Eating Disorders

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What is the main concern of those with anorexia nervosa? Strive to be extremely thin
What are the two types of anorexia nervosa? -Restricting type - little to no variation in diet -Binge-eating/purging
What is the age of onset for anorexia? 14-18 years old
Out of everyone with eating disorders, what percent is female? 90-95%
How does anorexia nervosa usually begin? Dieting, escalates to more serious problem
What is the death rate percentage of those with anorexia 2-6%
What is the DSM criteria for anorexia? Refusal to maintain normal body weight (
What is the driving motivation and preoccupation? Fear, food
What is the vicious cycle of anorexia? Starvation, preoccupation with food, increased anxiety, medical problems, greater feelings of fear/loss of control, harder attempts at thinness
Define bulimia nervosa Eating disorder characterized by binges and compensatory behavior
What are the two subtypes of bulimia nervosa? Purging type, non-purging type
What is the DSM criteria for bulimia nervosa? Repeated binges, repeated purges to prevent weight gain, symptoms last twice a week for three months at least, evaluation dependent on weight
What is the age of onset for bulimia? 15-21 years
What is the range of binges per week/average number? 2-40, average is 10
Define the characteristics of most binges Highly caloric, preceded by feelings of powerlessness, often carried out in secret
What are the most common compensatory behaviors? Vomiting, use of laxatives and diuretics
What is the "normal" weight of anorexics compared to bulimics? Anorexics severly underweight, bulimics normal/slightly overweight
What causes eating disorders? societal pressures, family environment, biological factors,
Describe societal pressures in terms of eating disorders Current Western standards of beauty, socially-accepted prejudice of overweight people
How to cognitive deficiencies describe eating disorders? Result of disturbed mother-child interactions which led to serious ego deficiencies in the child
What are the biological explanations for eating disorders? Genetic tendency, serotonin, dysfunction in the hypothalamus
What are the treatment goals for anorexia nervosa? Restore proper weight, recover from malnourishment, restore proper eating
What is the focus of treatment for anorexia nervosa? Building independence and self-awareness, correcting disturbed cognitions, changing family interactions
What are the treatment goals for bulimia nervosa? Eliminate binge/purge eating patterns, establish good eating habits, eliminate underlying cause of bulimic patterns
What are the main treatment strategies for treating bulimia nervosa? Individual insight therapy, behavioral therapy anti-depressant medications, group therapy