Geometry Terms

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The conjugation of a conditional statement and its converse.
p iff q
Compound Statement
A statement formed by joining two or more statements.
p- Raleigh is a city in N.C.
q- Raleigh is the capital of N.C.
In a conditional statement, the statement that immeadiatly follows then.
If you buy a car, then you get $1,500 back.
An educated guess based on known information.
2+x= 5 x=3

The statement formed by negating both the hypothesis and conclusion of the conversion of a conditional statement.

See full size image
The statement formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement.
q to p
An example used to show that any given statement is not always true.
2+2= 7 because 2+2= 4
Deductive Reasoning
A system of reasoning that uses facts, rules, definitions, or properties to reach logical conclusions.
2(9) using the distributive property, you can logically conclude it's 18.
In a conditional statement, the statement that immeadiatly follows the word if.
If lines m and n never intersect, then they are parallel.
Inverse The statment formed by negating both the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional statement
Negation If a statement is represented by P, then not P is the negation of the statment
Properties Can be used to justify each step when solving equations
Theorem A statment or conjecture that can be proven true by undefined terms, definitions, and postualtes
Alternate Exterior Angles
In the figure,<1 and <7 and <2 and <8.
Alternate Interior Angles
In the figure, <3 and <4 and <6 and <5.
Consecutive Interior Angles
In the figure,< 1 and < 4 and <5 and <8.
Corrosponding Angles
In the figure,< A and
Parallel Lines
Coplanar lines that do not inter
sect Lines a and b are parallel
Parallel Planes

Planes that do not intersect
Skew Lines

Lines that do nto intersect and are not coplanar
Lines RY and SZ.

A line that intersects 2 or more lines in a plane at different points
Line t is the transversal.
Acute Triangles

a triangle in which all of the angles are acute angles
Altitude of a traingle

a segment from a vertex of the triangle to the line cointaining oppisite sides and perpendicular to that side

See full size imageRed line is altitude.
Base Angles

2 angles formed by the base and 1 congruent side
< A and < C are base angles.

the point of concurrency of the medians of a triangle
G is the centroid.

The point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle


Slide, turn, or flip a triangle to prove this

Congruent Triangles

Triangles that have their corrosponding parts congruent

Coordinate Proof

A proof that uses figures in the coordinate plane and algebra to prove geometric concepts


A statment that can be easily proven by using a theorem
This is an equilateral triangle because it has all sides and angles equal.
Equiangular triangle

triangle with all angles congruent
All angles are 60 degrees.
Equilateral Triangle

triangle with all sides congruent
All sides are congruent.
Exterior angle

An angle formed by 1 side of the triangle and the extension of the other side
All of the larger 120 degree angles.

the side opposite of the right angle
The longest part of the triangle.

The poitn on coincurrency of the angle bisectors of a triangle
Point in the middle of a circle.

At least 2 sides of the triangle are congruent
The two sides are congruent.
Legs of a right triangle

The lines that are part of the right angle
Parts that aren't the hypotenuse.
median of a triangle

a line segment with endpoints that are a vertex of a triangle and tje midpoint of the side opposite of the vertex. AD is a median of the triangle.
obtuse triangle

one angle is obtuse
This triangle is obtuse because it has one 115 degree angle in it.
perpendicular bisector

a line, segment, or ray that passes through the midpoint of a side and it perpendicular to that side
.Red line is perpendicular bisector.
point of concurrency

the point of intersection of concurrent lines

remote interrior angle

interior angles of the triangle not adjacent to a given exterior angle.A and C are remote interrior angles.
right triangle

triangle with a right angle


no two sides are congruent

vertex angles

the angles formed by the congruent sides

included angle

in a triangle, the angle formed by two sides is the included angle for those two sides

included side

the side of a triangle that is a side of each of the two angles

indirect reasoning
reasoning that assumes that the conclusion is false and then shows that this assumption leads to a contradiction of the hypothesis.
ex: -2 +1= 1 because -2 +1= -1
indirect proof

an indirect proof, one assumes that the statement to be proved is false.
True or False: False That isn't an acute angle.


a polygon for which there is a line containing a side of the polygon that also contains a point in the interior of a polygon.


a polygon for which there is no line that contains both a side of the polygon and the point in the interior of a polygon.

mid-segment of a triangle

a segment with endpoints that are midpoints of two sides of a triangle.


a closed figure formed by a finite number of coplanar segments.

an equation of the form a/b = c/d that states two ratios are equal
ex: 5/10 = 1/2

a convex polygon in which all of the sides are congruent and all of the angles are congruent

scale factor

the ratio of two lengths of two corresponding sides of two similar polygons or two similar solids

similar polygons

two polygons are similar iff their corresponding angles are congruent and the measure of their corresponding sides are proportional

angle of depression

the angle between the line of sight and the horizontal when an observer looks downwards

angle of elevation

the angle between the line of sight and horizontal when an observer looks upwards

altitude of a right triangle

a segment from a vertex of the triangle to the line containing the opposite side and perpendicular of that side
BD is the altitiude of the right triangle.

for an acute angle if a right triangle the ratio of the measure of the leg adjacent to the acute angle to the measure of the hypotenuse

geometric mean
for any positive numbers, a + b, the positive number such that a/x = x/b
ex. a / x = x / b
Pythagorean triple
a group of whole 3 numbers that satisfies the equation a squared + b squared = c squared
ex: 3 squared + 6 squared = 9 squared

for an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg opposite the acute angle over the hypotenuse

solving a triangle

finding the measures of all the angles and sides of a triangle


ratio of the legs of a triangle


the study of the properties of triangles and trigonometric functions and their applications


a part of a circle that is defined by two endpoints


a given point in the middle of a circle

central angle

an angle that intersects a circle in two points and its vertex is at the center of a circle


a segment with endpoints that are on the circle


the locus of all points in a plane equidistant from a given point called the center of a circle

distance around a circle
ex: pi r squared

a circle is circumscribed about a polygon if the circle contains all of the verticies of the polygon


a chord that pssses through the center of a circle


if each of the vertices lie on a circle


iff the endpoints of the arc lie on the angle

major arc

an arc with a measure greater than 180
The blue line is the major arc.
minor arc

an arc with a measure less than 180
Red arc is a minor arc because its less than 90 degrees.

an irrational number represented by the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of a circle

point of tangency

for a line that intersects a circle in only one point, the point at which they intersect


any segment with endpoints that are in the center of the circle


any line that intersects a circle at exactly two points


an arc that measures 180 degrees


a line in the plane of a circle that intersects the circle in exactly one point


a segment that is drawn from the center of a regular polygon perpendicular to a side of the polygon

geometric probability

using the principles of length and area to find the probability of an event

irregular figure

a figure that can't be classified as a regular polygon

irregular polygon

a polygon thats not regular

sector of a circle

a region of a circle bounded by a central angle and its intercepted arc

segment of a circle

the region of a chord bounded by an arc and a chord

consecutive angles of a quadrilateral

any two angles whose vertices are the endpoints of the same side
A and C are consecutive angles.

10 sided figure


a segment that connects any two nonconsecutive vertices


12 sided figure

exterior angles of a polygon

add up to 360 degrees


6 sided figure


7 sided figure

interior angles of a polygon

add up to 360 degrees on the outside

isoceles trapezoid

if the legs are congruent


quadrilateral with two disjointed pairs of congruent adjacent sides

median of a trapezoid

the segment that joins midpoints of the legs of a trapezoid


polygon with n- sides


9 sided figure


8 sided figure

opposite angles of a quadrilateral

any two angles that are not consecutive

opposite sides of a quadrilateral

any two sides that intersect


a quadrilateral with parallel opposite sides


5 sided figure

length of a boundary:
ex: a rectangle 2 by 2 , the perimeter is 8

having 4 sides


a quadrilateral with 4 right angles


a quadrilateral with all 4 sides are congruent


if a quadrilateral is both a rhombus and a rectangle


a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides

bases of a trapezoid

the parallel sides
AB and DC are bases of the trapezoid.
height of a trapezoid

sides that aren't parallel

altitude of a 3D figure

a segment perpendicular to the bases with endpoints in each plane


bottom of a figure
This figure has a square base.
congruent solids

2 solids are congruent if all of the following conditions are met, plane as the base, and a lateral surface area composed of all points in the segments connecting the vertex to the edge of the base


a figure with bases that are formed by congruent circles in parallel planes


a line or border at which a surface terminates


a face of the polygon that make up its boundaries

great circle

the intersection of the sphere and a plane that contains the center of the sphere


the distance between the highest and lowest point of a figure

acute angle

an angle with a measure less than 90 degrees

obtuse angle

an angle with a measure greater than 90 degrees


one of the two congruent parts into which a great circle seperates a sphere

lateral area

the area of the figure not including the bases

lateral faces

faces that aren't bases


a 2-dimensional figure that when folded forms the surface of a 3-dimensional object

oblique cone

a cone that isn't a right cone

oblique cylinder

a cylinder that is not right

platonic solids

5 regular polyhedra


a solid figure having 12 faces


a solid having 6 faces


a solid having 20 faces


a solid having 8 faces


a solid having 4 sides


closed 8 dimensional figures made up of flat polygonal regions


a solid with 2 bases, 2 lateral faces, and lateral edges


a solid with all faces intersecting at a vertex, a base, and lateral face

regular cone

right cone with bases that are regular polygons

regular prism

right prism with bases that are regular polygons

regular cylinder

a cylinder with an altitude thats also an axis

right cone

a cone with an axis thats also an altitude

right cylinder

a cylinder with an altitude thats also an axis

right prism

a prism with lateral edges that are also altitudes

similar solids

solids that have the exactly the same shape, but not necessarily the same size

slant height

the altitude of the side of a regular pyramid


the set of all points that are given distance from a given point

surface area

the sum of the areas of all faces and side surfaces of a 3-dimensional figure


a measure of the amount of space enclosed by a 3- dimensional figure

vertices of a 3D object

the points on a graph

center of dilation

the fixed point in the plane about whuch all points are expanded or contracted

center of rotation

a point or line around which all other points in a body move

column matrix

In linear algebra, a column vector or column matrix is an m × 1 matrix, i.e. a matrix consisting of a single column of elements.

columns of a matrix

line up to form points on an object


the act of combining parts and elements to form a whole


the act or process of expanding

identity matrix

to resemble

a function from one metric space onto a second metric space having the property that the distance between two points in the first space is equal to the distance between the image points in the second space




the point or set of points in the range corresponding to a designated point in the domain of a given function


the replacement of each point on one side of a line by the point place symmetrically on the other line

reflection matrix


an operation that rotates an object around a fixed point

rotation matrix

row matrix

a matrix with only one row


a number , numerical quantity , or elment in a field

standard matrix


moving every point a constant distance in a specified direction

translation matrix

a matrix represnting a translated figure

vertex matrix

If a graph has
$n$ vertices, we may associate an
$ n\times n $ matrix
$ M $

the greatest lower bound of differences from one point to another
perpindicular lines

forms four 90 degree angles
acute triangle
acute triangle

a triangle that has all angles less than 90 degrees

outer ;external

a flat surface extending indefinately in all directions

on the inside


a geometric element that has position but no extension


the figure formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint


a series of points


a declaration of something self-evident
angle bisector
angle bisector

divides the angle into two equal or congruent parts

line segment

a line that is bounded by 2 endpoints


a line that extends indefinately in one direction

lying on the same line
linear pair add up to 180 degrees
linear pair

add up to 180 degrees

right angle

adds up to 90 degrees

complementary angles

are angles next to each other that form 90 degrees


a point equidistant from the ends of a line

segment bisector

any line, segment, or ray that intersects a segment at its midpoint


same shape and same size


the set of all points


lying in the same plane
Q and B are coplanar .
opposite rays

form a line

supplementary angles

add up to 180 degrees


used to measure angles

perpendicular bisector

makes 4 right angles

undefined terms

points, lines, and planes


the point of intersection of lines or points opposite the base of the figure

vertical angles

the pair of angles that are directly across from each other when two straight lines intersect

flow proof

putting the statements in boxes then putting arrows showing the most logical way to prove the proof

if-then statement
the words that follow the if are the if statement and the words that follow the then statement are the then statement
ex: If all squares are rectangles then all rectangles aren't squares.
inductive reasoning

reasoning from detailed facts to general principles

paragraph proof

explaning the proof using sentences and paragraphs


any factual evidence to establish the truth of something


something a shape or any figure can have


a message that is stated or declared

two-column proof

two columns explaining why you did what you did to solve the proof


the same amount of space apart

included angle

angle made by two sides with a common vertex

included side

the common leg of two angles

hypotenuse leg

theorem proving right triangles similar or congruent


theorem proving that congruent parts of congruent triangles are congruent


theorem proving triangles congruent by side angles side


theorem proving triangles congruent by side side side


postulate proving triangles congruent by angle side angle


postulate proving triangles congruent by angle angle side

indirect proof

a proof in which one false assumption is made

indirect reasoning

reasoning using the law of Contrapositive, and negating

overlapping triangles

triangles that are on top of each other


the greatest degree of intensity or extent


the averages


the relative magnitude of 2 quantities

Law of Sines

used to find angles of a general triangle

Law of Cosines

used to find one side of a triangle when an angle and the other side is known

Unit Circle

a circle with a radius of one


an eleven sided polygon

common external tangent

a common tangent that is common in two circles and doesn't intersect the center of the two circles

common internal tangent

a line that is common in two circles and intersects the center of the two circles

concentric circles

two or more circles that have the same center and different radii

externally tangent circles

two circles that aren't inside of each other

inscribed angles

angles whose vertex is on the circle and whose sides are chords of the circle

inscribed figure

an inscribed shape inside of the circle

internally tangent circles

two circles, one of which is inside the other

The end :)