CNA Common Medical Abbreviations Flashcards

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abd abdomen
ac, AC before meals
ad lib as desired
am morning
amb ambulate
AP apical pulse
b.i.d., bid twice daily
BM, B.M. bowel movement
BP blood pressure
_ c with
C Celsius degree
c/o complains of
CHF congestive heart failure
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
DNR do not resuscitate
dx or DX diagnosis
F Fahrenheit degree
FBS fasting blood sugar
ft foot
FWB full weight bearing
GI gastrointestinal
H20 water
hr. hour
hs hours sleep
I&O intake and output
NKDA no known drug allergies
NPO nothing by mouth
NWB no weight-bearing (absolutely no weight on leg)
02 Oxygen
OOB out of bed
P pulse
- p after
p.c., pc after meals
po by mouth
PRN as necessary
PWB partial weight bearing
Q every
R respirations
ROM range of motion
- s without
SOB shortness of breath
stat at once
t.i.d., tid three times a day
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
v.s., VS vital signs
w/c, W/C wheelchair