Explain The Science Of Sound Flashcards

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What is sound? Sound is anything that can be heard and is a form of energy.
Why do we use sound? We use sound to communicate with others to find out about what’s going on around us
What is energy? Energy is the ability to make things move. It is needed to start the vibrations that make sound.
How is sound made? Sound is made by the vibrations of an object. To make a sound all or part of the object has to vibrate.
What are vibrations? Vibrations are the back and forth movements of an object. Vibrations can be powerful, weak, fast or slow.
How do your vocal cords produce sound? vocal cords (2leathery flaps with space between for air) when you speak they move closer causing them to vibrate & create sound
Energy comes in many forms. Name 6 types Chemical energy, Heat energy, Electrical energy, Energy of motion, Solar energy,Sound energy
Chemical energy chemical bonds hold together the tiny particles that make up everything. When the bonds are broken, energy is released.
Heat energy goes from warm things to cold things.
Electrical energy flows along electrical lines and gives an iron, for example energy.
Energy of motion anything that moves has this kind of energy
Solar energy the sun produces this energy for all living things on earth.
Sound energy energy of vibrations.
How does sound travel? Sound travels in waves that move in all directions.
Why is it harder to hear someone far away than close? The farther sound waves travel, the weaker they get.
What are sound waves? Sound waves are vibrations that make sound.
How are sound waves different than water waves? Sound waves out in all directions (to each side, up and down and all around) Water waves only move along the surface of the water.
How does the telephone send the sound of our voices far away? phone takes sound energy from voice & changes to electrical energy & travels along telephone lines & is changed back to sound energy on the other end
How do sound waves travel? Sound waves travel away from it’s source in all directions.
What does sound travel through? Sound travels through solids, liquids and gases.
How does sound travel through solids? In solids sound travels the fastest because molecules are close together.
How does sound travel through liquids? In liquids sound travels the second fastest because the molecules are farther apart in liquid than solids.
How does sound travel through gases? In gases sound travels the slowest because the molecules are the farthest apart.
What is an echo? An echo is sound waves bouncing back from a hard surface. When it bounces back it is reflected an sounds like the original sound.
Name the five parts of the ear. The five parts of the ear are: (1) outer ear (2) ear canal (3) eardrum (4) middle ear (5) inner ear
Explain how we hear. (outer ear) Sound waves are first collected by the outer ear. The sound wave travels down the ear canal to the eardrum.
Explain how we hear. (middle ear) When the sound waves hit the eardrum it will vibrate.These vibrations then travel to the middle ear.
Explain how we hear.(middle ear) In the middle ear they are passed on to three small bones called the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup.
Explain how we hear.(inner ear) The bones then pass the vibrations on to the cochlea which is in the inner ear.
Explain how we hear.(inner ear) Nerves in the inner ear carry the message of these vibrations to the brain.
Explain how we hear
sound->vibrate eardrum->bones->conchlea->nerves->brain
What is frequency? Frequency is the # of vibrations an object makes in a certain amount of time. It is measured in hertz (Hz). High is alot and low is a few.
Name 2 animals that can hear high frequency? Bats and dolphins can hear at high frequencies.
What animal communicates using low sound? An elephant uses low sound to communicate.
What is volume and pitch? The loudness or softness of a sound is volume. The highness of lowness of a sound is pitch.
Define amplitude. A loud sound has a high amplitude. A low sound has a low amplitude.
How is sound measured? Sound is measured by the number of cycles the sound wave makes in a second.
How is volume (loudness) measured? Volume is measured in decibles. The number of decibles tells us how powerful a sound is. Ex: a whisper is 20db and a jet taking off is 140db
What is noise pollution? Loud and constant noise is noise pollution.
How can you protect your ears from noise pollution? (1) wear earplugs (2) soundproof rooms
How is sound technology used? Sound technology is used: (a) by advertisers (b) to do x-rays or ultrasound (c) for cleaning very small devices
What is amplification? Amplification is the process of making sound louder.
Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
Who invented the world’s first electronic synthesizer t play music? Hugh LeCaine built the first electronic synthesizer in 1945.