Psychology 101

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The three major ideas in the definition of psychology are mind, science, behavior
What are the parent disciplines of psychology? philosophy & physiology
The four goals of psychology are describe, explain, predict, control
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution influenced which early school of psychology? functionalism
What is a major difference between behaviorism and cognitive psychology? behaviorism- directly observable behaviorcognitive- human info. processing
Which type of psychologist would be most interested in how groups influence individuals’ behavior? social psychologist
______ is a relatively new branch of ethics that addresses the dangers and benefits of research investigating the brain. Neuroethics
According to ____ psychology, people have positive values, free will, and a deep inner creativity, which in combination allow us to choose life-fulfilling paths to personal growth. humanistic

The followers of structuralism used what primary method to accomplish their goal?

A psychologist interested in the social behavior of the cheetah investigates such behavior in the cheetah’s natural habitat. This type of research most likely represents naturalistic observation
Pete was interested in whether training students in memory techniques really improved their memory. He randomly assigned students in his class to one of two groups. One group received memory training and the other did not. A week later, Pete tested the students’ memory. This is an example of a(an) experiment

A researcher investigates whether age of groups (adolescents, young adults, middle-aged adults, and senior citizens) affects performance on a test of short-term memory. Because the researcher cannot randomly assign participants into the various age groups, this research is referred to as _____ research.

Correlation provides researchers with a measure of relationships between people, groups, or entities

When researchers combine results from different studies into one large study, the study is called a(an)

meta analysis
A _____ is a tentative idea that might explain a set of observations. hypothesis
Dr. Almay indicated in her study that aggression was measured as the number of times children threw stuffed animals in a 10 minute period. The description of aggression is considered a(an) operational definition
According to your text, what are three examples of descriptive research? naturalistic observation, case studies, theories
Dr. Russell is interested in the effects of caffeine on memory in lab rats. In setting up an experiment, the independent variable is caffeine
To test his hypothesis, Dr. Russell in #20 decides to inject one group of rats with caffeine every day for a week, but to leave the other group alone. At the end of the week, he will measure the rats’ memory for a maze they had previously learned. To avoid a confound, Dr. Russell should probably inject all or some of the rats with caffeine, all or some of the rats with water, or not inject some of the rats at all? not inject some of the rats at all; control group
During an action potential, ____ ions move into the neuron and ____ ions move out. positive; negative
Reuptake refers to the process of reabsorbing excess neurotransmitters back into the vesicles of sending neuron
The nervous system has ____ major parts 2
The central nervous system consists of the brain & spinal cord
The two cerebral hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum

Split-brain patients have undergone surgery in which _____ has been lesioned.

corpus callosum/brain hemispheres
An EEG displays a pattern of recording in which sleep spindles are evident. This finding is indicative of which stage of sleep? Stage 2
Which two stages of sleep are referred to collectively as slow wave sleep? Stage 3 & 4

John has an appointment to have his brain waves monitored while sleeping. After first waking up, it is learned that he had an unusually large percentage of REM sleep. Why might this have occurred?

because he didn't sleep enough the first night or woke up early
How would an evolutionary psychologist explain humans’ need for sleep? Darwin theory- Energy conservation: because body temperature lowers & calorie demand is down
There are a total of ___ stages of sleep 4
If you suddenly move or your body jerks while sleeping, you are most likely in the ____ stage of sleep. hypnogogic
What can sleep deprivation adversely affect? Performance, learning, attention and increased stress
The latent content of a dream refers to: symbolic content & meaning
Which brain structure mediates our circadian rhythms? hypothalamus- supracinasmatic nucleus
Who proposed that dreams are symbolic? Freud
Which sleep disorder is accompanied by snoring? Sleep apnea
If you have repeated difficulty sleeping, you are said to suffer from which sleep disorder? insomnia
The suprachiasmatic nucleus is found in the hypothalamus
According to the activation-synthesis hypothesis, dreams arise from random bursts of nerve cell activity
Sleeping pills are in a class of medications referred to as ______ Barbiturates
As you sit down to work at the computer you hear the buzzing of the hard drive, which is a bit annoying. However, after a short period of time you no longer notice the irritable sound. This illustrates the term Habituation
The term “elicit” is most associated with Classical conditioning
____ is the researcher credited as being the discoverer of classical conditioning Pavlov
If you were to use pepper to elicit sneezing in your conditioning study, pepper would be considered a/an US
The finding that we form associations between certain combinations of CSs and USs more quickly than other combinations is evidence for Avoidance learning
Each time your dog raises its paw you give it a treat. In terms of operant conditioning terminology, the treat technically serves as a CS - reinforcement
____ refers to learning but not immediately displaying the learned behavior Latent learning
Suddenly knowing an answer to a question that you could not correctly answer at an earlier time is representative of ____ learning insight
The process by which one learns new behaviors through observing others is known as observation
The Bobo doll was used in classic studies conducted by Albert Bandura

Responses voluntarily produced in operant conditioning are referred to as being

limitless #
If, in order to get people to sneeze as part of your conditioning study, you were to pair the sound of a gong with the inhalation of some pepper, the sound of the gong would be considered a/an ______________ (CS) Conditioned stimulus
Taking an aspirin to get rid of a headache illustrates _____ reinforcement negative
____ is also known as the “gambling reinforcement schedule.” Variable Ratio Reinforcement
Tolman and Honzik’s rats developed ____ to be able to use later when they were motivated to find their way around the maze learning
Jeremy just could not understand how to “do” geometry proofs. One day, after months of trying, Jeremy was walking down the street when suddenly it all became clear-he had found the key for doing proofs! Jeremy’s experience is an example of insight
Learning that is not dependent of reinforcement, occurs in a social context, and involves voluntary behaviors is called ____ learning observational
The fact that you prefer redheads because your last love interest was a redhead best illustrates stimulus generalization
Does food or money serve as a primary reinforcer for most people? food, water, relief from pain
Does money serve as a primary or secondary reinforcer for most people? secondary; attention, praise, money, a good grade, promotion
According to psychologists, sensory memory holds a ____ amount of perceptual input for a ____ amount of time. large; brief
“Knowing where you parked your car” is/is not an example of semantic memory not
“Knowing the chemical formula for salt” is/is not an example of semantic memory is
Conditioned responses and habits are examples of ____ memory implicit
Memory research indicates that the memory system which has the largest capacity is Long Term Memory (LTM)
According to psychologists, episodic memories include memories of The road to semantic (Memories of what you learned)
Do primacy effects occur for material that is at the beginning or the end of a list? Beginning
Suppose you have very vivid memories of your 16th birthday party, when all of your friends got together and threw you a surprise party. Even though a number of years have passed, you can still recall every detail of the party, right down to what everyone was wearing. Psychologists refer to vivid memories of this type as flashbulb memory
You have a big psychology test next week that requires you to learn a long list of important terms. Based on what memory research has shown regarding distributed versus massed practice, what should you do? Distribute
Martha remembers the day she was born very vividly, down to the things that people were saying. This is most likely a _____ memory false
When previously established memories interfere with the creation of new memories, _____ interference has occurred proactive
What effect does hypnosis have on memory? Confidence in remembering-you can implant beliefs, leading the hypnotical person to believe that suggested happened
Jenny listens attentively in her psychology class and translates the information into new memories. This illustrates encoding
The capacity of short-term memory can be enhanced by chunk-organized unit of information
Jeremy is trying to remember the names of the cranial nerves for his anatomy exam. He read the names through several times, and then tested himself on how well he could recall them. According to the memory curve, you would predict that Jeremy will show the worst memory for the names of the nerves in which part of the list? first and few last
The visuospatial sketchpad, the articulatory loop, and the central executive are all parts of working memory
In the research of Elizabeth Loftus (1993) and others, what percentage of participants reported an event that did not occur? All
Your text authors discuss the case of “S” who had extraordinary memory skills. How did his memory affect his life? Had a hard time learning things a new way, trouble understanding
According to the effect called state-dependent retrieval, if you decide to study while drinking, how should you take the test? drinking
The basic building blocks of speech sounds that combine into meaningful speech are called: phonology
The sentence, “The watchful the barked mean at man dog,” would be difficult for an English speaker to understand because the sentence violates the rules of: syntax
The phase, “I go,” has ___ morphemes one
Semantics refers to: meaning
True language must have: Production, comprehension, phonology, phoneme
When you get stuck solving a problem, it could be because you are stuck on one interpretation or use of an object. This is called: functional fixedness
If you want to solve a problem and get the same answer each time, you will need to use a/an: algorithm
Unlike using an algorithm, analogical thinking requires: finding points of correspondence w/ previously solved problems & their solutions
_____ refers to the internal structure of the sentence Syntax
The words “seem” and “seam” differ in semantics
One way to solve a problem is to take a short-cut and look at only a few ways to solve it. This is called heuristic
How many morpheme(s) are in “reread?” 2
What does it mean to say that language production is generative? we can arrange words in countless new combinations to produce more sentences
Binet and Simon’s specific aim for developing an intelligence test was finding a way to identify kids who struggled in school
Gardner based his theory of intelligence on multiple intelligences controlled by diff. brain areas
Sternberg’s theory of intelligence added two concepts to the idea that intelligence is based on analytic knowledge like you learn in school. Those two new types are practical intelligence & creative intelligence
Similar to genetic and environmental causes for differences in intelligence, if you plant identical seed in two types of soil, the differences between the plants in the two areas will most likely be due to environmental factors
Mental retardation/intellectual disability can be defined as having an IQ score that is____or less 70
Gifted girls, relative to non-gifted girls, may have higher levels of which hormone? testosterone
Are prodigies gifted in all areas or usually gifted in a specific area? usually in a specific area
Is the mean of IQ in the population always 100? Yes; adjusted
Is IQ correlated with achievement in the real world? Yes, not job performance
Has there been little modern interest in the idea of emotional intelligence? No
According to your textbook, who created the first intelligence test? Binet & Simon
William Stern’s formula for IQ was (MA/CA) X 100. MA is Mental Age
As you become an expert in an area, what type of intelligence is developing? crystalized
Gardner’s theory is very appealing. Is there currently a way to measure all the separate intelligences, making it possible to rigorously test the theory? No
Most researchers would agree that intelligence is about ____% genetic and ____%environmental. 50; 50
Using what you have learned about intelligence from your book, how should you choose a good study partner? By asking what grade they made on the previous test (assuming they tell the truth)
A psychological state that includes subjective experience, bodily arousal, overt behavior and specific mental processes is called emotion
_____ theory argues that an emotion arises when you interpret a situation, not when you notice your bodily arousal Cognitive
Your text suggests that effective coping strategies are promoted by positive psychology
According to your text, the internal imbalance that causes us to strive to achieve a particular goal that will reduce that imbalance is called need
Which theory suggests that emotions arise simply because of our internal recognition of different body states? James - lunge
A(an) _____ is an inherited tendency to produce organized and unalterable responses to particular stimuli. instinct
Sarah has a compact car but really wishes she had an SUV. Does Sarah’s desire for an SUV fit the description of a want or a need? want
According to your text, being happy is one focus of what is called _____ psychology. positive
According to _____ , if you force yourself to smile, you might actually feel a little happier facial feedback hypothesis
Is stiff body posture combined with direct eye contact often a sign of deception? Yes
The condition that arises from a lack of a requirement is called a need
Is disgust considered a basic emotion? Yes
Your text identifies how many basic emotions that appear to be innate and shared by all humans? 6
______ is one of the best understood emotions. Fear
Which lie-detector technique uses neutral questions along with questions related directly to the crime in question? Relevant/Irrelevant technique
According to Yerkes-Dodson law, we prefer a/an _____level of arousal intermediate
Greg has a teacher who is constantly criticizing his work. No matter how hard he tries or what he does, he seems to stay on his teacher’s “bad side.” Finally Greg just gave up trying to please that teacher. He said it was hopeless anyway, so why bother. Greg’s attitude represents learned helplessness
According to Freud, your normal awareness is called your ego
Which theorist is most closely associated with the inferiority complex? Alfred Adler
Britt seems to have a sense that she can accomplish whatever she really sets her mind to. According to Bandura, Britt has self-efficiency
Compared to first and later borns, are middle children more responsible, temperamental, agreeable, or rebellious? rebellious
Grayson was asked for his social security number when he applied for a job. Freud would say that Grayson retrieved the information from his preconscious
Kayla ordered an ice cream sundae and a diet soda. She said that the ice cream treat was not was big of a deal since she was having a diet drink instead of a regular one. Which of Freud’s defense mechanisms is Kayla falling back on? rationalization
Which test generally is used to measure psychopathology? MMPI-2
According to Freud, the______ is the seat of morality. superego
Which theorist is most closely associated with the archetype? Carl Jung
A relatively consistent characteristic exhibited in different situations is called personality trait
Eysenck’s personality superfactors are extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism
The “inkblot” test refers to the Rorschach Test
Compared to first and middle-born children, later-born children are more rebellious, assertive, dominant, or adventurous? adventurous
In Freud’s view, are more of your thoughts and feelings in your unconscious or your conscious mind? unconscious
Tess was angry with her boyfriend, so she went to the gym and worked out for an extra hour. This is an example of the defense mechanism, sublimination
Accepting another person without any conditions is what Carl Rogers called unconditional positive regard
Among the “Big Five” sociability is another term for extraversion
Freud believed that personality development progressed through and depended upon stages based on erogenous zones. These were called psycho sexual
The highest emotional and intellectual potential recognized by Maslow is called self-actualization
Gary was shown detailed black and white drawings and asked to explain various elements of them. He was most likely taking the projective test called the Thematic Apperception Test
Ninth graders who believe that drinking will make them more popular are more likely to drink at an earlier age. This demonstrates the sociocognitive concept of expectancies
Compared to middle and later-borns, are first born children more sociable, adventurous, self-conscious, or responsible? responsible
According to your text, over time, more college students are reporting an ____ locus of control. external
What is a teratogen? external agent that is harmful to a zygote, embryo, or fetus
Give an example of a teratogen: virus
Differences in temperament are apparent as early as hours after birth
What is the correct order of “embryo, fetus, and zygote” in prenatal development? zygote, embryo, fetus
Sunnel is a young pregnant mother who experiences high levels of stress due to her job. What is a possible result to her baby of her high level of stress? suppressed brain growth
Are babies a blank slate just waiting to learn from their environment? No
In the _____experiment, 6-month old infants did not want to crawl over the “deep end.” This experiment provided evidence that infants can perceive depth before they are able to speak. visual cliff
Which theorist is responsible for the stages of cognitive development? Jean Piaget
John’s mother has just baked a fresh apple pie for his birthday. She asks him how many pieces he would like the pie cut into – 8 or 12. John replies, “I am very hungry. Cut it into 12 pieces.” John’s answer reflects which major development of the preoperational period? conservation
Dr. Rhea Peeted wants to track the development of children over time. She proposes to interview the children at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 years of age. This is an example of a _____ study longitudinal study
Who developed the eight psychosocial stages of development? Erik Erikson
Which theorist proposed that the first stage of cognitive development is preconventional? Kohlberg
According to Piaget, when does a child begin fantasy play? Preoperational
Whose theory emphasizes the role of culture in the development of children’s cognitive abilities? Vugotsky's Sociocultural Theory
According to the general adaptation syndrome, the period in which the body adapts to the stressor is known as the resistance
The emotional predicament experienced when making difficult choices is internal conflict
According to the research, what determines whether an event will be a stressor? perceived control
Stage two of Selye’s three-stage stress response is called resistance
When you cannot decide between the double-chocolate cake and the strawberry mousse pie, because you like them both, you are experiencing an approach-approach conflict
Stress impacts the immune system
Studies that investigate the relationship between stress and the immune system typically measure_____ as an index of immune system activity. white blood cells aka nk cells
What style of coping strategies alters either the environment itself or the way in which the person and the environment interact? problem-focused coping
When someone is using a coping style that focuses on changing his or her emotional response to the stressor, he or she is using ____ coping emotion-focused
Problem-focused coping tends to be used by people who score high on the personality factor of conscientious
What is the first phase of the stress response? alarm
Perceived lack of control can lead to learned helplessness
We are less likely to be stressed about uncontrollable situations if the situations are at least predictable
In what way(s) can stress affect the growth of cancerous tumor cells? it suppresses the nervous system
______ _______defined as intentionally damaging relationships or injuring others psychologically in ways such as gossiping Relational aggression
What are the three parts of the definition of a psychological disorder? distress, impairment, risk of harm
Mental images so vivid that they seem real, but are not real, are called hallucinations
The most common psychological disorder is MDD - major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are examples of mood disorders
Another name for a period of at least one week during which an abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood persists is a manic episode; seen in bipolar disorder
A person who suffers from attacks of intense fear or discomfort, accompanied by heightened sympathetic nervous system activity, would be diagnosed with panic disorder
The primary difference between generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders is that generalized anxiety disorder is not related to specific stimuli
In what way(s) are people with bulimia always different from people with anorexia weight - anorexia people are underweight - bulimia maintain same weight & may be over weight
____ is a personality disorder characterized by a longstanding pattern of disregard for other people to the point of violating their rights anti-social personality disorder
The diathesis-stress model proposes that mental illnesses arise from a combination of genetics, environmental, and stress issues
For the past 2 weeks, Regina has felt very fatigued. She has slept almost all of the time and lost a considerable amount of weight. Not even her favorite activities, such as horseback riding, can rouse her interest. What disorder does Regina probably have? MDD
Frank has been asked to present his company’s proposal to a funding board in a few days. However, Frank was terrified to speak in public, and consequently quit his job to avoid what he perceived would be a great embarrassment. Most likely, Frank would be diagnosed with social phobia
Daniel has schizophrenia and remains flat in his emotional responses. In general, he fails to respond emotionally and exhibits minimal body language. He is displaying catatonic schizophrenia
The most studied personality disorder is antisocial personality disorder
The original insight-oriented therapy directly connected to Freud’s theory of personality is psychoanalyst
According to Freud, when patients come to relate to their therapist as they did someone who was important in their lives, ____ is said to have taken place transference
Carl Rogers developed ____ therapy. client-centered
Incongruence is a mismatch between your ____ self and your ____self. real; ideal
The therapist must empathize with the client and provide_____in client-centered therapy unconditional positive regard
Eleani, a therapist, conveys positive feelings towards her client even though he is discussing the desire to hit his spouse. This aspect of client-centered therapy is known as empathy
The clients most likely to benefit from insight therapies are healthy & articulate patients
_______is a type of therapy that aims to change problematic behaviors and irrational thoughts and provide new, more adaptive behaviors and beliefs to replace old, maladaptive ones Cognitive-behavior theory
Behavior modification is based on ____ conditioning principles operate
Albert Ellis developed a treatment called REBT
____is a behavior therapy technique that teaches people to be relaxed in the presence of a feared object or situation Systemic desensitization
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used to treat depression
The use of an electric current to induce a controlled brain seizure in people with certain psychological disorders is known as electroconvulsive therapy - ECT
A negative side effect of ECT is memory loss
What type of treatment is most effective for panic disorder? CBT - Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Treatment with medication can help people with schizophrenia by reducing psychotic symptoms
What type of therapist would most likely say, “Tell me about your dreams.” psycho-dynamic therapist
_____is a type of therapy that is based on well-researched learning principles that focus on changing observable, measurable behaviors. Behavior therapy
_____is a type of therapy that focuses on a client’s thoughts rather than his or her feelings or behavior. Cognitive therapy
What is the primary focus of rational-emotive behavior therapy? to help clients engage in rational, logical thinking- to avoid irrational thoughts that can lead to psychological problems
What type of treatment was the first antidepressant discovered and requires users to adhere to a diet free of tyramine? MAOI
When an attitude and a behavior, or two attitudes, are inconsistent with one another, the resulting feeling is called cognitive dissonance
Has conformity tended to increase or decrease since Asch’s original research (1951, 1 955)? decrease
The rules that implicity or explicity govern members of a group are called norm
In the Milgram studies, psychiatrists predicted ____% would go to the maximum shock level. Actual results: _____% of teachers went to the maximum levels 2; 65
A limitation of the Robber’s cave experiment is that the study only used _____, and ____ as participants boys; 11 years old
In Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment, what appeared to transform the participants’ perceptions and behavior? situation & circumstances
How long was the Stanford Prison Experiment supposed to last? How long did it actually last? 2 weeks; 6 days
The Kitty Genovese story and the Darley and Latene (1968) study exemplify the____Effect bystander