Answer The Following Questions, Terms For Family Therapy Flashcards

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1. Systems oriented clinicians are most interested in: More interested in the process. WHAT is occurring, HOW it occurs, and WHEN it occurs, RATHER THAN SEARCHING FOR WHY IT IS OCCURRING.
2. Dyads and triads refer to: the relationship that is the problem, not the individual itself.
3. From a family systems perspective, the appearance of symptoms in a family member represents the manifestation of: ?? Monad ?? Identified patient ??
4. The "identified patient" is the person in the family who: has the problem. Who initially seeks treatment or for whom treatment is sought.
5. Metarules are: the rules about the rules. Unstated family directives which interpret, enforce, and change rules.
6. Most family rules are: covert and unstated (unspoken rules).
7. A family's metarules refers to: unwritten rules.
8. Homeostatis refers to: Rules that maintain stability and revise change.
9. The elements of a system are delineated by its boundaries and whether or not they are permeable.
10. A schizophrenogeic mother is one who: is domineering, cold, rejecting, possessive, guilt-producing in combination with a passive, detached, and ineffectual father, causes her male offspring to feel confused and inadequate and ultimately to become schizophrenic.
11. The double-bind concept was first introduced to account for the development of: a series of contradictory messages of what is communicated and how it is qualified by messages from that same person.
12. A double-bind situation calls for:
3 injunctions:
1. Concrete= primarily negative (don't, you'll be punished).
2. Gesture= frown, pulling away. Abstract threat. Contradicts the 1st one.
3. Demand= parent demands a response but forbids the child to comment on the contradiction/ambiguity.
** Escape is forbidden/impossible **

13. Which of the following models of family interaction is based largely on the psychoanalytic model?
Psychodynamic Theory
14. Object relations therapy is a: More relationship focused. The patients project their fantasies. Participate in a "holding environment" in which the patient is being aware of not hurting their other family members.
15. Object relations theory evolved from the study of: ?? Classical psychoanalysis. Id, ego, and superego. ??
16. Object relations theorists believe the infant's need for what influences the development of the self? Attachment
17. Object Relations Family Therapy emphasizes the basic human need for: relationships
18. Common terms used by experiential family therapists include all but one of the following. Which term does not fit with the others? Common terms: experience, encounter, confrontation, intuition, process, growth, existence, spontaneity, action, the here-and-now moment.
19. Generally speaking, experiential therapists establish the conditions for personal growth and unblocks family interaction, rather than merely offering intellectual reflection or insight into the origins of problems. family and therapist engage together which catalyze growth of individual family members and the familiy system as a whole.
20. Experiential therapists are especially critical of: emotional experience over rational thought and intellectualization.
21. For symbolic-experiential therapists, the focus of therapy is: personal growth and family connectedness
22. Transgenerational approaches are: psychoanalytically influenced, historical perspective to curent family living problems by attending specifically to family relational patterns over decades.
23. The "undifferentiated family ego mass" refers to: a family emotionally "stuck together," one where "a conglomerate emotional oneness . . . exists in all levels of intensity."
24. In Bowen's Differentiation of Self Scale, people at the low end are apt to lead lives: dysfunctional even under low levels of anxiety. Dominated by others' feelings whoever they're around.
25. The higher the degree of family fusion, the more likely: clear values and beliefs, goal directed, flexible, secure, autonomous, can tolerate conflict and stress, well-defined sense of solid self and less pseudo self.
26. Bowen believed that, generally speaking, people choose mates with ??
27. Emotional cutoff, according to Bowen, is: a flight of extreme emotioanl distancing in order to break emotional ties, and not true emancipation.
28. A major technique utilized by Bowenian therapists involves:
?? Multigenerational Transmission Process ??
29. Bowen's work with families tended to be: ?? 2 adults and himself ??
30. Which of the following statements would likely be made by a stfuctural family therapy?
?? therapeutic goals, joining and accommodating, assessing family interactions, monitoring family dysfunctional sets, restructuring transactional patterns. ??
31. Structural therapists emphasize: a contextual rather than individual focus on problems and solutions.
32. A primary therapeutic goal for structuralists is: ?? action preceding understanding ??
33. Which of the following is not characteristic of "psychosomatic families"?
What is common:
clear boundaries,
34. One objective of structural interventions is for the psychosomatic family to achieve: ??
35. Some feminists are critical of Minuchin's emphasis on family hierarchies because they believe: they run the risk of reinforcing sex role stereotypes.
36. In disengaged families, boundaries are: rigid
37. In an enmeshed family: boundaries are diffused
38. Members of enmeshed families run the risk of over-emphasizing: The self-development of the individual may be stalled.
39. Diffused boundaries are: excessively blurred and indistinct, easily intruded upon by other family members.
40. Members of disengaged families run the risk of over-emphasizing: members may run separately and autonomously but with little sense of family loyalty.
41. Structural Family Therapy is: recognizes the influence of social factors in family functioning and in working within the community's larger systems.
42. Labeling an anorectic's refusal to eat as "stubborn" rather than "sick" is an example of: reframing
43. One tactic employed by Minuchin in treating anorectics is to: set up a situation, create a scenario for enactment, assign roles and tasts to the family, and then observe the family in action.
44. Structuralists believes the anorectic symptom is embedded in: faulty family organization
45. Structuralts view anorexis nervosa as: a response to family dysfunction, not simply the adolescent's defiant behavior.
46. Which of the following would not be considered a communication theorist? a circular interaction continues between people because each participant imposes her own punctuation, each arbitrarily believes that what she says is caused by what the other person says.
47. Quarreling couples who feel justified in responding to what each perceives as an attack from the other area each imposing his or her own ______ on their interactions: metacommunication
48. One of the following is not a concept used by the communication theorists. Which one?
All these are communication theorists:
1. All behavior is commnication at some level.
2. Communication may occur simultaneously at many levels
3. Every communication has a content (report) and a relationship (command) aspect.
4. Relationships are defined by commmand messages
5. Relationships may be described as symmetrical or complementary
6. Symmetrical relationships run the risk of becoming competitive
7. Complementary communication inevitably involves one person who assumess a superior position and another who assumes an inferior one
8. Each person punctuates a sequence of events in which he or she is engaged in different ways
9. Problems develop and are maintained within the context of redundant interactive patterns and recursive feedback loops
Relationships are defined by _______ messages. command
50. The person who receives a double-bind message: Is confused because there are usually two levels of messages/demands in the message.
51. Therapeutic double-binds: describes a variety of paradoxical techniques used to change entrenched family patterns.
52. "Prescribing the symptom" is a form of: strategists try to produce a runaway system by urging or even coaching the client to engage in or practice his or her symptoms, at least for the present time.
53. Relabeling is a form of: therapeutic double bind. changing the label attached to a person or problem from negative to positive so the entire situation is perceived differently.
54. Haley believes every relationship contains within it an implicit struggle for: control of the definition of the relationship.
55. Strategic therapists tend to be: ?? designing a unique strategy for each specific presenting problem. Not exploring its roots. ??