FAMR 230 Exam 1

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Lifespan Development Continues through life
3 Interrelated areas of Lifespan development Physical, cognitive, psychosocial
Cohort A group of people born around the same time in the same place
Continuous change Gradual developments where achievements BUILD on previous level
Discontinuous change Distinct steps, each behavior brings out a different change
Critical period Time during development where stimuli has its greatest consequences (Long lasting, irreversible consequences)
Sensitive period Reversible consequences, if stimuli are removed
Maturation Any factor that is produced by the predetermined unfolding of genetic information
Freud's psychoanalytic theory UNCONCIOUS forces act to determine personality and behavior, the unconscious is a part of a person's personality that they are unaware of. i.e. hidden wishes/desires
Freud's 3 components of personality id - raw, unorganized inborn part of personality present at birth, pleasure principleego-rational and reasonable, buffer between world and idsuperego-person's conscience, distinctions between right and wrong
Erikson's psychosocial theory Society and culture shape us
Psychosocial development Changes in our interactions with and understandings of one another as well as in our knowledge and understanding of us as members of society
Behavioral perspective (SKINNER) Keys to understanding development are observable behavior and outside stimuli in the environment
Operant conditioning Form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive/negative consequences
Behavior modification Formal technique of promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones
Piaget's cognitive theory All pass through fixed sequence series of universal stages of cognitive development, quality of knowledge and understanding
Humanistic perspective People have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives and control their behavior
Bioecological approach Perspective that different levels of the environment simultaneously influence individuals
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory Cognitive development proceeds as a result of social interactions between members of a culture
Scientific method Posing and answering questions using systematic, orderly observation and data collection
Hypothesis Prediction that can be tested
Naturalistic observation Naturally occurring behavior is observed without intervention
Case studies Interviews
Independent variable Variable that researches manipulate
Dependent variable Variable that researchers expect to change and measure
Sample Group of participants chosen for an experiment
Longitudinal research Behavior of one or more participants is measured as they age
Cross-sectional research People of different ages are compared at the same time
Sequential studies Examine number of different age groups over several points in time
Zygote Fertilized egg
Chromosomes 23 pairs for humans
Monozygotic twins Identical twins, one egg
Dizygotic twins Fraternal twins, two eggs
Boy or girl Determined by the 23rd chromosome, XY - boy XX - girl
Down syndrome Extra chromosome in 21st pair
Genetic counseling Helps people deal with issues related to inherited disorders
Chriionic villus sampling Test used to find genetic defects, uses samples of hair-like material that surrounds embryo
Amniocentesis Identifies genetic defects using sample of fetal cells
Fertilization Sperm + ovum = zygote
Stages of prenatal period Germinal- First two weeks after conception, shortest period. Division and differentiation of cells occur.Embryonic- 2-8 weeks, critical period, organs developFetal- 8 weeks - birth, last stage of prenatal development
Teratogen Environmental agent (drug, virus, etc.) that produces birth defect
Neonate Term for newborn
Episiotomy Incision made to increase size of vagina allowing baby to pass (GOD DAMN)
Apgar scale Rating system for new born's health, 7-10 is a healthy baby
Anoxia Restriction of oxygen to baby during birth process that can produce brain damage
Bonding Close physical and emotional contact between parent and child immediately following birth.
Preterm infants Infants born prior to 38 weeks after conception
Low birth weight infants Infants who weigh less than 5.5 lbs at birth
Small for gestational age infants Delayed fetal growth causes infants to weigh 90% or less of infants of the same gestational age
very low birthweight infants Infants who weigh less than 2.25 grams or have been in the womb less than 30 weeks
Reflexes Unlearned, involuntary responses that occur automatically from certain stimuli
Habituation Decrease in response to stimulus after it appears repeatedly
Cephalocaudal principle Principle that growth begins at the head and upper body parts and proceeds downwards
Proximodistal principle Principle that development proceeds from center of body outwards
Synaptic pruning Elimination of neurons as the result of nonuse or lack of stimulation
Myelin Fatty substance that helps insulate neurons and speeds transmission of nerve impulses
Plasticity degree to which a developing structure or behavior is modifiable
Rhythms Repetitive, cyclical patterns of behaivor
State Degree of awareness an infant displays to internal and external stimulation
Gross motor skills Involves the whole body
Fine motor skills Hand-eye coordination, picking up a cup to drink
Developmental norms Average performance of large sample of children at a given age
Malnutrition improper amount and balance of nutrient, produces several results, none good. Marasmus for children under 1
Piaget's approach Qualitative, all children must pass through 4 universal stages
Schemes Organized pattern of sensorimotor functioning
Assimilation Incorporates new information
Accommodation Changes information
Deferred imitation Person who is no longer present is imitated later
Information processing approaches Model that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use, and store information
Holophrases One-word utterances that stand for a whole phrase
Telegraphic speech 2 word speech (doggy go)
Infant directed speech Speech for infants, short simple sentences
Stranger anxiety Caution and wariness displayed by an infant encountering a stranger
Separation anxiety Distress when customary care provider departs
Social smile Smiling in response to others
Social referencing Looking to trusted adult on how to act in unfamiliar situations
Attachment Social bond between child and an individual
Ainsworth Strange Situation sequence of staged episodes that illustrates strength of attachment between child and mother
Secure attachment pattern Style of attachment that uses mother as home base, at ease when present, uneasy when she leaves and runs to her when she returns.
Reciprocal socialization infant's behavior bring responses from parents and caregivers, which brings out more response from infants
Personality Characteristics that differentiates one from another
Trust verus mistrust stage Period where infants develop sense of trust or mistrust, depending on how needs are met by caregiver -Erikson
Autonomy-versus-shame-and doubt stage Period which toddlers (18 months - 3 years) develop independence if they are free to explore or shame if they are restricted
Temperament Patterns of arousal and emotionality that are constant and enduring characteristics
Goodness of fit Notion that development is dependent on degree of match between children's temperament and the nature and demands of the environment in which they are being raised.