Psych - Modules 13-16

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Developmental psychologists study physical, cognitive, and ________ changes throughout the human life span.


Theories of human development have been most susceptible to criticism for overemphasizing

discrete age-linked stages.

During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n)

zygote and finally develops into a fetus.

A preference for our mother's voice over our father's voice has been detected as early as

the day after birth.

Alcohol may cause fetal damage by leaving chemical marks on DNA that switch genes abnormally on or off. This best illustrates

an epigenetic effect.

Infant visual preferences have been discovered by assessing infants'


Maturation refers to

biological growth processes that are relatively uninfluenced by experience.

The concept of maturation is most relevant to understanding the absence of

bladder control among 2-year-olds.

Three-year-olds who experienced a fire evacuation caused by a burning popcorn maker were unable to remember the cause of this vivid event when they were 10-year-olds. This best illustrates

infantile amnesia.

The first time that 4-year-old Sarah saw her older brother play a flute, she thought it was simply a large whistle. Sarah's initial understanding of the flute best illustrates the process of


Object permanence is the understanding that

things continue to exist even when they are not perceived.

The egocentrism of preschoolers was most strongly emphasized by

Piaget's cognitive development theory.

According to Piaget, imagining an action and mentally reversing it would be an example of a

mental operation.

Preschoolers' acquisition of a theory of mind suggests that Piaget overestimated young children's


Children for whom amniotic fluid analysis indicated high prenatal testosterone develop more

autistic traits.

According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the ________ stage.

concrete operational

A critical period is a phase during which

exposure to certain experiences is needed for proper development.

Instead of happily exploring the attractive toys located in the pediatrician's waiting room, little Sandra tenaciously clings to her mother's skirt. Sandra most clearly shows signs of

insecure attachment.

Evidence that easy, relaxed infants develop secure attachments more readily than difficult, emotionally intense babies would illustrate the importance of


In considering day-care opportunities for their four children, Mr. and Mrs.

secure attachment in their 6-month-old daughter, Julia.

Parents who are demanding and yet sensitively responsive to their children are said to be


An awareness of your distinctive status as an international student in a university far from your homeland best illustrates a sense of

social identity.

Persistent exclusion from peer social relationships is most likely to increase teens' risk for


A cross-sectional study is one in which

different age groups are tested at the same time.

According to Erikson, adolescence is to identity as late adulthood is to
