LMSW Licensing Exam

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Psychodynamic Theory
What are the Psychodynamic Theory based SW Approaches?

Problem Solving
Crisis Intervention,
Task Centered
Planned short-term treatment
Psychosocial theory base (5 items)
Psychoanalytic Theory
Social Science
Social sciences
Biological Theories
Psychoanalytic theory greatest influence was: SIgmund Freud
Ego-Psychology is based with what specific focus:
Ego functions & adaptation
Defendse mechansims (Anna Freud)
Adaptation to an average "expected" enviornment (Hartman)
Ego-mastery &development thru life cycle (Erickson)
Separation/Idividuation (Mahler)
Psychosocial assumptions about human behavior:
*Indivduals seen within context of their enviornment, interacting with family, other sociasl systems, these influence earlier personal experiences.
* Conscious, unconscious, rational & irrational motivations govern behavior
* Individuals can change & grow under appropirate conditions thru life cycle
Psychosocial motivations for change:
*Disequilibrium evokes anxiety and releases energy to change
* Conscious & unconscious needs & wishes
*Relationship with the clinician or group in a treatment setting
Psychosocial vechiles for change:
* Developent of insight & resolution of emotional conflicts lead to possibility of behavioral change
*Corrective emotional experience in relationship with the worker
*Changes in affective, cognitive, or behavioral patterns that cause change in interpersonal relationships
*Changes in enviornment
Psychosocial Role of Relationship:
*Conscious use of relationship can stimulate change
*Corrective emotional experience
*Client and client's needs are central
*Transference: client brings his/her own relationship history to treatment
*Cournter transference: worker be aware of problematic interpersonal patterns
Heirarchial: worker seen as more competant than client and as "expert" who will fix the client


*Dynamic understanding: how do different apects of a client's personality & their relationships influence their functioning
*Etiological understanding: What are the causative factors that produce the porblem and that influence the client's attempt to deal wth it
*Clinical Understanding: Formulation of the clients functioning, mental status, defensees and coping styles and if needed a clinical diagnosis
Psychosocial: Treatment Planning
*Key characteristic is the development of a unique plan based on the clients situation
*Clients goals and ability to meet them, given the clients strengths, capabilities and weaknesses.
*Treatment plan is aimed at changing the individual, enviornment, or the interaction between the two

Phases of treatment:

*ongoing treatment/intervention
Engagement and Asssessment:
*Transition from applicant to client
*Enhancing motivation
*Eealing with initial resistance
*Establishing relationship with client.
*Establish informed consent regarding confidentiality and the client/worker's roles, rights and responsibilities

Contracting/goal setting:
*Mutual understanding betwn. client and worker about goals, treatment process, the nature of relationship and roles, & the intended alloted time
Ongoing treatment/interventions
*Work to alleviate agreed upon problems
*Major focus is on currrent functioning and conscious experience
*Deal with ongoing transfernce and counter-transference
*Potential for growth, recap of major themes of treatment
*Experience feelings about ending the relationship
Treatmen tskills/Technique
*Sustainment: partialization, universalization, support, direct influence, ventilation, drscription and exploration.
*Reflective consideration of current person-situation
Work with significant others and social systems on behalf of the client
*cCltural competence in working with various clients
Social workers associated with Psychosocial approach:
Mary RIchmond
Gordon Hamilton
Florence Hollis,
Frances Turner,
Mary Woods

Problem-solving Approach
Problem-solving appriach is derived from:
Psychosocial and functional approaches
Theory base:
Psychodynamic in it;s psychological theory base with major influence from Ego psych Erickson (capacity to chage thru life)
*Robett White (coping, adaptation & masttery of the enviornment)
*Hartman (use of conflict-free ego)
Assumptions about Human Behavior
*are involded in life-long problem solving and adaptation
motivation for change:
* Diseqilibrium betw what is and what the client wants
*Consciuos desire for change
*Positive expectations based on new possibilities
*Strength of relationship with worker
Vechiles for change:
8Imporved skills in problem resolution
*Gratification, encouragement, and support
*Repetition and "drill" of problem solving methods
*Insight, resolution of conflicts & change in feelings
*Changes in person & enviornment
Role of relationship:
*Sipportive SW relationship to motivaet problem solving
*SW guides client thru process
FOcus problem idnetification andperson/enviornment
*Assess motivtion, capacity and opportunity (mco)for problem solving
*Assessment is a joint activity with SW & client
Treatment Planning:
Psychosocial:based on assessment of the problem and clients (MCO)
*Functional: based ion the function of the agency as boundary of service (e.g. adoption agency)
*Interagency: uses resources of other agencies to network services needed
Treatment skills/Techniques:
The four P's:
A Person had a Problem, comes to a Place for help given through a Process

Crisis Intervention
Theory base:

*Psychodynamic, especially ego psychology (Freud, Erickson, Hartmen) and Lindemann's work on loss and grief
I*ntellectual development (piaget)
*Social sciences: stress theory, family, structre, role theory
Assumptions about behavior:
* People naturally preveil over regression
* Stress in crisis creates disequilibrium and anxiety creates an chance to develop new coping mechanisms.
*Crisis occurs when old coping skills do not work . Crisis imposes various affective, cognitive & behavioral tasks. It can reactiviate old problems
*Person in crisis is not sick, no DSM-IV diagnosis
*crisis affected by past , but present more important
Motivation for change:
*Disequalibrium brought on by stressful event etc.
*Energy from anxiety
*Supportive relationship
Vechile for change:
*Reorganizationof coping skills
*Growth occuring as the ego develops more coping skills and organizes them into more complex patterns
Role of relationship:
*client can develop ntense attachment
*SW role baed on expertise and is authortative and directive
*Clent encouraged to be active & rality oriented, work towards finding new way of coping*minimal transference and countertransference
*Explore stress producing situation or event and the clients reponse
*Chara. signs &phases, patterns of adaptation & maladaptation to crisis (PTSD)
Phases of tratment:
*Identify events that precipitated crisis
*Promote awareness of cog. and emotional impact of crisis
*Manage affect lading to tension discharge mastery
*Seek resources in indv., family, social network & community
* Identify specific tasks associated with healthy resolution of crisis