Answer The Human Body Questions Flashcards

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What cavity does the Thoracic belong? Ventral cavity
What cavity does the Cranial belong? Dorsal cavity
What cavity does the Absominal belong? Ventral cavity
What cavity does the Pelvic belong? Ventral cavity
What cavity does the Mediastinum belong? Ventral cavity
What cavity does the Spinal belong? Dorsal cavity
What cavity does the Pleural belong? Ventral cavity
_________ depends on the body"s ability to maintain or restore homeostasis. Survival
Homeostasis is the term used to describe the relative constancey of the body's _________________. internal environment

During exercise, homeostasis is disrupted and may cause the body's temperature to _______.
Changes and functions that occur during the early years are called ___________________. developmental process
Changes and functions that occur after young adulthood are called ___________________. aging process
Homeostatic control mechanisms are catergorized as either ___________ or ____________ feedback loops.
Negative feedback loops are ______________. stabilizing
Postitive feedback control loops are __________. stimulatory
The body's ability to respond continuously to changes in the environment and maintain consistency in the internal environment is called_______________. Homeostasis
The region frequently used by health professionals to locate pain and tumors divides the abdomen into four basic areas called _________ quadrants

Which of the following organs or structures does not lie within the mediastinum?
Thymus, Liver, Esophagus, Trachea
A lengthwise plane running from front to back that divides the body into right and left sides is called ____________ Sagittal
A study of the functions of living organisms and their part is called ______________. Physiology
The thoracic portion of the ventral body cavity is seperated from the abdominopelvic portion by a muscle called the _________________ diaphragm
An organization of varying numbers and kinds of organs arranged together to perform a complex function is called a _______________ system
The plane that divides superior from inferior is known as the _______________ plane. transverse

Which of the following structures does not lie within the abdominal cavity?
Spleen, Most of the small intestine, Urinary bladder, Stomach
Urinary bladder

Which of the following is an example of an upper abdominal region?
Right iliac region, Left hypochondriac region, left lumbar region, Hypogastric region
Left Hypochondriac Region
The dorsal body cavity contains components of the _______________ Nervous System

Which of the following organs is not found in the pelvic cavity?
Bladder, Stomach, Rectum, Colon
Similar cells acting together to perform a common function exist at a level of organization called a / an ____________________ tissue

Which of the following planes would be considered coronal?
A plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions
A plane that divides the body into upper and lower portions
A plane that divides the body into right and left sides
A plane that divides the body into superficial and deep portions
A plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions

If your reference point is "nearest to the trunk of the body" versus "farthest from the truck of the body" where does the elbow lie in relation to the wrist?
How do you stand in the anatomical position?
body is erect or standing
arms at the sides and palms turned forward
feet forward and slightly apart
The buttocks are often used as intramuscular injection sites. This region can be called __________ gluteal

In the human body, the chest region:
Can be referred to as the thoracic cavity
Is a component of the ventral body cavity
Contains the mediastinum
Can be referred to as the thoracic cavity

Which of the following is not a component of the axial subdivision of the body?
Upper extremity, Neck, Trunk, Head
Upper extremity
The scientific study of disease is ___________ pathology
Ventral Anterior
Skin Cutaneous
Transverse Horizontal
Anatomy Structure
Superficial Surface
Pleural Lung
Appendicular Extremities
Posterior Back
Midsagittal Equal
System Respiratory
A systemic approach to discovery is known as the ________________ scientific method
A tentative explanation in reseach is known as a ______________ hypothesis
The testing of a hypothesis is ______________ experimentation
In clinical trials, a group getting a drug is the ____________________ test group
In clinical trials, a group getting a substitute is the __________________________ Control group
The plane that seperates you from front and back is called _______________ frontal plane
The plane that seperates you left and right is called ________________ Sagittal plane
The plane the seperates you top and bottom is called __________________ transversal plane

Which of the following is not a subatomic particle?
Proton, Electron, Isotope, Neutron
Electrons move about within certain limits called _________________ orbitals