Section 2: The Communist Bloc

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"doctor's plot"
Attempted to get rid of Jewish doctors

Movement led by Khrushchev to reduce the influence of Stalin in the Soviet Union

Nikita Khrushchev
Replaced Stalin in 1955, led the "de- Stalinization" movement. Accused Stalin of creating a "cult of Personality"

Gary Francis Powers
Pilot of a U-2 spy plane that was shot down on May 1, 1960 despite the "Free Skies" proposal in 1955

John F. Kennedy
Elected president in 1961, supported aggressive foreign policy to impress the Soviets.

Aleksei Kosygin
Soviet Satesman, and Premier of the Soveit Union (1964-1980)

Leonid Brezhnev
General secretary of the communist party, rose to power by the 1970's, kept power until 1982, reversed the de-Stalinization efforts

Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Dissident that refused to be quieted. Wrote The Gulag Archipelago,eventually deported to the U.S.

Dr. Andrea Sakharov
Scientist who invented Soviet Hydrogen bomb, denounced arms races and exiled to Gorki

Eleana Bonner
Wife of Sakharov, claimed to be unable to leave country because of emergency heart surgery

Richard Nixon
Met with Brezhnev at Moscow Conference in 1972, meeting led to Signing of SALT I

Josip Broz Tito
Leader of the communist party in Yugoslavia, fought Germans in WWII, wanted to develop own policies, not use Stalin's

Wladyslaw Gomulka
Became leader of Poland after 1956 workers revolt. Anti-Soviet communist, freed political prisoners, reopened relations with catholic church

Imre Nagy
elected Prime Minister of Hungary twice, announced Hungary's neutrality and withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact in 1956

Janos Kadar
Replaced Nagy after Soviets invaded Hungary

Antonin Novotny
Communist leader in Czechoslavakia, was extremely rigid, De-Satlinization did not being unti the 1960s

Aexander Dubcek
Liberal communist leader that replaced Novotny in 1968

"Cult of Personality"
Boasting his own image at the expensive of the party

Peaceful Coexsistence
Competing with the United States, but avoiding war and confict

Sputnik I
First spaceship launched 1957

Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
Long range rockets that were tested by both the US and Soviet Union in the 1950's

Mutual Assured Destruction
Certain destruction of both nations

Spy planes flown during the Cold War

Cuban Missile Crisis
Most Significant event of the cold war, US blockaded Soviet Missile bases in Cuba.

" hot line"
Phone line installed between the Kremlin and the White House in 1963

Someone who openly criticizes poicies of his/her government

The Gulag Archipelago
Written by Sozhenitsyn, an extreme dissident

Nation that Dr. Sakharov was exiled to.

The relaxing of tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Unions in the 1970's

Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement Treaty- Bothe sides agreed to limit number of nucs they had. Did not end the arms race.

Moscow Conference
1972- Nixon met with Brezhnev led to 7 years of Detente and the signing of SALT I

"Brain Drain"
Nickname fore period in 1953 following the escape of 3 million East Germans by way of West Berlin

Brezhnev Doctorine
Document telling the west to stay out of Eastern Europe.

The Berlin Wall
Wall between East and West Berlin constructed in 1961

20th Congress od Soviet Communist Party
Held in Moscow (1956) Khrushchev gave controversial speech about Stalin

"Cold War Thaw"
1950's both sides wanted to reduce tensions

Paris Summit
Four power meeting planned in Paris during May of 1960
October 1964 Khruschev removed from office

Tendency of some communists to place their national interests about that of the Soviet Union

War Saw Pact
name given to the treaty between Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviets

Camp David
Town in Massachusettes where a summit meeting was held in 1959

The Soviet's Vietnam, they invaded and could not win.

Only large European communist state to resis soviet control

East Berlin
Area on the east side of The Berlin Wall

West Berlin
Area on the west side of The Berlin Wall

Industrialized under communist rule, poles resented Soviet ruling

Agricultural nation, experienced harsh communist rule after 1947

Last eastern European country to become communist