Exam 4 Human Geography

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A form of tropical subsistence agriculture in which fields are rotated after short periods of crop production is shifting cultivation
The zone of probability for a business is marked by high income and low cost
The Kyoto Protocol addresses global climate change
The continuation of economic dependence after political independence is neocolonialism
The type of manufacturing that is more likely to be located in peripheral countries is labor-intensive
The boundaries of rocky crustal plates are associated with earthquakes
In which major world manufacturing country does industry not lie near sources of raw material Japan
The increase in time and cost with distance is referred to as friction of distance
Which of the four classifications of industry must locate where the resources are found tertiary
Theories which hold that economic disparities are built into the global economic system are structuralist theories
Globally, the consumption of resources is tied to ______ more than any other factor rate of population growth
The most prevalent rural residential pattern in the world's agricultural areas is nucleated
20,000 NGO's in Bangladesh constitute what can be called _____ a parallel state
Changes in climate involve changes in the ______ cycle, which in turn affects patterns of precipitation hydrologic
Depletion of the ozone layer is caused by the release of ______ into the atmosphere chlorofluorocarbons
Forests affect the atmosphere through their role in (the) oxygen cycle
Most scholars believe that seed cultivation first occurred in the Fertile Crescent
England not only held a monopoly over products that were in world demand at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, but also a monopoly on the skill necessary to make the machines that manufactured the products
Alfred Wegener used his spatial view of the world to develop the theory of continental drift
The word "development" implies progress
__________ give loans to poor people, preferably women, to encourage development of small businesses Micro credit programs
Who actually laid the groundwork for the colonial expansion of Europe Europe's commercial companies
Colonial powers would make subsistence farmers grow cash crops in addition to feed crops the farmer needed to survive
If a substantial number of enterprises all develop in, or move to, the same area the factor is called agglomeration
In Britain, the proximity of what three things gave an unsurpassed advantage to the development of early industry coal fields, iron ores and coastal ports
Mass production of standardized goods using assembly line techniques is referred to as Fordist
Which is not an example of a primary economic activity corn flake production
A large component of survival in countries with low per capita GNP is the informal economy
Gross domestic product measures only production only within a country
Over the past century the pace of human environmental change has increased significantly
By 1992, the most widely grown crop variety on Earth was a product of the Green Revolution called IR36, which is a variety of rice
Microcredit programs have been successful in many places with the exception of places with high AIDS mortality rates
The relocation of industry to cities like Paris and London was facilitated by development of railroads
The climatic record documenting the beginning of the Little Ice Age was partially pieced together by using ___________farmer's diaries wine
Which commodity would be found closest to the market town in con Thunen's model milk
Dependency ratio measures the number of young plus the number of elderly per 100 workers
Bio-genetic engineering now allows the growing of new strains in more arid regions of the Plains States to meet the demand of the ______ industry grain export
Examples of luxury crops include tobacco
The United States is the most prolific producer of solid waste. It is estimated that the U.S. produces about ____ pounds per person per day 3.5
Tsunami waves result from earthquake displacement of the seafloor
Nike, headquartered in Oregon, employs 20,000 people in that state. What percentage are employed in making shoes 0
Subsistence forms of agriculture in peripheral areas produce little in the way of protein
The basic unit of the township-and-range survey system, the section, has an area of 1 square mile
In peripheral countries it is not unusual for hotels in tourist areas to be owned by multinational corporations
Which of the following is not an example of a hunting and gathering group that still existed into the early 2000's the Bantu of Southern Africa
The average size of a family farm in China is _____ acres .5
Increasingly, people have come to depend on water sources of uncertain future capacity
Even if the GNP index is used to measure the well_being of a country, it will fail to show the distribution of wealth
________ processes in the commodity chain involve technology, education, research and development, and high wages Core
In areas of shifting cultivation, the population cannot have a high density