Communication 1010 Quiz One

Total Flash Cards » 41
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Q: Translating ideas and images in the speakers mind into verbal or nonverbal messages that an audience can understand is termed?

A: Encoding

Q: What is the term for something that interferes with the communication process?

A: Noise

Q: If you have a normal or generally positive approach to communicating in public, where your heart rate is in the average range, what style of communication apprehension are you experiencing?

A: Average Style

Q: When speakers tense and relax their muscles while waiting for their turn to speak, without calling attention to what they are doing, this reflects a strategy of coping with nervousness your text refers to as?

A: Channeling your nervous energy

Q: The rhetoric of diversity refers to a speaker?

A: considering such factors as culture, ethnicity, and gender

Q: Most speakers who procrastinate in preparing their speeches?

A: Will feel more speaker apprehension

Q: Tom is running for student government president. Because he has previously taken a public speaking course, he is able to speak with confidence, conviction, and assurance. Tom is experiencing?

A: Empowerment

Q: Being an audience-centered public speaker?

A: Influences every step of the speech making process

Q: The address of each Website or Web page is known as?

A: the URL of uniform resource locator

Q: The term “periodicals” refers to?

A: magazines and journals

Q: The use of audio or video recorders can be a liability in an interview because?

A: some people are more self-conscious and intimidated when being recorded

Q: It is necessary to determine what individual or organization is responsible for a Web site in order to determine its?

A: Accountability

Q: Joe is a former world weight lifter and professional body builder. He is preparing an informative speech on the abuse of steroids in physical fitness. Through his personal experiences, what quality can joe add to the presentation of his speech?

A: Credibility

Q: Kenisha decided to write her persuasive speech on “Human Cloning”. She didn’t feel comfortable using Internet sources and so relied on books and material from a class she had taken last year. What is the problem with Kenisha’s research?

A: Kenisha should have researched newspapers and periodicals for the most recent material

Q: Our beliefs, values, and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong are our?

A: Ethics

Q: Lifting key passages from sources you do not credit in your speech is an unethical practice known as?

A: Plagiarism

Q: Critical listening means that you, as a listener?

A: Hold the speaker to his or her ethical responsibilities

Q: When speakers consider beliefs, values, or moral principles when writing and presenting a speech, they are?

A: Speaking Ethically

Q: Speakers who bring in false claims and tug at the emotions of the audience, instead of using sound evidence and logical arguments, are examples of?

A: Unethical Speakers

Q: For a persuasive speech, you find a couple books in the library and several Internet sources that support your position perfectly. You copy this information and weave these ideas and pieces of evidence into the speech that you give to the class. Is this ethical?

A: Yes; all this information was found in open-access areas

Q: While listening to a classmate’s speech, Sean began to think that the speaker was citing sources that were biased. Sean began to shake his head and frown. What was Sean doing in this instance?

A: Listening critically and giving feedback to the speaker

Q: While researching, Gabe found a tragic story about a young girl who died from a drunk driving accident. In presenting this speech, Gabe told the story as if this girl was his sister. The speech was quite moving and afterward everyone told Gabe how sorry they were for his family. At this time, he told them it wasn’t really his sister but thought that telling it that way was more effective for this speech. Why is this unethical?

A: Gabe violated an ethical principle that requires speakers not to misrepresent information

Q: Because we hear so many sounds simultaneously, the first stage of listening is to?

A: Select

Q: Because much of our day is spent listening, there may be times we “tune out” when information is being sent to us. This process is called?

A: Information Overload

Q: Listeners who are able to evaluate the reasoning, logic, and quality of the speaker’s message are engaged in?

A: Critical Thinking

Q: What type of listening style occurs when you want the speaker to get to the point and state what needs to be done?

A: Action-oriented Style

Q: While listening to a sociology lecture, you mentally rearrange the ideas presented, summarize the information, and remain alert for key information. You are considered?

A: An Active Listener

Q: As listeners, if we become aware of the methods and techniques speakers use to achieve their goals while speaking; what are we listening for?

A: The rhetorical strategies employed by the speakers

Q: Joseph is easily distracted from a speech by noise outside the classroom, worries about his girlfriend, and them decides that the speech is boring, anyway. How would your text classify Joseph?

A: He is a poor listener

Q: A speaker who analyses the listeners and the occasion and adapts the speech to them is defined by your text as?

A: An Audience-centered speaker

Q: Information such as age, race, gender, education, and religious views are part of ?

A: Demographics

Q: To establish common ground with your audience member, you should?

A: Try to maximize similarities and minimize differences between you and the audience

Q: As defined by your text, analyzing the audience’s income, occupation, and education refers to?

A: Socioeconomic Status

Q: Trying to determine what an audience believes or thinks about a speech topic is termed?

A: Psychological Analysis

Q: The specific group of audience members that you, as a speaker, most wish to address or influence is your?

A: Target Audience

Q: The textbook recommends this, whether separately or with a target audience focus, when reflecting diversity of your audience:

A: Using a variety of strategies to reach the different listeners

Q: When selecting a topic for a speech, speakers need to consider the audience, the occasion, and?

A: The speakers themselves

Q: Speeches that you present will be to inform, to persuade, or to entertain. This goal for your speech is known as its?

A: General

Q: According to your text, a combination of your central idea and a summary of your main points is known as the?

A: Blueprint

Q: When you make a list of your own interests, and just begin writing as many topics related to these as you can think of without stopping to consider them, you are using a technique known as?

A: Brainstorming

Q: A complete central idea or thesis statement should be all of the following EXCEPT

A: A complete declarative sentence, a sentence with direct, specific language, an audience-centered idea, not a statement with at least three ideas