Medical Terminology- Chapter 4- Body Structure

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cytoplasm gel- like substance that surrounds the nucleus of a cell but is contained within the cell membrane
DNA molecule that holds genetic information and makes an exact copy of itself whenever the cell divides
diagnosis identificiation of a disease
a flexible or rigid instrument to observe the inside of a hollow organ or cavity endoscope
study of the causes of disease etiology
instrument used to view the internal organs of the body fluoroscope
idiopathic pertaining to conditions without clear pathogenesis or disease
metabolism chemical changes that take place in a cell
prediction of the course and end of a disease and estimated chance of recovery prognosis
sign objective evidence or manifestation of an illness
symptom a change in the body
abduction movement away from the median plane
adduction movement toward the median plane
medial midline of the body or structure
lateral pertaining to a side
superior toward the head
inferior away from the head, or toward the tail
near the center or to the point of attachment to the body proximal
further from the center or from the point of attachment to the body distal
anterior near the front of the body
near the back of the body posterior
parietal pertaining to the outer wall of the body
pertaining to the viscera visceral
prone lying on from with palms down
supine lying on the back with palms upward
poli/o gray
acr extremity
eti cause
somat/o body
xer/o dry
adhesion abnormal fibrous band that holds normally separeated tissues togoehter
analyte substance being analyzed or tested
deshiscence bursting open of a wound
febrile feverish
morbid diseased
radionuclides substances that emit radiation spontaneously; called tracers
suppurative producing or associated with generation of pus