State The Correct Terms For Boosting Of Metabolism Flashcards

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True or False: Eating certain foods elevates BMR and promotes weight loss.

The psychological desire to eat is what?
One pound of body fat is equal to how many calories? 3500 calories
A very low carbohydrate diet will cause what? Ketosis
What two things are based on weight and height? Height weight charts & BMI
What are the components of fitness? Flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, & cardio respiratory endurance
Muscles respond to exercise overload by gaining what? Strength & size.
What are some symptoms of dehydration? Fatigue & thirst.
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluids is? Cool water
Muscle growth is stimulated by what? Physically demanding activity
Endurance athletes can postpone fatigue during activity by doing what? Eating glucose periodically
The health benefits of physical activity are what? Build bone strength and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes.
A person trying to gain weight should do what? Eat more often
True or False: Most athletes need more protein than the DRI recommendation. True
Excess body fat is associated with an increased risk of what? Some cancers, heart disease, gallbladder disease, and complications of pregnancy.
Bulimia nervosa is more common in who and what? In woman than men and than anorexia nervosa.
Waist circumference looks at degree of what? Visceral fat
True or False: Any energy containing food can make you fat if you eat enough of it. True
What is associated with lower BMR? Starvation
Quick, large changes in weight are likely the result of what? Changes in body fluid content
What activites would increase cardio respiratory endurance? Walking, running, & swimming
What activities would increase flexibility? Pilates, yoga, &stretching
The length of time BMR remains elevated after exercise depends on what? Duration of activity and intensity of the activity
Endurance athletes should replace glycogen when? Before, during, and after activity
The first nutrient priority for a strenth athlete is what? Adequate fluid
Someone with at least one obese parent has what chance of becoming obese? 30-70% chance
Excess body fat is associated with an increased risk of what? Some cancer and gallbladder disease
What is involved in signaling satiation? The stomach, the brain, and the small intestine
Body mass index is not suitable for use with who? Pregnant women and most adults
Central to the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa is what? Distorted body image
Early in activity, what provides the majority of energy for the muscles? Muscle glycogen
Endurance athletes can delay fatigue during their activity by doing what? Taking in carbohydrate before activity and use a sports drink during the effor.
Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called what? Lactate
Sport drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who need what? Need to replenish electrolytes
Carbonated beverages are not a good choice of fluid replacement during activity because they do what? Speed up the use of glycoegen and act as diuretics
What would not be appropriate for a pregame meal? Raisin bran and milk
An athlete weighed 150 pounds prior to an even and 148 pounds after the event. How much fluid is recommended? 4 cups
True or False: The age of a person (when exercising) will influence how much glucose a person uses during physical activity. False, carbohydrate intake, duration of activity, and degree of training of the muscles/
True or False: A characteristic of bulimia is that the victim is unaware that his/her behavior is abnormal. False, the vicitim is close to her ideal body weight, the victim's weight fluctuates 10 pounds or so over a few weeks, and the victim binges and purges
True or False: Balance is a component of fitness. False, flexibity, muscle strenth, muscle endurance, and cardio respiratory endurance are the components of fitness.
True or False: Weight training results in decreased bone density. False, Weight training results in improved posture, muscle strenth and endurance, and prevention and management of chronic diseases.
The characteristics of cardio respiratory endurance are what? Increased cardiac output and oxygen delivery as well as reduced blood pressure.
True or False: Certain foods can promote weight loss by increasing your metabolic rate. False
Which is more common, blumia or anorexia? Bulimia
True or False: Eating disorders are only found in developed nations where wealth is prevalent. Ture
True or False: One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. True
True or False: Having a beer gut (abdominal fat) is significantly higher health risk than having excess fat in other areas. True
What factors is associated with a higher basal metabolic rate? Stress, fever, and youth
True or False: Vitamin E is needed for the formation of collagen. False, vitamin C is needed.
True or False: An endurance athlete, in order to maintain their blood glucose concentrations for as long as possible, should consume fat and protein before the event. False, they should eat a high-carbohydrate diet regularly and take in glucose during the endurance event.
True or False: fatigue is the first symptom of dehydration ( besides thirst). True
When exercising, the best beverage to replace fluids is what? Cool water
True or False: The body needs more carbohydrates than it does any other nutrient. False, the body needs more water.
Protein is needed by the body to support an exercise program because of its role in what? Repairing muscle tissue after exercise.
True or False: Fad diets are successful in the short term because they induce a calorie deficit. True
True or False: Carboydrate from food is especially easy for the body to store as fat. False, prtein is used to build muscles in response to exercise, alcohol delivers calories and encourages fat storage, and any food can make you fat if you eat enough of it.
After eating dinner, you go to a movie and smell the popcorn. Although you are full, you start salivating and your stomach grumbles, so you buy a bag to eat during the show. This is an example of what signal for eating? Appetite
True or False: A valid recommendation for managing portion sizes of foods in order to manage weight is to purchase reduced-fat calorie foods so you eat more of them. False, you should choose smaller plates, glasses, and utensils as well as eat just until satisfied and thens top, even if food remains.
Characteristics of bulimia nervosa include what? The victim's weight fluctuates 10 pounds or so over a few weeks, the victim is close to her ideal body weight, and the victim binges and purges.
You have chosen to treat yourself to a weekly mocha latte coffee, which has 215 calories. This could add how much to your body weight in a year's time? 3 pounds
True or False: Society plays a role in eating disorders because they are known only in developed nations and they become more prevalent as wealth increases and food becomes plentiful. True
One pound of body fat is equal to how many calories? 3500
True or False: Protein is used to build muscles in response to exercise. True
True or False: Any food can make you fat if you eat enough of it. True
True or False: Carbohydrate from food is especially easy for the body to store as fat. False
True or False: Alcohol delivers calories and encourages fat storage. True
One "outside the body" factor that contributes to obesity is what? The "built environment", which can discourage physical activity
The hormone produced by adipose tissue in response to body fat production that helps to control obesity is what? Leptin
True or False: Eating certain foods can elevate the basal metabolic rate, and thus promote weight loss. False
Quick, large changes in weight are most likely the result of what? Changes in body fluid content, changes in lean tissues such as muscles, and changes in electrolytes and fluid balance.
Body mass index is a suitable measurement for use with who? Adults
What tests are based on weight and height and used to assess weight status? BMI
What are the risks of being underweight? Thin people are at a disadvantage in the hospital after surgery, thin people die first during a famine or siege, and thin people with cancer die of starvation rather than the dieases itself.
What are the factors associated with a higher basal metabolic rate? Youth, stress, and fever
The physiological desire to eat is referred to as what? Hunger
Excess fat around what part of the body represents a greater risk to health than excess fat elsewhere on the body? Central abdominal area
A body mass index of 25.0 to 29.9 in an adult indicates what? Overweight person
True or False: Taller people need proportionately more energy than shorter people to balance their energy budgets. True
True or False: Waist circumference indicates visceral fatness, and above a certain girth, disease risks rise. True
The psychological desire to eat is referred to as what? Appetite
During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluids is what? Cool water
What factors influence how much glucose a person uses during physical activity? Degree of training of the muscles, duration of the activity, and carbohydrate intake.
What is the intensity level of a physical activity that causes some increase in breathing, is a perceived exertion of 5 or 6, and allows you to have a converstaion while doing the activity? Moderate
Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who need what? Need to replenish electrolytes
Carbonated beverages are not a good choice for meeting an athlet's fluid need because they do what? Make a person feel full quickly and may limit fluid intake
A female athlete weighs 120 pounds before a race and 118 pounds after the race. How much fluid should she consume? 4 cups
Glycogen depletion occurs after about how many hours of vigorous activity? Two
A benefit of cardio respiratory endurance training is what? The heart muscle grows larger and stronger
True or False: To emphasize muscle endurance in weight training, you would combine less resistance (lighter weights) with more repetitions. True
Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called what that accumulates in the tissues and blood. Lactate