Can You Answer The Following French New Wave Of Movies Flashcards

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Who cofounded the journal Cahiers du cinema and is considered the father of the French New Wave?

André Bazin

Which of the following occurred in the new Hollywood?

The studio system collapsed.

Films of the Italian neorealist movement are characterized by _____________ locations, ____________ actors, and a ____________ visual style.

real; nonprofessional; documentary
These are three defining aesthetic characteristics of Italian neorealism (pages 438–441).

Literally, "dark chamber." A box (or room in which a viewer stands); light entering (originally from a tiny hole, later through a lens) on one side of the box ( or room) projects an image from the outside onto the opposite side or wall. camera obscura

How would you characterize the Hollywood studio system during the classical period?

a top-down organization in which management controlled everything

The Motion Picture Production code began in the silent era of Hollywood and was not abandoned until 1968. (True or False) False

The Motion Picture Production Code was instituted in 1930. There was no code in the silent period (page 436).
The Dogme 95 movement in Denmark drafted a manifesto that includes WHICH of the following rules:

The director must not be credited.

French New Wave director ______________ directed The 400 Blows and wrote the influential essay “A Certain Tendency in French Cinema.”

François Truffaut

negative or negative photographic image
A negative photographic image on transparent material that makes possible the reproduction of the image.
The first movie studio-a crude, hot cramped shack in which Thomas Edison and his staff began making movies. black maria
Besides being one of the first “Westerns,” what is significant about Edwin S. Porter’s 1903 film The Great Train Robbery?

It is one of the first films to pioneer the idea of continuity editing.

What political leader nationalized the Soviet film industry and established schools that trained filmmakers to make propaganda films?


Which approach to film history is concerned with the artistic significance and influence of individual films or directors?

aesthetic approach

Filmmakers of the New American Cinema such as Robert Drew, Don Alan Pennebaker, and brothers Albert and David Maysles are associated with the ___________ movement, which draws inspiration from cinéma vérité. Direct Cinema
What are the four traditional approaches to film history? aesthetic, technological,economic, social
The various “new cinemas” or New Wave movements in Europe and Asia are in many respects a reaction to what historical event? World War II
Approach to film history that addresses the formation of the studio system, the distribution and exhibition of movies, and the rise of an independent system of film production. economic approach
film director working in the silent period is often credited with creating classical Hollywood film style D. W. Griffith
German expressionist films are characterized by _____________ settings, ____________ camera angles, and themes such as _____________.
exaggerated; oblique; alienation

These are common characteristics of German expressionist films (page 427–430). See also Disc 1, Chapter 5: Mise-en-Scène, Setting and Expressionism
The New German cinema (das neue Kino) was founded by a group of filmmakers who believed that German cinema must deal with what two issues? the Nazi period; the reemergence of postwar Germany as a divided country
The short-lived Nubero Bagu movement in Japan was influenced by _____________ and is marked by ___________ and _____________. the French New Wave; brutality; nihilism
Which Soviet filmmaker considered film editing to be a creative process that functioned according to the dialectics of Karl Marx? Eisenstein

(page 433). See also Disc 1, Chapter 8: Editing, The Evolution of Editing: Montage
Which three devices are examples of series photography? revolver photographique; magic lantern; fusil photographique

A camera obscura is NOT a device capable of series photography (pages 419–421)
What are the three distinct political entities in which postwar Chinese films are produced? the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong
Among the many significant aspects of Citizen Kane’s style is the visual style of Gregg Toland’s cinematography. Which characteristics describe the visual style of Citizen Kane? deep-focus, long takes
Dada and surrealism are most associated with which movement in film history? the avant-garde
What movement in England in the 1950s helped inspire the British New Cinema movement of the 1960s? Free Cinema
photography Literally, "writing with light"; technically, the recording of static images though a chemical interaction caused by light rays striking a sensitized surface.
series photography The use of a series of still photographs to record the phases of an action, although the actions within the images do not move.
revolver photographique Also known as chronophotoraphic gun. A cylinder-shaped camera that creates exposures automatically, at short intervals, on different segments of a revolving plate.
magic lantern magic lantern
zoopraxiscope An early device for exhibiting moving pictures-a revolving disk with photographs arranged around the center.
Kinetograph The first motion picture camera.
Kinetoscope A peephole viewer, an early motion-picture device.
fusil photographique A form of the chronophotgrahic gun (see Revolver photographique)-a single, portable camera capable of taking twelve continuous images.
stop-motion cinematography A technique that allows the camera operator to stop and start the camera in order to facilitate changing the subject while the camera is not shooting.