Prefixes, Base Words, Roots, And Suffixes

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con- example: conform prefix: "with, together"
in- example: inspect prefix: "not, without" or "into"
scrib, script example: inscription root: "write"
duc, duct example: conductor root: "take, lead"
-or examples: investor, humor suffix: "person who" or "condition or activity" (noun ending)
-ed example: jumped suffix: past tense verb ending (verb or adjective ending)
-ing example: popping suffix: present participle verb ending (verb, noun, or adjective ending)
-er example: rapper suffix: "someone who, something that" (noun ending)
-dom example: freedom suffix: "state of being" (noun ending)
-ful example: prideful suffix: "full of" (adjective ending)
re- example: replay prefix: "back, again"
pre- example: preheat prefix: "before"
trans- example: transmit prefix: "across"
de- example: deform prefix: "away from"
tract example: tractor root: "pull"
-en example: wooden suffix: "made of" (verb or adjective ending)
form example: reform root: "shape"
-ist example: vocalist suffix: "someone who" (noun ending)
-less example: sleepless suffix: "without" (adjective ending)
-ment example: statement suffix: "state of" (noun ending)
mis- example: misprint prefix: "wrong"
port example: portable root: "carry"