History 1302

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Elk v. Wilkins (1884) agreed with lower cout rulings that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments did not apply to Indians
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller built up giant corporations that dominated their respective markets.
The over 150 utopian and cataclysmic novels published during the las quarter of the nineteenth century were inspired by the growing fear of class warfare.
The Plains Indians included the Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, Kiowa, and Sioux.
Which mode of transportation is usually associated with the second industrial revolution? railroads
In the nineteenth century, pools, trusts, and mergers were ways manufacturers sought to control the marketplace
During the second industrial revolution, the courts tended to favor the interests of industry over those of labor.
For workers, the second industrial revolution meant all of the above
The theory of Social Darwinism argued that the theory of evolution applied to humans, thus explaining why some were rich and some were poor.
The second industrial revolution was marked by the acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries.
The Haymarket Affair was provoked by the 1886 bombing at a Chicago labor rally.
The Ghost Dance was a religious revitalization campaign among Indians, feared by whites.
In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis focused on the wretched conditions of New York City slums.
Which event marked the end of the Indian wars? Battle of Wounded Knee
What was the merit system for federal employees called? The Civil Service Act
The Greenback-Labor Party needs answer??????????
"Boss" William M. Tweed was a(n) political boss
Thomas Edison invented, among other thins, a system for generating and distributing electricity.
Social Darwinism in America All of the above
Which city becvame the world's center for iron and steel manufacturing? Pittsburgh
Bonanza farms typically had 3,000 or more acres.
Henry George argued in Progress and Poverty that poverty sprang from a denial of justice.
One of the reasons that the Great Strike of 1877 was imported is that it understood the tensions produced by the rapid industrialization of the time.
Elections during the Gilded Age were closely contested affairs.
The hearland of the second industrial revolution was in the Great Lakes region
The Indian victory at Little Bighorn only temporarily delayed the advance of white settlement.
The Dawes Act divided tribal lands into parcels of land for Indian families.
Henry George offered a solutions of a _____ for the problem of inequity in Americal. Single tax
The Social Gospel called for an equalization of wealth and power
The Knights of Labor was an inclusive organization that advocated for a vast array of reforms.
In the late nineteenth century, social thinkers such as Edward Bellamy, Henry George, and Lawrence Gronlund offered numerous plans for change primarily because they were alarmed by a fear of class warfare and the growing power of conentrated capital.
The Civil Service Act of 1883 created a merit system for government workers.
Republican economic policies strongly favored eastern industrialists and bankers.
The idea for the Statue of Liverty orginiated as a response to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
What did hunters shoot while riding the railroads across the West? Buffalo
The economic development of the American West was based on tourism, lumber, and mining industries, as well as farming.
Who did not deal, in some literary way, with the subject of America's poor? Charles Darwin
What was not a cause of the explosive economic growth experienced by the United States between 1870-1890? Low tariffs
Which statement about labor and the law is false? Workers generally welcomed the court's decisions on industry.
Who ran for mayor of New York in 1886 on a Labor ticket? Henry George
The era from 1870 to 1890 was known as the Gilded Age.
Who insisted that freedom and spiritual self-development required an equalizaion of wealth and power and that unbridled competition mocked the Christian ideal of brotherhood? Herbert Spencer
William Tweed was a (n) political boss who, although corrupt, provided important services to New Yorkers.
The _____ made possible the second industrial revolution in America. railroads
Credit Mobiler and the Whiskey Ring were indicative of the corruption in the Grant administration
An example of what the economist and social historian Thorstein Veblen meant by conspicious consumption is Mrs. Bradley Martin's costume ball.
The American working class lived in desperate conditions
What did William Graham Sumner believe social classes owed each other? Nothing at all.
Henry George rejected the traditional equation of liberty with ownership of land
After the civil war, which became symbols of a life of freedom on the open range? cowboys
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