Can You Explain The Anatomy Of Functions Of Shark Structures Flashcards

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protection of the skin placoid scales
controlling the sharks direction as it swims Fins (except caudal)
Propelling the shark tail and caudal fin
grsping prey and cutting off pieces of meat, but not chewing teeth
discharges water that has come in through the mouth and passed over the gills external gill slits
swallowing and also passing incoming water to gills pharynx
heavily vascularized, feathery fans of tissue that take oxygen from the water passing over them and discharge carbon dioxide to it gills
allowing water to enter the mouth of the shark when it is holding food in its jaw spiracle
canals from top of head to inner ear (possibly a role in equillibrium) endolymphatic pores
sample of water for odors external nares
sensing minute electrical fields given off by prey ampullae of lorenzini
sensing tiny pressure disturbances in the water, such as those made by swimming prey lateral line system
outlet for feces, urine, and reproductive products cloaca
dischares urine and sperm into the cloaca in the male urogenital papilla
discharges urine into the cloaca in the female urinary papilla
unknown by may equalize pressures in the body cavity and external environment or outlet excess coelomic fluid abdominal pores
introduction of sperm into female's cloaca. claspers
carries sperm on the claspers doral grooves
body cavity caudal to the transverse septum; holds all abdominal organs pleuroperitoneal cavity
body cavity cranial to the transverse septum pericardial cavity
sheet of tissue separating the pleuroperitoneal and pericardial cavities transverse septum
loose connective tissue convered with squamous epithelium, covers the organs visceral peritoneum
sheets of peritoneum that attach organs to the body wall mesentery
holds the oil that gives the shark buoyancy, many digestive functions such as storing nutrients and transforming food molecules arriving from the gut liver
storing bile, a liquid that breaks up fat droplets in the gut gall bladder
passing food from the pharynx to the stomach esophagus
storing of meals until digestion can begin stomach
initial digestion of food stomach
allowing the stomach to expand as food is taken in rugae
a muscular, narrow portion of stomach that controls entry of food from the stomach into the duodenum pylorus
secretion of many digestive enzymes pancreas
blood reservoir, immune functions spleen
the portion of the small intenstine just beyond the pylorus; many digestive secretions are added to the gut ehre duodenum
largest middle portion of the intestive; digestion and nutrient absorption ileum
narrow portion of the intestive cranial to the rectal gland; formation of feces colon
portion of intestine caudal to the rectal gland; elimination of feces rectum
slowing the progess of food through the ileum; increasing internal surface area of ileum spiral valve
removes excess salts from the sharks circulation rectal gland
salt and water balance, eliminating toxic wastes kidneys
carries urine in both sexes and sperm in males opisthonephric duct
making sperm testes
mestentary attaching ovaries to the body wall mesorchium
storage of sperm and passing of sperm to the sperm sacs seminal vesicles
a space formed by the union of the two sperm sacs in the male urogenital sinus
making eggs ovaries
where are eggs released? into the coelom
takes in immature eggs from the coelom and passes them to the oviducts ostium tubae
secreats a membranous shell around groups of eggs and also serves a reservoir for sperm from the male shell gland
passes the eggs from the ostium tubae to the uterus oviduct
stores and nutures the developing embryo uterus
covers the heart pericardial membrane
filled with fluid that reduces friction between the beating heart and surrounding structures pericardial cavity
receives blood from the body and passes it to the atrium sinus venosus
pumps blood into the ventricle atrium
the most muscular portion of the heart; pumps blood into the bentral aorta through the gills and then around the circulatory system. ventricle
conducts blood from the ventricle to the ventral aorta conus asteriosus
conduct blood from the ventral aorta to the gills afferent branchial arteries
conduct blood from the gills to the dorsal aorta efferent branchial arteries
carries oxygenated blood from the gills to the body dorsal aorta
lead from the pharynx to the gill chambers internal gill slits
a cartilage skeletal element that supports the gills gill arch
protect the gills from food in the sharks mouth gill rakers
unknown but perhaps preventing swallowed food particles from coming up the espophagus esophageal papillae
not fully known but probably muscular coordination cerebellum
processin of visual data optic lobes
not fully known but probably control of simple relexes like blood pressure, heart rate, etc medulla
not fully known but probably processing sensory information and sending signals to the muscles cerebrum
processing of chemical stimuli in the water olfactory lobes