Music Appreciation Midterm

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What 2 institutions vied for political control during the Middle Ages? The Church and the Court
What began in the monasteries of Western European around the year 1000 C.E.? musical notation, with note-heads placed on lines and spaces
The music heard at all medieval churches was what we today call Gregorian Chant, named in the honor of __________? Pope Gregory the Great
Gregorian Chant All of the above (is sung a cappella, has neither meter nor regular rhythms, is considered monophonic)
Given to the church as a tithe while still a child, this composer of Gregorian Chant later founded a convent and gave advice to popes as well as kings Hildegard of Bingen
The period from 1150-1350 is often called the "Age of the Cathedrals" because: much of the commercial wealth generated in the cities was used to construct splendid new cathedrals.
What is the term for the early polyphony of the Western Church organum
All early polyphony written in rhythmic notation was composed in: triple meter to honor the Holy Trinity
The foremost composer of fourteenth-century France was: Guillaume de Machaut
The French secular songs of the Middle Ages created by the troubadours or trobairitz were usually about? Love
During the Middle Ages, and later during the Renaissance, women: were not allowed to sing in the church
In the late Middle Ages, the principal musical instrument of the monastery and Cathedral was the: pipe organ
What instrument, because it could play a melody while also providing a basic chordal accomplishment, served the function of our modern guitar in medieval society? vielle
Which musician is not considered a medieval composer? Palestrina
Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the Renaissance? Religious music was more important than secular music
What does "humanism" mean? The belief that people have the capacity to shape their world. and create good and beautiful things; emphasizes self-esteem and human worth.
Which of the following statements is NOT true of the composer Josequin Desprez? he wrote 70 Gregorian Chants
This temperamental and egotistical composer, who was described as the musical equivalent Josequin Desrez
The term "a cappella" means: to sing without instrumental accompaniment
The process by which one or more musical vioces, or parts, enter and duplicate exactly for a period of time the music presented by the previous voice is known as: imitation
Which of the following was NOT a response by the Roman Catholic Church to the Protestant Reformation? talking in church was not allowed
Most polyphonic church choirs in the Renaissance were exclusively male, the soprano part being preformed by___? all of the above (choir boys, adult men singing in falsetto, and castrati)
A single castrato could produce as much volume as: Two men singing in falsetto or 3-4 boys
Giovanni Palestrina was called the "savior of church music" for.. his role in maintaining a place for composed polyphony within the Catholic church
Whose music was so widely admired that later composers, including Bach and Mozart, incorporated elements of is style into some of their sacred works? Palestrina
Popular musicians in the Middle Ages preformed without benefit of musical notation because most people were illiterate, and unable to read music... and manuscripts were very expensive.
In 1460, what invention revolutionized the world of information no less than did the computer in the 20th century? the printing press
Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning madrigals? it was written to be sung by 1 solo voice
When music artfully depicts, or even mimics, the text, the result is called: word painting
Which of the following was a composer of madrigals? Thomas Weelkes