The Language Of Medicine - Root Words/Combining Forms (Ch 1,2,3,4,16)

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aden/o gland
arthr/o joint
bi/o life
carcin/o cancerous, cancer
cardi/o heart
cephal/o head
cerebr/o cerebrum (largest part of the brian)
cis/o to cut
crin/o to secrete; to form and give off
cyst/o bladder (specifically urinary bladder); a sac or cyst
cyt/o cell
derm/o, dermat/o, cutane/o skin
electr/o electricity
encephal/o brain
enter/o intestines (usually small intestine)
erythr/o red
gastr/o stomach
glyc/o sugar
gnos/o knowledge
gynec/o woman, female
hem/o, hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
iatr/o treatment
leuk/o white
log/o study of
nephr/o ren/o kidney
neur/o nerve
onc/o tumor
ophthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
path/o disease
ped/o child
psych/o mind
radi/o x-rays
rhin/o nose
sarc/o flesh
sect/o to cut
thromb/o clot, clotting
ur/o urinary tract, urine
abdomin/o abdomen
adip/o, lip/o, steat/o fat
anter/o front
bol/o to cast
cervic/o neck (of the body or uterus)
chondr/o cartilage (a connective tissue)
chrom/o color
coccyg/o coccyx
crani/o skull
dist/o far, distant
dors/o back portion of the body
hist/o tissue
ili/o ilium
inguin/o groin
kary/o nucleus
later/o side
lumb/o lower back (sides and back between the ribs and the pelvis)
medi/o middle
nucle/o nucleus
pelv/i pelvis
poster/o back, behind
proxim/o nearest
sacr/o sacrum
spin/o spine, backbone
thel/o nipple
thorac/o chest, thorax
trache/o trachea, windpipe
umbilic/o navel, umbilicus
ventr/o belly side of the body
vertebr/o vertebra(e), backbone(s)
viscer/o internal organs
acr/o extremities, top, extreme point
acu/o sharp, severe, sudden
amni/o amnion (sac surrounding embryo in the uterus)
angi/o vessel
arteri/o artery
axill/o armpit
blephar/o eyelid
bronch/o bronchial tubes (branch to left and right lungs from trachea)
chem/o chemical, drug
chron/o time
col/o colon (large intestine)
hydr/o water, fluid
isch/o to hold back
lapar/o abdomen, abdominal wall
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
lymph/o lymph
mamm/o mast/o breast
morph/o shape, form
muc/o mucus
my/o muscle
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow (context determines usage)
necr/o, mort/o death
neutr/o neutral (specifically, neutrophil = "neutral loving"; it is a white blood cell)
ot/o ear
peritone/o "stretched around" (specifically, peritoneum, which surrounds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity)
phag/o to eat, swallow
phleb/o, ven/o vein
plas/o formation, development
pleur/o "side of the body" (specifically, the pleurae, which surround each rib)
pneumon/o, pulmon/o lungs
rect/o rectum
splen/o spleen
staphyl/o clusters
strept/o twisted chains
tonsill/o tonsils
carp/o wrist bones
cib/o meals
cost/o rib
dactyl/o fingers, toes (digits)
duct/o to lead, carry
flex/o to bend
furc/o forking, branching
gloss/o tongue
immun/o protection
nat/i birth
nect/o to bind, tie, connect
norm/o rule, order
ox/o oxygen
pub/o pubis; anterior portion of the innominate
seps/o infection
somn/o sleep
son/o sound
the/o to put, place
thyr/o thyroid gland; shield (thyroid = "shield-like")
top/o place, position, location
tox/o poison
urethr/o urethra
albin/o white
caus/o burn, burning
cauter/o heat, burn
diaphor/o, hidr/o profuse sweating, sweat
erythem/o, erythrmat/o redness
ichthy/o scaly, dry (fish-like)
kerat/o hard, horny tissue
myc/o fungus (fungi include yeasts, molds, and mushrooms)
onych/o, ungu/o nail
phyt/o plant
pil/o, trich/o hair folicle, hair
py/o pus
rhytid/o wrinkle
seb/o sebum (oily secretion from sebacous glands)
squam/o scale-like, flat
xanth/o yellow
xer/o dry