Define These Foodborne Diseases Flashcards

Total Flash Cards » 40
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why are infants and children at higher risk of getting a foodborne illness? they have not yet built up their immune system
bacteria linked with cooked rice dishes bacillus cereus
how can you prevent scombroid poisoning? purchase fish from approved, reputable suppliers
what is a TCS food sprouts
what is a biological contaminant? ciguatoxin in a red snapper
Jaundice is a symptom of which foodborne illness Hepatitis A
How long do you wash your hands for? 10-15 seconds
What should a manager do if an employee has a sore throat and a fever? Restrict the foodhandler from working with food
To work with food, a foodhandler with a hang wound must bandage the wound a wear a single-use glove
Which piece of jewelry is a foodhandler allowed to wear? Plain band ring
Foodhandlers should wash their hands before and after handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood
A foodhandler who spends an entire shift forming hamburger patties should change gloves every 4 hours during continual use, and more often as needed
How should the temperature of a shipment of sour cream be taken when it arrives at an operation? remove the lid of a container and put the thermometer stem into the sour cream
For which condition should you reject a shipment of fresh chicken? no USDA or state department of agriculture inspection stamp
Which item is stored correctly in the cooler? Macaroni salad stored above raw salmon
Cut melons should be stored at what internal temperature? 41 F or lower
All ready-to-eat TCS food that will be stored for longer than ____ hours must be labeled 24
What is the purpose of Material Safety Data Sheets? inform staff of safe use and hazards associated with chemicals used in the operation
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for seafood? 145 F or higher for 15 seconds
Leftover chili to be put in hot-holding must be reheated to 165 F for 15 seconds within 2 hours
food must be cooled from 135F to ____ within 2 hours 70 F
Food should NEVER be thawed at room temperature
A stockpot of soup that needs to cool should be placed in an ice-water bath
What type of container should be used to transport TCS food from the place of preparation to the place of service? insulated
How long can refrigerated food that is prepped on-site be stored in a cooler? 7 days
Where should pesticides be stored? in a secure storage area away from food
What is the only certain way to prevent backflow? air gap
a backup of raw sewage has occurred in the kitchen. What should happen next? Close the affected area and clean it
What is coving? curved, sealed edge between a floor and a wall
The 1st step in cleaning and sanitizing items in a 3-comparment sink is rinsing, scraping, or soaking items
what is the definition of sanitizing reducing the pathogens on a surface to safe levels
if a food-contact surface is in constant use, it should be cleaned and sanitized at least every 4 hours
what is the 3rd step in cleaning and sanitizing a prep table? sanitizing
which probe should be used to check the temperature of a pork roast penetration
to prevent cross-contamination clean and sanitize utensils before each use
wheezing and hives are symptoms of food allergies
which organization makes recommendations for food safety regulation of the foodservice industry FDA
for which reason could an inspector close an operation infestation of cockroaches or mice
taking experienced staff away from their tasks is a disadvantage of which training method? on the job training
which training method relies on volunteers acting out a script? role playing