Can You Answer These Science Of Glaciers Flashcards

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Which of the followiing landscapes were not carved by glaciers? the Grand Canyon
A glacier forms when snow accumulates to form ice and the ice mass begins to flow under its own weight.
The water table is found at the top of the zone of saturation
Caves and caverns are formed in carbonate rock by reaction of carbonic acid released into the groundwater
The flow of a glacier begins after it has reached a critical mass.
Water able to be contained in the subsurface depends on porosity
The flow of ground is dependent on hydraulic conductivity and pressure
Which has the longest residence time polar ice caps and glaciers
The most important agent of erosion is water
The depositionaal landform at the farthest advance of a glacier is called a terminal moraine
As a large reservoir behind a new dam fills with water, what happens to the water table in the vicinity of the reservoir the water table rises
V-shaped valleys are common in mountainous regions
Through which of the following is the infiltration of water greatest? sandy soil
When a perched water table intersects the surface on a hillside, the result is a spring
In a delta environment the first grains to settle are coarse-grained sediment
The discharge of a stream is directly related to the cross-sectional area of a channel and the average stream velocity
Evaporation and precipitation are greatest over the oceans
Movement of water erodes stream channels. The main source of erosion comes from physical abrasion of water and rock particles
As water flows around a river meander, erosion occurs on the outside of the meander
In a delta environment we find that fine-grained sediments settle far away from the mouth of the stream channel
Water precipitation over land completes its cycle as it all of these
Of the three agents of erosion-water, wind, and ice- the one with the ability to move only the smallest particles is wind
Evaportation and pprecipitatioin are in balance over the oceans
Glaciers lose mass by melting and calving
In a meandering stream, dposition of sediment occurs on the inner side of a meander
Glacial debris is generally a mishmash of shapes and sizes
Stalactites from from water rich in calciium dripping from a cave ceiling and from a cave ceiling downward
Which of the following is a necessary condition for an ice mass to be a glacier the ice mass must move under its own weight
The principal cause of erosion and transportation of sediment in a desert environment is water
The most powerful agent of erosion is glacial action
Common galcial landforms created of drift include moraines and drumlins
What determines the maximum sediment load of a stream stream discharge
The necessary condition to produce an artesian system is a confined aquifer under sufficient pressure
Deltas form as streams enter a standing body of water
In a well in an unconfined aquifer,what is the highest level water can rise to if there is no pump? to the level of the water table
Stream velocity is dependant on gradient, channel geometry,and discharge
Point bars typically form on the inside of a curved stream channel
The flow of groundwater depends on hydraulic gradient and hydraulic conductivity
Stream velocity is faster in a stream with a very steep gradient
On a floodplain, stream flow is generally meandering
Glaciers will retreat when the amount of accumulation is less than the amount of ablation each year
The formations of rock hanging from the roofs of caves are called stalactites
As sediment travels in a downstream river, it changes by getting finer
Where does most rainfall on Earth finally end up before becoming rain again? in the oceans
The transport of large particle sizes is greatest when steam speed is very fast
Stalactites form from water rich in calcium dripping from a cave ceiling and from a cave ceiling downward
Most of the Earth's fresh water is located in polar ice caps and glaciers
The most common drainage network is the dentritic drainage pattern
Headward erosion of a group of cirques around a mountain may produce a horn
Which of the following is not involved in cave formation in limestone? land subsidence
The capacity a material has for transmitting fluids is known as its permeability
Landforms created by glacial erosion include hanging valleys, cirques, and roches moutonnees.
A moraine is a glacier deposit
Land subsidence is generally not reversible because the compacted clay layers cannot be expanded
Water in the unsaturated zone is called soil-moisture
When subsurface ground material is completely saturated with water, we call it groundwater and the saturated zone
As water is withdrawn from a well, the water table around the well drops, creating a cone of depression
Snow converts to glacial ice when subjected to pressure
The greater the hydraulic gradient the the faster the flow
The typical mountain valley that has been subjected to glaciation is shaped like The letter "U"
Water is vital to life on our planet. Most of the Earth's water supply is in the oceans
The maximum volume of sediment a stream can carry is dependent on the stream's discharge
Streams transport great quantities of sediment. The most effective transport of sediment occurs in turbulent flow
The poorest absorber of water is rocky surfaces with no soil layer
A rock with very low porosity will most often have a low permeability
The headwater flow of a mountain stream is generally characterized as turbulent
On a floodplain, the sediment grains away from the main river channel are fine-grained silts and clays
As streams move downslope, channel dimension generally widens
Blocks of ice buried in a glacial moraine often result in the formation of small glaciel lakes
The region above the zone of saturation is called the zone of aeration
The driving force of our planet's hydrologic cycle comes from solar energy
The necessary condition to produce an artesian system is a confined aquifer under sufficient pressure
Precipitation exceeds evaporation over the continents
The Mississippi River has a huge water and sediment capacity. As such, the river also has a huge delta. With each year and each episode of deposition, the course of the river lengthens and the delta grows
The annual amount of snow lost by a glacier is called ablation
What is the lowest level to which water can erode land? sea level
As water flows around a river meander, erosion occurs on the outside of the meander
In a meandering river, erosion is most notable on on the outer side of the meander
In general, sinkholes are found in areas dominated by limestone
Over withdrawal of groundwater causes ground subsidence in areas underlain by unconsolidated sediments
Within a stream channel, the speed of stream flow is greatest in the middle of the channel at the water's surface