Define The Following Glycated Hemoglobin Flashcards

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A1c blood test that measures glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) to assess glucose control.
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
ADH antidiuretic hormone-vasopressin
BGM blood glucose monitoring
BMR basal metabolic rate
DI diabetes insipidus
DM diabetes mellitus
FBG fasting blood glucose
FBS fasting blood sugar
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
GH growth hormone
GTT glucose tolerance test
HbA1c test of the presence of glucose attached to hemoglobin
hCG human chorionic gonadotropin
ICSH interstitial cell-stimulating hormones
IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 1 diabetes
IGF insulin-like growth factor
K+ potassium
LH luteinizing hormone
MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
Na+ sodium
NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - type 2 diabetes
17-OH 17- hydoxycorticosteroids
OT oxytocin
PRL prolactin
PTH parathyroid hormone (parathormone)
RAI radioacive iodine
RIA radioimmunoassay
SIADH syndrome of inappropriate ADH
STH somatotropin
T3 triiodothyronine
T4 tryroxine-tetraiodothyronine
TFT thyroid function test
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone