Neo-analytical/ego Final Exam

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Neo-analytic approach The approach to personality psychology that is concerned with tthe individual's sense of self(ego) as the core of personality
Personal unconscious vs collective unconscious
Personal unconscious: According to Jung, the component of the mind that contains thoughts and feelings that are not currently a part of conscious awareness
collective unconscious: According to Jung, the component of the mind that contains a deeper level of unconscioiusness made up of archetypes that are common across all people
Jung's four fucntions of the mind
Extroversion vs introversion
extroversion: term used by Jung to describe the directing of the libido, or psychic energy, toward thingsin the external world.
introversion: term used by Jung to describe the directing of the libido, or psycic energy , toward things in the internal world
Individual Psychology
Alfred adler's theory of personality that stresses the unique motivations of individuals and the importance of each person's perceived niche in society
Three fundamental social issues: Occupational tasks Societal tasks Love tasks
inferiority complex According to Adler, an individual's exaggerated feelings of personal incompetence that result from an overwhelming sense of helplessness or some experience that leaves him or her powerless
superiority complex according to Adler, an exagerrated arrogance that an individual develops in order to overcome an inferitority complex
organ inferiority Adler's concept that everyone is born wit some phsycial weakness at whch point incapacity and disease are most likely to take place, but the body attempts to make up for the deficiency in another area.
aggression drive Adler's concept that an individual is driven to lash out against the inablitity to achieve or master soemthing, as a reaction to perceived helplessness.
adler's personality typology 4 functions 2 attitudes 8 types Determined by the person’s dominant function and dominant attitude
Basic anxiety Horney: a child’s fear of being alone, helpless, and insecure
object relations theories the approach to personality that focuses on teh objects of psychic drives and the imprtance of relation with other individuals
symbiotic psychotic vs normal symbiotic
symbiotic psychotic: according to Margaret mahler, the forming of emtional ties that are so strong taht a child is unbale to form a sense of self
Normal symbiotic: the forming of ties between a child and morhter in whcih the child develops empathty and the sense of being a seperate but loving person
mark snyder's concept of self-observation and self-control guided by situational cuesabout the social appropiateness of behavior
self-presentation a term used by mark Synder to describe doing what is socially expected.
Horney's Styles of coping with basic anxiety Passive (complying) Aggressive (fighting) Withdrawn (disengaging)

Horney's different aspects of the self
Real self The inner core of personality Despised self Feelings of inferiority and shortcomings Ideal self One’s view of perfection
neo-analytical/ego analogy Humans are conscious actors and strivers
View of free will Though personality is largely determined by unconscious forces, individuals do have the ability to overcome these