
Schizotypal PD Eccentric/wild appearance & bx; odd beliefs (magical thinking, ideas of ref, so pho); short rxs; suspicious; not psychotic
Paranoid PD Distrust and suspiciousness; no trust; holds grudges; questions mate's fidelity; non-delusional
Antisocial PD Violates rights of others; present since age 15; fights; irresponsibility; deceitfulness; lack of remorse
Borderline PD Probs w/ rx, self-image, affect, impulsivity; idealize/devalue; abandonment fear; self-injurious; feelings of emptiness
Histrionic PD High emo, attention seeking; inappropriate seductiveness; use of appearance; impressionistic speech; shifting emo; quick rx
Narcissistic PD Grandiose, lack of empathy, hypersensitivity to eval; entitlement; exploitive; envious; fantasies of success/power/perfect love
Avoidant PD Social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to eval; min rxs; poor self-image; fear of embarrassment
Dependent PD Submissive, clinging, fear of separation; prob w/ solo decisions; no responsibility for self; 0 confidence; helplessness; probs disagreeing w/ others
Obsessive-Compulsive PD Rigidity, perfectionism, control; preoc w/ rules, lists; stubborn, miserly, workaholic; moral/ethical inflexibility; problems throwing things out
Order of language acquisition crying; cooing; echolalia; holophrastic speech; telegraphic speech; vocab growth; correct grammar; metalinguistics
Echolalia Child's imitation of speech sounds (after cooing, before holophrastic speech)
Holophrastic Speech Child expresses sentence meaning with single word (e.g., "milk!")
Telegraphic Speech Two or more words in sentence (e.g., "Milk now!")
Kohlberg's First Level of Moral Devel (and substages) Preconventional Morality (Punishment & Obdience Orientation); Instrumental Hedonism)
Kohlberg's Second Level of Moral Devel (and substages) Conventional Morality (Good Boy/Good Girl Orientation; Law & Order Orientation)
Kohlberg's Third Level of Moral Devel (and substages) Postconventional Morality (Morality of Contract, Individual Rights, and Democratically Accepted Laws; Morality of Individual Principles of Conscience)
Suicide Risk Factors Hx of attempts; old age; males 70+, females 15-24; hopelessness; hx depression; caucasian; native am 15-19; loss; recent lifting of dep sx
Four levels of acculturation (Berry) Integration (+/+ new culture/o.g. culture); assimilation (+/-); separation (-/+); marginalization (-/-)