Identify Scientific Names And Class Of Trees Flashcards

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What is this?
Liquidambar Styractiflua
SweetGum Tree

What is this?
Juniperus Virginiana
Eastern Red Cedar

What is this?
Juniperus Virginiana
Eastern Red Cedar

What is this?
Liquidambar Styractiflua
SweetGum Tree

What is this?
Liriodendron Tuolpifera

What is this?
Liriodendron Tuolpifera

What is this?
Quercus Macrocarpa
Bur Oak
Some expert believe that the extinct Giant Sloth fed on the fruits of this tree. Others believe that a prehistoric species of horse did. Still others are not sure what animal did. But all experts agree that SOME animals once fed on its fruits. Today, no animal does.
Maclura pomifera
This tree was once popular with ranchers. It is fast growing, grows close together, and has lots of thorns. It was often plants as a hedge, around pastures before the invention of barbed wire.
Maclura pomifera

What is this?
Maclura pomifera

What is this?
Maclura pomifera
Oaks, cedars and Beech trees are all part of which tree family?

What is this?
Quercus prinus
Pin Oak

This is the bark of what kind (genus) of tree?
Oak is generally a very popular hard wood used in furniture and woodworking. This particular oak however is not popular for timber. It's wood is considered weak, poor quality with too many knots.
Quercus prinus
Pin Oak

What is this?
Quercus Velutina
Black Oak

What is this?
Quercus Alba
White Oak
What is the state tree of Illinois?

* Bonus- When was the year that the state tree was chosen?

**Extra bonus - Why are TWO dates acceptable as the answer to the first bonus question??
Quercus Alba
White Oak

1908 or 1973

In 1908 the "Native Oak" was named by law as the state tree. However the law did not specify which of Illinois' 20 native oaks was the state oak. So in 1973 the law was amended to name Quercus Alba.

What is this?
Castanea dentata
American Chestnut
Over 3 billion of these trees were decimated by a Asian bark fungus in the early 20th century. The species persists but has never fully recovered. Name the tree AND the fungus.
Castanea dentata
American Chestnut

Chestnut blight.

What is this?
Castanea dentata
American Chestnut

What is this?
Populus tremuloides
Quaking Aspen

What is this?
Populous grandidentata
Bigtooth or Largetooth Aspen

What is this?
Sassafras albidum
The extract of this tree is the main ingredient in Root beer
Sassafras albidum
This is the state tree of South Carolina
Sabal palmetto
Cabbage Palm
Why is Sabal palmetto called the "Cabbage Palm"?
It's leaf bud is edible and is sold as "Hearts of Palm".
From Wikipedia:
" a patch-forming (clonal) understory tree found in well-drained, deep, fertile bottom-land and hilly upland habitat, with large, simple leaves and large fruits, the largest edible fruit indigenous to the United States"

What is it?
Asimina Triloba

What is it?
Asimina Triloba

What is it?
Magnolia Grandiflora
Southern Magnolia

What is it?
Magnolia macrophylla
Bigleaf Magnolia
A tea made from the inner bark of this tree is soothing to the throat and stomach.
Ulmus rubra
Slippery Elm

What is it?
Ulmus rubra
Slippery Elm

What is it?
Ulmus rubra
Slippery Elm

Two of the same KINDS of trees are in this picture, but they are different species. What kind of trees? Can you identify the species?
on the left- Ulmus rubra/Slippery Elm
on the right - Ulmus Americana/American Elm
What disease kills most of this country's Elm trees?
Dutch Elm Disease

What is it? (Genus)?
Ulmus Americana
American Elm

What is it?
Celtis Occidentalis

What is it?
Betula alleghaniensis
Yellow Birch

What kind (genus) of bark is this (xtra points for the species!)?
Betula lenta
Sweet Birch
If you scrape the twigs of this tree there is a strong scent of wintergreen. The oil was once marketed as wintergreen oil.
Betula lenta
Sweet Birch

What is it?
Betula lenta
Sweet Birch
The _________tree should never be planted next to the __________tree since the former secretes a substance called _______ which is particularly toxic to latter.
Juglans Nigra
Black Walnut

Betula papyrifera
Paper Birch


What is it?
Betula papyrifera
Paper Birch

What is it?
Betula papyrifera
Paper Birch

What is it?
Ostrya virginiana
Eastern Hophornbeam

What is is?
Carpinus Carolininana
American Hornbeam

What is it? (Blue gray smooth bark in young trees; becomes furrowed in older trees
Carpinus caroliniana
American Hornbeam

What is it?
Betula populifolia
Gray Birch
Many birch trees are highly susceptible to the Bronze Birch Borer. This birch tree does not mind them at all!
Betula populifolia
Gray Birch

What is it?
Betula occidentalis
Water Birch
This tree was once used by some Indian tribes to treat pimples.
Betula occidentalis
Water Birch

What is it?
Tsuga Canadensis
Eastern Hemlock

The fuzzy bugs on this tree are the hemlock woolly adelgid.
So the species of hemlock shown here must be the ....?
Tsuga Canadensis
Eastern Hemlock

Genus of Bark? Xtra credit for the species!
Tsuga Canadensis
Eastern Hemlock

What is it?
Juglans nigra
Black Walnut

What is it?
Juglans nigra
Black Walnut

What is it?
Juglans Cinerea
The wood of this tree is extremely valuable for everything from furniture to gunstocks. Poaching of this plant is a serious crime. In 2004, walnut poachers were arrested on the basis of DNA evidence.
Juglans nigra
Black Walnut

What is it?
Carya ovata
Shagbark Hickory

What is it
Carya ovata
Shagbark Hickory

What is it?
Carya illinoinensis

What is it?
Carya illinoinensis

What is it?
Carya illinoinensis
This is the state tree of Texas
Carya illinoinensis

What is it?
Carya Glabra
Pignut Hickory

What is it?
Carya Glabra
Pignut Hickory
You can distinguish this hickory tree from all the others, because it's winter buds are a bright yellow. The nuts taste TERRIBLE!
Carya cordiformis
Bitternut Hickory

What is it?
Carya cordiformis
Bitternut Hickory

What is it?
Carya cordiformis
Bitternut Hickory

What is it?
Salix bebbiana
Bebb Willow

What is it?
Salix bebbiana
Bebb Willow

What is it?
Populus Deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood

What is it?
Populus Deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood

What is it?
Populus Deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood

What is it?
Populus balsamifera
Balsam Poplar
A healing compound called the "Balm of Gilead" is derived from this tree.
Populus balsamifera
Balsam Poplar

What is it?
Thuja Occidentalis
Northern White Cedar

What is it?
Thuja Occidentalis
Northern White Cedar
So you want to build a birch bark canoe using traditional materials. The proper tree to use for the skin is the ___________. The proper tree to use for the ribs of the canoe is the ________. To make it waterproof use the resin (sap) of any kind of _______ or ______ you have handy.
Betula papyrifera
Paper Birch

Thuja Occidentalis
Northern White Cedar

Often used frame the insides of closets because moths hate this wood
Juniperus virginiana
Eastern Red Cedar

What is it?
Juniperus virginiana
Eastern Red Cedar

What is it?
Picea mariana
Black Spruce

What is it?
Picea mariana
Black Spruce

what is it?
Picea rubens
Red Spruce

What is it? (hint: Curved cones)
Pinus banksiana
Jack Pine

what is this?
Pinus banksiana
Jack Pine

What is this?
Pinus resinosa
Red Pine
The state tree of Minnesota
Pinus resinosa
Red Pine

What is this?
Pinus resinosa
Red Pine

What is it?
Pinus strobus
Eastern White Pine

What is it?
Pinus strobus
Eastern White Pine

What is it?
Pinus strobus
Eastern White Pine

What is it?
Pinus taeda
Loblolly Pine

What is it?
Pinus taeda
Loblolly Pine

What is it?
Pinus rigida
Pitch Pine

What is it?
Pinus rigida
Pitch Pine
The first 5-12 years of the life of this tree is spent in a "grass" stage. It looks like a tuft of grass on the ground
Pinus palustris
Longleaf Pine

What is it?
Pinus palustris
Longleaf Pine

What is it?
Pinus echinata
Shortleaf Pine

What is it?
Pinus echinata
Shortleaf Pine

What is it?
Larix laricina

What is it?
Larix laricina
This coniferous tree is also deciduous.
Larix laricina

What is it?
Abies balsamea
Balsam Fir
This oak is know to produce the sweetest acorns
Quercus muhlenbergii
Chinkapin Oak

What is it?
Quercus muhlenbergii
Chinkapin Oak

What is it?
Fraxinus americana
White Ash

What is it?
sambucus canadensis
American Elder (Elderberry)
From wikipedia:
"Uses for the fruit include medicinal products,wine, jelly and dye. Leaves and inner bark can be used as an insecticide and a dye. Stems can be hollowed out and used for spouts, musical instruments, and toys."
sambucus canadensis
American Elder (Elderberry)
State tree of Ohio
Aesculus Glabra
Ohio Buckeye

What is it?
Aesculus Glabra
Ohio Buckeye

What is it?
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
toothache tree

What is it?
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
toothache tree

What is it?
Diospyros virginiana
Common Persimmon
This tree was orginally from China and is considered one of the fastest growing trees in North America
Ailanthus altissima
Alilanthus-Tree of Heaven

What is this?
Ailanthus altissima
Alilanthus-Tree of Heaven
Soaking the flower buds or "drupes" of this plant in water produces "Indian lemonade" or "rhus juice", a popular native American drink.
Rhus glabra
Smooth Sumac

What is this?
Rhus glabra
Smooth Sumac
What is the most noticeble difference between Catalpa Bignooniodes and Catalpa speciosa?
Catalpa speciosa or Northern catalpa sports a smaller number of larger flowers its is panticle (blossom cluster). The seed pods of Northern catalpa are also wider.

What is this?
Catalpa speciosa
Northern catalpa

What is this?
Catalpa bignioides
Southern Catalpa

What the GENUS ONLY of this tree? (Because it is almost impossible to discern the species here from just the leaf).

What is it?
Hamamelis virginiana

What is it?
Hamamelis virginiana

What is it?
Platanus occidentalis

What is it?
Platanus occidentalis

What is it?
Tilia americana
American Basswood

What is it?
Tilia americana
American Basswood
Also known as Indian Arrowwood, Cornelian Tree, White Cornel, False Box, and False Boxwood Cornus florida
Flowering Dogwood

What is it?
Cornus florida
Flowering Dogwood

What is it?
Cornus florida
Flowering Dogwood
Most trees of the Aceraceae or Maple family are highly valued in woodworking for their fine, hard, close-grained timber. This is NOT one of them!
Acer Negundo
Box Elder

What is it?
Acer Negundo
Box Elder
The State tree of Rhode Island
Acer rubrum
Red Maple
The leaves of this tree are very beautiful in the fall, unless you are a horse. Fresh or dry, the leaves are extremely toxic to horses.
Acer rubrum
Red Maple

What is it?
Acer rubrum
Red Maple

What is it?
Acer saccharinum
Silver Maple

What is it?
Acer saccharinum
Silver Maple
The primary source of maple syrup
Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple

What is it?
Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple

What is the genus?
Native Americans used the leaves and stems to brew a tea, commonly thought to be called asi or black drink for male-only purification and unity rituals Ilex vomitoria

What is it?
Ilex vomitoria

What is it?
Ilex vomitoria
Deck the Halls with boughs of this.
Ilex opaca
American Holly

What is it?
Ilex opaca
American Holly

What is it?
Nyssa sylvatica
Black Tupelo
From Wikipedia:
Its flowers are an important source of honey and its fruits are important to many bird species. Hollow trunks provide nesting or denning opportunities for bees and various mammals. It is longest living non-clonal flowering plant in Eastern North America, capable of obtaining ages of over 650 years
Nyssa sylvatica
Black Tupelo

Ya know Oberweis dairy in Schaumburg? This tree can be found growing right next to it, offering a free and better-tasting dessert in the spring.
Amelanchier alnifolia
Western Serviceberry

What is it?
Amelanchier alnifolia
Western Serviceberry

What is it?
Amelanchier alnifolia
Western Serviceberry

What is it?
Crataegus pruinosa
Frosted Hawthorn

What is it?
Crataegus pruinosa
Frosted Hawthorn

What is it?
Prunus americana
American Plum

What is it?
Prunus pensylvanica
Pin Cherry

What is it?
Prunus pensylvanica
Pin Cherry
If you purchase cherry lumber from Home Depot or any other lumber source in America, it will be this tree.
Prunus serotina
Black Cherry
Looks a lot like Chokecherry. But it is taller and the leaves are glossier.
Prunus serotina
Black Cherry

What is it?
Prunus serotina
Black Cherry

What is it?
Prunus serotina
Black Cherry
"In 2007, Governor John Hoeven signed a bill naming the ______________ the official fruit of the state of North Dakota" Prunus virginiana
Common Chokecherry

What is it?
Prunus virginiana
Common Chokecherry
From Wikipedia:
_______ is toxic to horses, and moose, cattle, goats, deer, and other animals with segmented stomachs (rumens), especially after the leaves have wilted "
Prunus virginiana
Common Chokecherry

What is it?
Prunus virginiana
Common Chokecherry

What is it?
Sorbus americana
American Mountain-Ash

What is it?
Sorbus americana
American Mountain-Ash
Often called "needle bush" for its numerous thorns
Acacia farnesiana
Huisache (Sweet Acacia)

What is it?
Acacia farnesiana
Huisache (Sweet Acacia)
Distilling the flowers produces a very popular perfume known as "Cassie".
Acacia farnesiana
Huisache (Sweet Acacia)

What is it?
Acacia farnesiana
Huisache (Sweet Acacia)
Also known as the "Judas Tree"
Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud

What is it?
Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud

What is it? (Note the light spots up and down the branches)
Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud
This tree not only produces an extremely hard, high quality wood for carpentry. It's thorns are so durable that in the past its thorns were actually used as nails!
Gleditsia triacanthos
Honey Locust
What is it?
Gleditsia triacanthos
Honey Locust

What is it?
Gleditsia triacanthos
Honey Locust

What is it?
Gymnocladus dioicus
Kentucky Coffeetree

What is it?
Gymnocladus dioicus
Kentucky Coffeetree
From Wikipedia:
"known as haas (pronounced [ʔaːs]) by the Seri people of northwestern Mexico, was very important for food and nonfood uses"
Prosopis glandulosa
Honey Mesquite

What is it?
Prosopis glandulosa
Honey Mesquite

What is it?
Prosopis glandulosa
Honey Mesquite

What is it?
Robinia pseudoacacia
Black Locust

What is it?
Robinia pseudoacacia
Black Locust
Most people think the Passenger Pidgeon was made extinct through hunting. However a major contributing factor was the clearing of this tree, whose nuts were one of its major food sources.
Fagus grandifolia
American Beech

What is it?
Fagus grandifolia
American Beech

What is it?
Fagus grandifolia
American Beech

What is it?
Quercus bicolor
Swamp White Oak

What is it?
Quercus bicolor
Swamp White Oak
No question here. Just including this good picture of oak leaves for reference!


What is it?
Quercus falcata
Southern Red Oak

What is it?
Quercus imbricaria
Shingle Oak

What is it?
Quercus virginiana
Live Oak

What is it?
Quercus Rubra
Norther Red Oak
This oak is unusual in that it is an evergreen,
Quercus virginiana
Live Oak

What is it?
Quercus prinus
Chestnut Oak
This tree has existed virtually unchanged for 270 million years
Ginkgo biloba

What is it?
Ginkgo biloba
This is the most common tree in Illinois
Ulmus rubra
Slippery Elm