Exam #3 History

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Proponents of popular sovereignty believed that residents of a territory should decide the issue of slavery.
Effects of the Compromise of 1850 included... sectional dissatisfaction by both sides.
Results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act included... a blood civil conflict between proslavery and antislavery forces in Kansas.
In the controversial Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court declared that... blacks were not citizens of the United States.
John Brown hoped that his raid on Harper's Ferry, Virginia would... start a slave rebellion in the state of Virginia.
Before the first battle of the Civil War, most people on both sides thought their side would win easily.
All of the following were advantages for the North except longer tours of duty produced a more experienced army.
The Emancipation Proclamation... only freed slaves in unconquered territory.
The New York City Draft riot... turned into violence based on social class and racism.
President Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus for the purpose of... making it easier to arrest and hold suspected Confederate agents.
Short-staple cotton became a major profit-maker for all of the following reasons EXCEPT... the majority of settlers in the Old Southwest owned large plantations that grew it.
Before 1850, who was the dominant power on the north and central Great Plains? the warrior-hunters of the Sioux tribe.
Which practice did settlers bring to Texas that was illegal under Mexican law? slavery
The actual fighting of the Mexican War began when American forces moved into... the 100 miles between the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers.
Manifest Destiny was used to justify... the acquisition of territory in the west.
The Midwest was able to serve as the nation's breadbasket once it

had railroads to transport its wheat to distant markets.
By the 1850s the economy of the Midwest was integrated into the economy of what other region?

the Northeast
American fortunes in the fur trade were greatly helped by the development of

the annual rendezvous in Wyoming.
Life for white fur-traders included all of the following EXCEPT

close ties with the economic elite of the Northeast who dominated the fur trade.
The journey from Missouri to Oregon on the Oregon Trail took about

six months
The first large party on the Oregon Trail left from

Independence, Missouri.
Texas won independence

in the Battle of San Jacinto.
The concept of Manifest Destiny was closely tied to which political party?

The joint British-United States occupation of Oregon was ended when

President Polk compromised with Britain on the boundary issue.
Polk's offer to buy California for $30 million

fell apart when Mexico refused to receive Polk's representative John Slidell.
The Mexican War

was initiated by the United States because President Polk wanted California and the Southwest.
American advantages in the Mexican War included

better leadership, artillery, and naval capacity.
The people who held the balance of cultural and political power in the Old Northwest were from

New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Which of the following is an accurate statement?

Slaves, land, and cotton were the keys to wealth on the Southern frontier.
In the Southwest borderlands, the largest single group of people were the

Americans first began coming to Texas

at the invitation of the Mexican government.
The rise of cattle ranching in California primarily benefited

Yankee merchants.
The Mormons

saw Utah as their Zion.

A cornerstone of President Polk's foreign policy was

the acquisition of California.
The largest single group in the borderlands between the United States and Spanish America were

Which of the following did southerners gain in the Compromise of 1850?

the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act.
The 1852 election

showed that Americans were losing faith in the abilities of the political parties to govern.
The election of 1852 is significant for Catholic immigrants because....

much of the Democrats' support had come from the first-time votes of mainly Catholic immigrants.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act

allowed the residents of Kansas to vote on whether or not to allow slavery there.
One of the results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was

"Bleeding Kansas."
The Lecompton Constitution

established Kansas as a slave state.
The Dred Scott decision

ruled that, in essence, Congress was constitutionally barred from prohibiting slavery in the territories
After winning election to the presidency, and prior to assuming office, Lincoln

made it clear he did not favor the peace proposals of John Tyler and John Crittenden.