Integer Rules And Operations

Total Flash Cards » 22
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When adding a positive and a positive... Just add the 2 numbers and use the same sign.
+8 + +2 = +10
When adding a positive and a negative... Subtract the 2 numbers and use the sign of the number with the greater absolute value.
+8 + -12 = -4
When subtracting integers... Change the minus sign to addition, and the second integer to its opposite, then follow addition rules. Don't change the first number.
-5 - +16 Changes to what? -5 + -16
-15 - -20 = +5
When multiplying or dividing integers with the same sign the answer is always... positive
When multiplying or dividing integers with different signs the answer is always... negative.
+12 x +3 = +36
-15 x +3 = -45
-20 x -3 = +60
When adding a negative and a negative... Just add the numbers and use the same sign (negative.)
-20 + -3 = -23
-40 / -4 = +10
-35 / +7 = -5

+3x - +2=
(when x = -3)

4 - 5a
(when a = -1)
x / -10 = 12 x = - 120
r + 56 = - 30 r = - 86
p - 93 = 12 p = 105
6h = -48 h = -8