Medical Terminology- Chapter 10- Musculoskeletal System

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articulation place of union between two or more bones; joint
arthritis inflammation of a joint
cruciate ligaments ligaments that cross each other forming an X within the notch between the femoral condyles
hematopoiesis production and development of blood cells, normally in the bone marrow
meatus an opening or passage through any part of the body
ankyl/o stiffness; bent, cooked
arthr/o joint
kyph/o hill, mountain
lamin/o lamina
lord/o curve, swayback
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
scoli/o crokked, bent
thorac/o chest
acromi/o acromion (projection of scapula)
brachi/o arm
calcane/o calcaneum (heel)
carp/o carpus (wrist bone)
cephal/o head
cervic/o neck; cervix uteri (neck of uterus)
clavicul/o clavicle
cost/o rib
crani/o cranium (skull)
dactyl/o fingers; toes
fibul/o fibular (smaller bone of lower leg)
ili/o ilium (lateral, flaring portion of hip bone)
ischi/o ischium (lower portion of hip bone)
lumb/o loins, lower back
patell/o patella
pod/o foot
phalang/o phalanges (bones of fingers and toes)
pub/o pelvis bone
radi/o radiation, x-ray, radius
spnodyl/o orvertebr/o vertebrea
leiomy/o smooth muscle (visceral)
muscul/o ormyo muscle
rahabd/o rod- shaped, striated
rhabdomy/o rod shaped muscle
chondr/o cartilage
fasci/o band, fascia
fibr/o fiber, fibrous tissue
synov/o synovial membrane, synovial fluid
ten/o ortend/o ortendin/o tendon
-asthenia weakness, debility
-clasia orclast to break; surgical fracure
-desis binding, fixation
-physis growth
-porosis porous
-scopy visual examiniation
syn- union, together, joined
ankylosis stiffening and immobility of a joint
carpal tunnel syndrome painful condition resulting from compression of the median nervin
claudication lameness, limping
contracture firbrosis of connective tissue in skin, fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint
crepitation dry, grating sound or sensation caused by bone ends rubbing together
exacerbation increase in severity of a disease or of any of its symptoms
ganglion cyst tumor of tendon sheath or joint capsule
hypotonia loss of muscular tone or a diminished resistance to passive stretching
hemarthrosis effusion of blood into a joint cavity
multiple myeloma primary malignant tumor that infiltrates the bone and red bone marrow
osetophyte bony outgrowth that occasionally develops on the vertebra and may exert pressure on the spinal cord
rickets, rachitis form of ostemoalacia in children caused by vitamin D deficiency
sequestrum fragment ofd bone that has become separated from surrounding tissue
spondylolisthesis forward slopping of a verebrae over the one below it
spondylosis degeneration of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae and related tissues
sprain trearing of ligament tissue that may be slight, moderate, or complete
strain to exert physical force in a manner that may result in injury, usually muscular
subluxation partial or incomplete dislocation
talopes any number of foot deformities; club foot