Essentials Human Disease/Conditions CH 8

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Apicectomy Removal of the apical protion of tooth root
Cholenergic Pertaining to nerve fibers that liberate acetylcholine at the nyonerual junction
Colectomy Surgical removal of all/part colon
Erosion Wearing away a surface
Fissure Cleft/groove on surface of organ/ tissue
Fistula Abnormal passage between organ and body surface
Gangrene Necrosis/death of tissue
Hematemesis Vomiting bright red blood
Leukoplakia white plaque, patches on mucous membranes
Ligation Typinf off blood vessel
Lymphadenopathy Local/general enlargemetn of lymph nodes/vessels
Metastasis Tumor cells spread to distant organs
Odynophagia Burning/squeezing pain on swallowing
Retrosternal Behind Sternum
Pseudomembranous false membrane
Anastomoses Surgical/pathologic connection between two vessels/structors
Aphthous Ulcers Recurrent Canker sores
Cachexia wasting disorder, malnutrition, cancer, HIV, TB
Diaphoretic Profuse sweating
H2-receptor anatagonist Chemical agent that blocks interaction of histamine/ acetylcholine on receptors of stomach cells. drugs that inhibit gastric acid
Hemostasis Controlling bleeding
Hepatomegaly Enlargement of Liver
Hyperemic Excess blood in part or area
Lavage Cleaning out a cavity with fluid
Myalgia Muschle Pain
Peritonitis Inflammation of membrane that lines abdominal cavity
Proton pump inhibitor Drugs that block gastric acid secretion;
Steatorrhia Malabsorbtion of fat in feces
Function of teeth Mastication, breakdown of food for digestion
Causes for missing permanent teeth Decay, accident, impaction, congenital missing
Major sysmptom of TMJ Pain in the TMJ
Thrush Fungal infection
Squamous cell oral cancers make up what percentage of oral cancers 90%
Major contributors to oral cancers Alcohol, smoking, snuff
Treatments for oral cancer Radiation, surgery, Laser therapy, therapeutic irradiation
Main symptom for esophagitis Burning chest pain (Hearburn)
Main culprit for gastritis H Pylori
Barrett's Esophagus contributes to what in the proximal stomach Gastric cancer
Length of Appendix 3 1/2 inches
Function of appendix No known purpose
Appliance worn by people with hernia Truss
Area of alimentary canal affected by Crohn's disease any portion, from mouth to anus can become edematous and inflamed
Ulcerative Colitisi is a risk for what condition Colon Cancer
Matin goal when treating gastroenteritis Maintian hydration and electrolyte balance
Symptoms of intestinal obsturction Pain, N/V, bloat, no passage of stool/gas, electrolyte imbalance, elevated WBC, hyperactive or missing bowel sounds
Site of colon for diverticulosis Distal protion, Sigmoid
3rd leading cancer cuase of men and women Colorectal cancer
Is peritonitis life threatening Yes
Which sex experieces a higher incidence of Cirrhosis Male
What is the incubation period for Hep A 15-50 Days
Four Fat Soluble vitamins A, D, E, K
The alimentary canal process and transports? Digestion
Function of teeth Matication
Periodontitis/Periodontal Disease Destruction of the gums and bone around a tooth
Pus-filled pocket surrounding root of tooth Tooth Abscess
Symptoms Herpes Simplex Blisters on lips, inside mouth, painful ulcers lasting hours to days
Symptoms Oral Cancer White pathcy lesions, oral ulcesr that fail to heal

Causes for normal Esophageal reflux

Overeating, weight, pregnancy

Treatment for Esophagitis

Bland diet, strong antiacids

Cause of Hiatal Hernia

Upper portion of stomach protrudes through opening in diaphram

Mechanical bowel obstructiion, twisting of the bowel on itself


Short bowel syndrome interfers with the absorptin of

Nutrients, fluid, vitamins, and minerals

Celiac Disease

Disease of the small intestine: malabsorption, gluten intolerance and damage to lining of intestines

Med causes discoloration of teeth


Antibacterial mouthwash precribed for gingivitis

Chlorhexidine (Periogard)

Oral Thrush is treated with what

Candida Albicans is treated with Nystatin

GERD is treated with

Omeprazole, cessation of smoking, elevating the head at bedtime

Do not use this drug with patients with Peptic Ulcer


Peptic Ulcer is treated with

Nexium, Zantac, Tagament (Esomeprazole, Rantidine, Cimetidine)

Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis

Corticosteriods, Sulfasalazine, anticholinergic agents

Treatment for Peritonitis

Broad spectrum antibiotics, parenteral electrolytes, pain killers

Treatment for motion sickness

Dramamine, Dimenhydrinate

Hep A is transmitted

Fecal-oral, comtaminiated water, food, stools

Overuse of Broad-Spectrum antibiotics is seem with

Pseudomembranous entercolitis

Symtoms include biliary colic with radiating pian and jaundice


Chronic Irreversible degeneration of the Liver


The Hepatitis is transmitted by blood and body fluid

B and C

Peritonitis in an inflamation of what

Serous Membrane that lines the abdomin

Mechanical bowel obstruction

Neoplasm, volvulus, intussusception, fecal impact

4th leading cause of cancer deaths



Allergic reaction, irritation from roods, mechanical injury, medications, poisons, alcohol, infectious diseases


Cuase:Plaque biofilm, Contriburing factors: Chemotherapy, diabetes, smoking, HIV,

Barrett's esphagus

Treat for GERD, Endoscopic exam every 3 years, acid-suppression medis, lifestyle change, antireflux surgery

How does malocclusion present

Protrusion or recession of the jaw, crowded teeth, tooth loss

Untreated ginvigitis leads to what condition


Symtoms of TMF

Pain in jaw worse by chewing, clicking sounds when chewing, limitaion of jow movement (unilateral) tinnitus, deafnes

Aphthous Mouth Ulcer vs Cold Sore

trauma, stress, illnes vs Herpes simplex virus

Pale yellow spots with red boarders vs red raised lesions

Causes for GERD

Relaxation of esphogeal sphincter, hiatial hernia, some meds, alcohol, coffee, some foos

Medication class for treating GERD

Antiacids, proton pum inhibitor

What does Helicobacter Pylori do

H. Pylori causes gastric and peptic ulcers

Complications from Esphageal Varices

Rupture of the lining of the esophaus-hemorrhage, hypovolemic shock

Endoscopy visulaizes what

Upper GI tract

Colonoscopy visualizes whatD


Initial symptoms of gastric cancer

vague digestive symptons, no pain

McBurney's Point

Point of tenederness in acute appendicitis

Strangulated hernia

bowel is trapped or twiested on itself at the point of herniation. Blood supply is cut off - gangrene

Symptoms Ulcerative Colitis

Chronic inflamation of mucosa of rectum and colon, chronic/severe diarrhea

Crohns Disease

Chronic inflammation of all layers of bowel wall anywhere in the digestive tract, severe diarrhea and bowel obstruction.

Rx for Gastroenteritis

control symptoms, maintain fluid level and electrolyte balance, education

Functional Intestinal obstruction

Nonmechanical blockage, paralysis of the bowel from medication, peritonitis, surgery (paralytic ileus, congenital megacolon)

Mechanical Intestinal obstruction

Tumors, foreign bodies, impaction, strictures, compression, twisint, intussusception, strangulations.

Diverticulosis vs Diverticulitis

Weak points in the muscular layer of the large intestines form outpouches. Then these become inflamated from infection - perforation of bowel.

Assessment for Colorectal Cancer

Hx/Px, stool specimens, barium enema, signmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, CT Scan.

Why do antibiotics cause Pseudomembranous entercoloitis

It destroys the natural protective intestinal flora and allows infection with Clostridium Difficile. Bowel inflames, ulcerates, necrosis.

S/S of Cirrhosis of the Liver

Loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, indigesion, distention, edema, tendency to bleed, jaundice, pruritis, spider nevi, testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, memory impairment. Signs: enlarged liver, abnormal xrays, elevated liver enzymes, bilirubin in bloos, hepatic failure - death

Biliary Colic vs Acute Pancreatitis

Colic: pain in epigastric or RUQ -radiating to R scapula. Jaundice. Acute: sudden onset severe abd pain, radiating to back, N/V, Diaphoretic, tachy, B/P falls, fever, abd tenderness, decreased bowel sounds

Causes of Pancreatitis

Alcohol, biliary tract disease, gallstones, trauma, infection, structural anomalies, hemorrhage, hyperlipidemia, drugs, metabolic/ endocrine disorders

Disorders of nutrition lead to

Malnutrition, malabsorption, food poisoning, anorexia nervosa, bulimina, obsety and hypervitaminosis

Diagnostic criteria for Celiac Disease

Biopsy shows destruction of mucosal lining of bowel, gulten free diet resolves problem.

Most common bloodborne infection in US

HCV - Hepatits C Virus

Third most common site of cancer in men and women

Colorectal cancer