Define The Following Terminologies Of Female Reproductive System Flashcards

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perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium outter, musclular, and inner mucosal lining of the uterine wall.
vagina muscular tube that extends from the cervix to the exterior of the body.
ovaries female gonads, almond shaped glands located in the pelvic cavity.
fallopian tubes open near the ovaries and extend laterally from superior angles of the uterus.
fimbriae fingerlike projections that encircle the open end of each fallopian tube. Wavelike current gide a released ovum into the fallopian tube.
fertilization of the ovum takes place if spermatozoa are present.
cervix central opening into the vagina, allows the passage of sperm and menstrual blood. Dialates during birth.
perineum area between the anus and vaginal orifice
mammary glands milk glands.
menarche, menopause the initial menstrual period, when menstrual period becomes very irregular and then finally stops.
amnion thin membranous bag that surrounds the embryo.
placenta shaped like a pancake, provides an exchange of nutrients.
umbilical cord holds the embryo in the amniotic cavity and includes three blood vessels that transport blood between the embryo and the placenta.
amni/o amnion
cervic/o neck, cervix
vagin/o, vagin/o/myc/osis vagina, abnormal condition of a vaginal fungus.
lact/o milk
gynec/o woman, female
hyster/o uterus, womb
uter/o uterus, womb
mamm/o breast
mast/o mast/o/pexy
men/o menses, menstration
nat/o birth
oophor/o ovary
perine/o perineum
salping/o fallopian tubes
ante- before, in front of
intra-, endo- in, within
multi- many, much
nulli- none
oxy-, oxy/tocia quick, sharp, quick childbirth
primi-, primipara first, first birth
amenorrhea absence of menstration
dysmenorrhea painful menstration
menorrhagia increased amount and duration of menstrual flow.
metrorrhagia bleeding between menstrual cycles.
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) syndrome of nervous tension, irritability, weight gain, edema, headache, mastalgia, dysphoria, and lack of coordination occuring during the last few days of the the menstrual cycle before the onset of menses.
fibrocystic breast disease the presence of single or multiple cysts that are palpable in the breasts.
fibroma (fibroid) of the uterus a benign neoplasm consisting of fibrous, encapsulated connective tissue. Tumor develops in the myometrium.
ovarian cyst a globular sac filled with fluid or semisolid material that develops in or on the ovary.
carcinoma of the breast malignant neoplasm of the breast. Breast cancer.
carcinoma of the cervix a malignant neoplasm of the uterine cervix that can be detected in the early curable stage by the pap test.
endometriosis the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity.
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) infection of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and adjacent pelvic structures.
abruptio placentae premature detachment of a normally situated placenta after the 20th week of gestation.
breech presentation intrauterine position of the fetus in which the buttocks or feet present first vs the head.
eclampsia the gravest form of pregnancy induced hypertension
ectopic pregnancy implantation of the fertilized ovum outside of the uterine cavity.
placenta previa a placenta that is abnormally implanted in the uterus so that it impinges on or covers the internal os (opening) of the uterine cervix.
pre-eclampsia a complication of pregnancy characterized by hypertension, proteinuria, and edema
amniocentesis removal of a small amnt of amniotic fluid for laboratory analysis.
Pap smear (papanicolaou test) microscopic analysis of cells taken from the cervix and vagina to detect the presence of carcinoma.
Dilation and curettage (D&C) dilation of the uterine cervix canal of the uterus and scraping (curettage) of the endometrium of the uterus.
hysterectomy removal of the uterus through the abdominal wall or vagina
lumpectomy surgical excision of a tumor
mastectomy surgical removal of one or both breasts
tubal ligation sterilization procedure that involves blocking both fallopian tubes by cutting or burning them and tying them off.
abortion the termination of pregnancy before the fetus reaches the stage of viablity, may be spontaneous or induced.
cesarean section (c-section) removal of the fetus by abdominal incision into the uterus.
episiotomy surgical procedure in which an incision is made in a woman's perineum to enlarge her vaginal opening for delivery.
AB, ab abortion
D&C (D And C) Dilation and curettage
DC discharge
GYN gynecology
LMP last menstrual period
OCPs oral contraceptive pills
Pap Papanicolaou smear (pap smear)
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PMS premenstrual syndrome
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
TVH total vaginal hysterectomy
CS, C-section cesarean section
DOB date of birth
NB newborn
OB obstetrics
CA cancer