NCCT Test Review For Medical Assistants (Medical Procedures)

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Rapid breathing, the respiratiory rate is usually greater than 24 respirations per minute is called? tachypnea
To measure a blood pressure you need? stethoscope and sphygmomanometer
When measuring blood pressure, all of the following are correct. The cuff should be applied to the bare upper arm/ room should be quiet so that blood pressure can be hear; and sphygmomanometer needs to clearly be visible.
With vital signs, any abnormal measurement must be immediately reported to the? doctor
A rubber or plastic tube used to drain or inject fluid through a body opening is called? catheter
The process of inserting a catheter is called? catheterization
Which test measures both sugar and acetone in the urine? keto-diastix
The alternating contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles is called? peristalsis
A method of aseptic technique is called? disinfection, sterilization, and sanitation
When the patient lies supine with knees sharply flexed and separated, is is called? dorsal recumbent position
The position of a patient for a gynecological examination is? lithotomy
Whe the patient kneels, and places his/her head and chest on the table, with buttocks elevated, it is called? knee-chest position
An otoscope is used for examination of the? ears
An insturment used to examine the eyes is called the? ophthalmoscope
An instrument used to test reflexes is called the? percussion hamer
Listening to sounds of the body by using a stethoscope is called? auscultation
When the physician feels with fingers or hands to determine the physcial characteristics of tissues or organs is called? palpation
Tapping the patient with fingers and listening to the sounds produced is called? percussion
Why are buttock muscles as infection sites on children under age two contraindicated? too close to the sciatic nerve
What is used to administer an ultrasound treatment? coupling agent at room temperature
_____________ has the fastest pulse rate. An infant
An x-ray examination of the gall bladder following oral administration of a contrast medium is called? cholecystography
Synthetic casts are often preferred over plaster casts because they? dry and set faster
When giving an injection to determine if the needle is in a blood vessel, you would? aspirate
Which of the following is used to administer an intradermal injection? tuberculin syringe
The angle of the needle for intradermal injection should be? 10 to 15 degrees
At which angle of injection would an intramuscular injection be given? 90 degrees
Apical pulse is the method of choice for determining the heart rate for? infants and young children
Amniocentesis allows physicians to? perform genetic tests before birth
What does it mean when you see diagonal lines on the autoclave tape of a wrapped article? the article has been autoclaved
An instrument used to open or distend a body orifice is called? a speculum
An instrument used to grasp a curved needle for suturing is called a? needle holder
What instrument is used to clamp off blood vessels? A hemostat
The most common type of burn is the? first degree burn
A wound in which the outer layers of the skin are scraped off is called? abrasion
On a visual acuity reading of 20/50, what does the 20 represent? The distance between the patient and the test chart
A clean smooth cut caused by a sharp cutting instrument is called? an incision
An injection where the skin is pulled laterally 1 1/2 inches away from the injection site, is called? Z track
Equipment used to convert cardiac arrhymia's into regular sinus rhythm is called? a defibrillator
Why is a circular motion used when cleansing an area for an injection? it carries contaminants away from the injection site
The gluteus medius is most commonly used for? intramuscular injections
The sharpened end of the needle is called? the point
The part of the syringe that holds the medication and has markings on its surface is called? the barrel