Chapter 9 Nutrition: Concepts And Controversies

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what is a health risk not associated with fat increased rick of developing ulcers
who is least likely to carry more intrabdominal fat women in repoductive years
obesity is defined at fat percent 30 or higher true
outside the body causes of obseity suggest that environmental influcnes override internal regulatory systems
a man of normal weigh will what was percent of fat 12-20
bmi are most value for decideing health risks for overwieght true
central obesity correlates with an increased incidence of diabetesstroke
what is produced by the adipose tissue in direct proportion to body fat and suppresses appetite? leptin
what helps feed the brain during low carbs ketone bodies
a persons genetics ensures their weight false
what determines weight is gained by fat or muscle exercise
the between mean interval is about ___ waking hours 4-6
ketone bodies are acid compoundsderived from fat
what directly controls basal metabolism thyroxine
can excess protein be converted to fat yes
diet plans for weight loss should not inclue skipping meals
wast circumfrence is an indicator of central obesity true
how do you successfully lose wegiht? realistic goals
what is not part of basal metabolism sitting and walking
fat is the most satiating of the three energy nutrients false
diets with 8-- less cals are not foor for losing weight true
good weight loss can increase rapid health true
people who succesfuly lose weight over time eat breakfast every dayeat high fiber foods
what is the reccomended grams of cards a day 130
you should advice a gastric patient to eat small portions chew slow and fully
kathy weighs 140 lbs and has a body mass of 28. what is she over weight
john has a BMI of 31. he is obese, class 1
how to gain wight properly exerciseeat a high cal diet
she loses wight by then gains it back. what diet should she do low calorie diet
sarah is bragging about losting 10 lbs in 1 week. what do you say the weight loss is probs body fluid changes
to speed up basal metabloic rate, what to do endurance and strength building exercise