Fill In The Blanks With Correct Basal Metabolic Rate Terms Flashcards

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BMI is a measure of your ___________. Weight compared to your height.
For the average seditary person, the majority of calories needed each day are for __________. BMR.
Factors that reduce BMR include ____________. Fasting.
T or F. Eating certain foods elevates BMR and promotes weight loss. False.
The psychological desire to eat is __________. Appetite.
One pound of body fat is eual to __________. 3,500 calories.
A very low carbohydrate diet will cause _________. Ketosis.
The following is based on wieght/height. Height/Weight charts and BMI.
All of the following are components of fitness except _________. Balance.
Muscles respond to exercise overload by gaining __________. Strength and Size.
Syptoms of dehydration include ________. Fatigue and Thirst.
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluid is __________. Cool water.
Muscle growth is stimulated by __________. Eating glucose periodically.
The health benefits of physical activity include _________. Reduce the risk of diabetes and Build bone strength.
A person trying to gain weight should __________. Eat more often.
T or F. Most athletes need more protein than the DRI recommendation. True.
Excess body fat is associated with an increase fisk of _______. Cancer, Heart Disease, Gullbladder Disease, Complications in Pregnancy.
Bulemia nervosa is more common ___________. Than anorexia and in women than men.
All of the following are health risks associated with excessive body fat except ___________. Low Blood Lipids.
Which of the following statements about basal metabolic rate (BMR) is correct? The more thyroxine produced, the higher BMR.
Percent body fat can be measured by which of the following techniques? Skinfold test, Biolelectrical impedence, and Underwater weighing.
The appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin is made by the _________. Stomach.
Which of the following is not true of popular fat diets? Superior weight loss.
Which of the following is a possible physical consequence of fasting? Loss of lean body tissue.
T or F. The thermic effect of food plays a major role in energy expenditure. False. Negligable effects on energy expenditure.
T or F. The nervous system cannot use fat as fuel. True.
T or F. The BMI standard is an excellent tool for evaluating obesity in athletes and the elderly. False. Bad for athletes and people over 65.
T or F. A diet too low in carbohydrate brings about responses that are similar to fasting. True.
Waist circumfrence looks at degree of _________. Visceral fat.
T or F. Any energy containing food can make you fat if you eat enough of it. True.
The following are associated with a lower BMR. Starvation.
Quick large changes in weight are likely the result of ________. Changes in body fluid content.
The following activities would increase cardiorespatory endurance. Walking, Running, Swimming.
The following activities would increase flexibility. Pilates, Yoga, and Stretching.
The length of time BMR remains elevated after exercise depends on _________. Duration and Intesity of activity.
Muscle growth is stimulated by ____________. Physically demanding activity.
Endurance athletes should replace glycogen when? Before, During, and After activity.
The first nutrient priority for a strength athlete is _________. Adequate fluid.
Someone with atleast one obese parent has __________. 30%-70% chance of becoming obese.
Excess body fat is associated with an increase risk of _________. Some cancer and Gullbladder disease.
All of the following are involved in satietion except __________. The heart.
BMI is not suitable for use with _________. Athletes and Pregnant women.
Central to the diagnosis of anorexia is _______. Distorted body image.
Early in activity _________ provides the majority of energy for the muscles. Muscle glycogen.
Endurance athletes can delay fatigue during their activity by ________. Taking in carbs before activity, and drinking sport drinks during activity.
Anerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called _________. Lactate.
Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who _______. Need to replenish electrolytes.
Carbonated beverages aren't a good choice of fluid during activity because they ________. Make a person feel full, and limit fluid intake.
The following would not be appropriate for a pregame meal: Raisin Bran and Milk.
An athlete weighed 150 lbs prior to event, and 148 after. How much fluid is recommended? 4 cups, 2 cups per pound,
Characteristics of bulimia nervosa include all of the following except: the victim is unaware that her behavior is abnormal.
You have chosen to treat yourself to one weekly mocha latte coffee, which has 215 calories. This could add how much to your body weight in a year's time? 3 lbs.
Eating certain foods can elevate the basal metabolic rate, and thus promote weight loss. False.
Fad diets are successful in the short term because they: Induce a calorie defecit,
The hormone produced by adipose tissue in response to body fat production that helps to control obesity is ________. Leptin.
Society plays a role in eating disorders because they are known only in developed nations and they become more prevalent as wealth increases and food becomes plentiful. True.
One "outside the body" factor that contributes to obesity is: the "built environment," which can discourage physical activity.
Quick, large changes in weight are most likely the result of all of the following except: changes in fat.
One pound of body fat is equal to _____ calories. 3,500.
Which of the following is not a true statement? Carbohydrate from food is especially easy for the body to store as fat.
Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called _____ that accumulates in the tissues and blood. Lactate.
What is the intensity level of a physical activity that causes some increase in breathing, is a perceived exertion of 5 or 6, and allows you to have a conversation while doing the activity? Moderate.
Which of the following factors does not influence how much glucose a person uses during physical activity? age of the person exercising
A benefit of cardiorespiratory endurance training is that: the heart muscle grows larger and stronger.
Carbonated beverages are not a good choice for meeting an athlete's fluid needs because they: make a person feel full quickly and may limit fluid intake.
Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who: need to replenish electrolytes.
Glycogen depletion occurs after about _____ hour(s) of vigorous activity. 2.
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluids is Cool water.
To emphasize muscle endurance in weight training, you would combine less resistance (lighter weights) with more repetitions. True.
All of the following are risks from being underweight except: thin people develop heart disease more often.
Waist circumference indicates visceral fatness, and above a certain girth, disease risks rise. True.
Body mass index is a suitable measurement for use with: Adults.
Which of the following is based on weight and height and used to assess weight status? BMI
A body mass index of 25.0 to 29.9 in an adult indicates: Overweight.
Taller people need proportionately more energy than shorter people to balance their energy budgets. True.
Excess fat around the _____ represents a greater risk to health than excess fat elsewhere on the body. central abdominal area
The physiological desire to eat is referred to as: Hunger.
All of the following factors are associated with a higher basal metabolic rate except: Starvation.
The psychological desire to eat is referred to as: Appetite.
Which of the following provides most of the energy the muscles use in the early minutes of activity? Glycogen.
Which diet has been shown to increase an athlete's endurance? high carb diet.
Which is required as part of myoglobin, a muscle protein that is essential to performance? iron.
All of the following statements concerning beer are correct except: beer gets most of its calories from carbs.
A person who exercises moderately longer than 20 minutes begins to: use less glucose and more fat for fuel.
Weight training to improve muscle strength and endurance has no effect on maintaining bone mass. False. Maximize and maintain bone mass.
The average resting pulse for adults is around 70 beats per minute, but the resting rate is higher in people who regularly engage in physical activity. False. Lower for people who regularly engage in physical activity.
An athlete should drink extra fluids in the last few days of training before an event in order to ensure proper hydration. True.
Research does not support the idea that athletes need supplements of vitamins to enhance their performance. True.
Aerobically trained muscles burn fat more readily than untrained muscles. True.