Chapters 5,6,7,9 Sociology

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Internal Social Control Takes place though the social process individuals internalize societal norms a values that presribe how people behave and then follow those norms and values in their everyday lives
External Control socail control involes the use of negaitave sansction that prescribe certain behaviors and set forth the punshments for rule brakers and non conformists
Deviance is rotted in societal factors such as rapid social change and lack of social intergration among people
Strain theroy pople feel strain when they are exposed to culture goal is that they are unable to obtain b/c they do not have acess to culturally approved means of acheiven goals

4 types of deviance
occus when people accept socitys goals but adopt disappproved meand for acheveing them

4 types or deviance
occurs when people give up on society goals but still adhere to the socially approved means for acheiving them

4 types of deviance
- Retreatism
occurs when people abandon both the approved goals and the approved means of achieving them.

4 types of deviance
- Rebellion
occurs when pople challenge both the approved goals and the approved means for acheve them and adovcate and alternate set of goals of meaning
Illegitimate opportunity structes Circumstances that provide an opportunity for people to acquire through illegitimate activites what they cannot achieve through legitimate channels.
libral femminist womens deviance and crime are rational respnse to gender discrimination that women experience in families and the workplace
Radical feminist views the cause of womens crime as originating in patriarchy mate domination over females
Social econmicstatus a combined measure that in order to determine class laocation attempts to classify individual families or house holds in term of factor such as a income occupation and education
Working poor the world poor account for about 20% of the us population. members of the working poor class live from just abouve to just below poverty line they typicall hold unskilled jobs , seasonal migrat job in agricultur , lower paid factory jobs and service jobs.
Absoulte Poverty exist when people do not have the means to secure the most basic necissities of life.
Relative proverty exists when people may be able to afford basic nesessities but are still unable to maintain average standard of living.
Job deskilling a reduction in the proficiency needed to perform a specific job that leads to corresponding reduction in the wages for the job.
Deference is a type of ceremony actviaty that functions as a symbloic meaing where by apprecation is regulary conveyed to recipient.
White collar crime illegal activities committed by people in the course of thir employment of financial affairs.
Corapte Crime illegal acts committed by coporate emplyees on behalf of the corporation and with it support.

4 major punishment
is punishmentthat a person recieves for inifring on the rights of others. offerder and is based on the premis that the punshment should fit the crime.

4 types of Punisment
-General detreece
seeks to reduce criminal activity by instilling a fear punishment in the genral public.

4 types of punishment
is based on the assumption that offenders who are detained in prison or an excuted will be unable to commit addional crimes.

4 types of punishment
- Rebalilition
seeks to return offenders to the community a law abing citizens by providing theapy or vocational or education training.
Intergenerational mobility is the socail movement expericed by family members from one generation to the next
Intragenerational mobility is the social movement of indiviuals within thier own life time
Closed system of stratification is the boundaries between levels in the hiergohies of social stratification a rigid and people postions ar set by ascribed status.
Caste system is a system of social inequality in which people status is permanetly determind at birth based on their parents ascribed characteristics.
Class system is a type of stratificationbased on the ownership and control of resouces and the type of work people do
Horzontail Mobility occurs when people experence a gain or loss in postion and or income that soen not produce a change in their place in the class structure.
Vertical mobility movement up or downthe class the another...
Capitalist Class(bourgeosis) Constits of those who won the means of production
Working Class (proletariat) Consists of those who must sell their labor to the owners in order to earn enough money to survie.
Alientation a feelings of powerlessness ansd estrangement from other people and from onself.
Ingroup is a group to which the person belongs and with which aperson feela sense of identity...
outgroup is a group to which a person does not belong a which a person may feel a sense of competitivenss of hostility.
Instrumental ledership is a goal or task oriented...
Expressive leadership provides emotional support for members.
Authoritarian leaders makes all major decisions and assign to members.
Demoractic leaders encourage group disscusion and decision makeing through consensus building...
Lassiez fare leaders who are only minimally involved in decision making and encouges the group members to make thier own decisons.
Groupthink the process by which member of a cohesive grop arrive at decison that many indiviaul member privatly believe
Normative organiztion when we want to purse some common insterst or gain personal satisfaction or prestrige from being a member
Coercive organzition people do not voluntarily becomes of converive organiztion association that people are join.
Utilitarian organzation we volutarily join utilitarian organiztion whem they can provide us with a material reward that we speak.
Rationality is the process by which tadiotnal methods of social organztion characterized by informailyt and spontaleiy are gradually repaced by efficiently adminsterrd formal rules and procedures
Ideal type is an abstract model that describes the recurring characterists pf some phenomeon such as bureaucacy.

Dimensions of fomal rationality.
means the search for the best means to the end.

Demaensions of formal rationality
means a world with no suprises

Demensions of formal rationality
-Emphasis on quanity rather than quality
usually large quantites rather that quality.
Whats... whats
Dual labor market how social class sitinction are perptuatd thru different types of employment
Iron law of olgarchy according to robert michels the endency of bureacucracies be ruled by a few people.