Medical Terminology- Chapter 7 - Respiratory System

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granuloma nodular, inflammatory lesion
naris nostril
septum wall dividing two cavities
status asthmaticus severe prolonged asthma attach that does not respond to repeated doses of bronchodialators
surfactant fatty substance that decreases surface tension on alveoli
sept/o septum
pharyng/o pharynx
pneum/o orpneumon/o air, lung
pulmon/o lung
anthrac/o coal, coal dust
atel/o incomplete
coni/o dust
lob/o lobe
orth/o straight
pector/o orsteth/o orthorac/o chest
phren/o diaphram; mind
spir/o breathe
-capnia carbon dioxide
-osmia smell
-phonia voice
breathing -pnea
spitting -ptysis
chest -thorax
acidosis acidic conditions; due to retention of CO2
anosmia absence of or decrease int he sense of smell
apnea temporary loss of breathing
asphyxia condition caused by insufficient intake of oxygen
atelectasis collapsed or airless state of the lung
Cheyne-Stokes respiration repeated breathing pattern characterized by fluctutation in the depth of repsiration, first deeply; then shallow; then not at all.
compliance ease with which lung tissue can be stretched
coryza head cold; URI
deviated nasal septum displacement of cartilage dividing the nostrils
epistaxis nosebleed
finger clubbing enlargement of the terminla phalanges of the fingers and toes; commonly associated with pulmonary disease
hypoxemia deficiency of oxygen in the blood; also called anoxemia
hypoxia absence or deficieency of oxygen ont he tissues; ;also called anoxia
pleurisy inflammation of the pleural membrane characterized by a stabbing pain that is intensified by coughing or deep breathing; also called pleuritis
pneumoconiosis generally occupational disease caused by inhaling dust
pulmonary edema accumulation of extravascular fluid in lung tissues and alveoli caused most commonly by heart failure
pulmonary embolus mass of undissolved matter in pulmonary arteries or its branches
rale abnormal respiratory sound; crackle
rhonchus adventitious breath sound that resembles snoring
stridor high pitched harsh adventitious breath sound caused by spasm
wheeze whistling or sighing sound on auscultation that results from narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory passageway