Government Chapter 3 Vocab

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block grants federal grants that allow states considerable leeway or discretiion in how the funds should be spent
categorical grants congressional grants given to states and localities on the condition that expenditures he limited to a problem or group specified by law
commerce clause article 1 section 8, of the consitituion, which delegates to Congress the power "to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several STates of with the Indian Tribes." The Supreme Court interpreted this clause in favor of national power over the economy
concurrent powers powers excercised by both the federal and the state governments
cooperative federalism federalism existing since the New Deal era i which grants in aid have been used strategically to encourage states and localities to pursue nationally defined goals, with national and state governments sharing powers and resourses via intergovernmental cooperation
devolution a policy to remove a program from one level of government by delegating it or passing it down to a lower level of government such as from the national government to the state and local governments
dual federalism the system of government that prevailed in the us from 1789 to 1930 in which the powers of the national government and the states were conidered entirely seperate and distinct from each other, during this time the states possessed a vast amount of governing
full faith and credit clause provision from Article IV, section 1 of the constitution requiring that the states normallly honor the public acts and judicial decisionsthat take place in another state
grants-in-aid programs through which congress provides money to state and local governments on the condition that the funds be employed for purposes defined by the federal governments
home rule power delegated by the state to a local unit of government to manage its own affairs
implied powers power derived from the necessary and proper clause of article 1 section 8 of the constituion. such powers are not specifically expressed, ut are implied throught the expansive interpretation of delegated powers
necessary and proper clause it provides Congress with the authority to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out its expressed powers
police power power reserved to the government to regulate the health, safety and morals of its citizens
Preemption the principle that allows the national government to override state or local actions in certain policy areas
Privileges and immunities clause Provision from Article VI section 2 from the constitituion, that citizens of one state should e entiled to similar treatment in other states
reserved power the tenth amendment to the constitution that aims to reserve powers to the states
revenue sharing the process by which the national government provides money to local governments and counties with no strings attached
states rights the principle thast the states should oppose the increasing authority of the national government. this principle was most popular in the period before the civil war
unfunded mandates regulations or conditions for receiving grants that impose costs on state and local goverments for which they are not reimbursed by the federal government
unitary system a governing system that gives most power to the federal or national government