Invertebrate Zoology: Protozoans

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Basis of Marine food webs


A bioluminescent dinoflagellate


Dinoflagellate symbiotic with coral polyps-Responsible for CaCO3 capture
Freshwater Dinoflagellate with modifications to slow decent in freshwater

Colonial Chlorophyta, few in numberuses flagellum to move
Uses Flagellum to pull itself through water
Kinetoplastid Life Cycle
Promastigote: flagellatedAmastigotes: cyst

Trypanosoma brucei disease

African Sleeping Sickness

Trypanosoma cruzi

Chaga's Disease

Leishmania vector

Sand Fly
Diplomondia found in contaminated water supplies. Two nuclei.

Hypermastigids (Trichomonads)

Parabasalia symbiote of Termites that digest cellulose

Choanoflagellate root words

funnel whips

Feeding practice of
flagellum creates current that brings detritus into collar. stationary when feeding

Colonial Choanoflagellate


Nutrition of Euglena Autotrophic in lightsaprozoic (dissolved organic and inorganic materials) when dark
Euglenoid Movement movement of protoplasm in Euglena, usually not involved with locomotion
Name all major parts of Euglena
contractile vacuolepelliclestigma (eyespot)chloroplasts

Photoreceptor in Euglena
light sensitive organ or paraflagellar swelling (not pigmented stigma)

Name and order of:

paramecium (hymenostome)

defencive extrusomes that form a fibrous cloud around the paramecium when attacked
describe the differences between fission and conjugation
conjugation is sexual reproduction, individuals line up side to sidefission is asexual reproduction, splitting end to end
are all dinoflagellates photosynthetic? NO

What is this protozoan and what is its nutrition?
Stentor: filter feeding heterotrich
Cause of mass fish die offs

Pfiesteria (dinoflagellate)

Feeding habits of Trichomonas vaginalis
human vaginal parasite
Locomotion of Kinetoplastids undulating membrane
What defines a sarcodine? any protist that lacks flagellae and have clearly defined pseudopods.
possible materials for tests
SiO2 in RadiolariansCaCO3 in ForaminiferansChitin in Arcella

prostomatid (didinium) prey

paramecium (hymenostome)

spirotrich examples

stentor and Spiromstomum

benthic zone

lowest level of a body of watercommon benthic organisms include formaminifermans, nematodes, and just about everything else we studied

(T/F) All coccideans are apicomplexians.

True. Coccidia include toxoplasmosis (cat feces) and plasmodium (malaria) but not Gregarines (gut parasite of insects) which are also in apicomplexia.

What is this sarcodine?
What clear structure is used in phagocytosis? pseudopod


thread-like extensions of cytoplasm found in radiolarians
trophozoite activated, intracellular feeding stage in the apicomplexan life cycle