Answer The Following Human Skin Anatomy Terms Flashcards

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The medical branch of science that deals with the study of the skin, its functions, and diseases is Dermatology
The largest organ of the human body is the Skin
Continued pressure on any part of the skin causes it to thicken and develop into a(n) Appendage
The thinnest skin can be found on the Eyelid
The outermost layer of the skin that forms the protective covering of the body is the Epidermis
The epidermis layer of the skin is also known as Cuticle layer
The deepest layer of the epidermis, the basal cell layer, is also known as the Stratum Germinativum
The layer of the skin that is composed of several layers of different- shaped cells and is responsible for the growth of the epidermis is the Stratum Germinativum
The clear, transparent layer just under the skin surface that consists of small cells through which light can pass is the Stratum Lucidum
The layer that consists of cells that look like distinct granules and are pushed to the surface to replace cells that shed is the Stratum Granulosum
The stratum germinativum is composed of several layers with special cells tht produce a dark skin pigment called Melanin
The layer of skin that we see and is treated by the practitioner is the Corneum
A fiber protein that is the principal component of hair, skin, and nails is Keratin
The underlying or inner layer of the skin also called the derma corium, cutis, or true skin is the Dermis
The dermis layer is made up of two layers which are the Papillary and reticular
The deeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients is the Reticular layer
The top of the papillary layer where it joins the epidermis is the Epidermal-dermal junction
The fatty layer found below the dermis is the Subcutaneous
The muscle that causes goose bumps when a person is frightened or cold is the Arrector pili muscle
The layer of the dermis that houses the nerve endings that provide the body with the sense of touch is found in the Papillary layer
The tiny granules of coloring matter deposited in cells that provide skin with its color are Melanin
The melanin produced by the body that is red to yellow in color is Pheomelanin
A fibrous protein that gives the skin form and strength is Collagen
The fibrous protein that gives skin its flexibility and helps skin regain its shape after being expanded is Elastin
The two types of duct glands that extract materials from the blood to form new substances are Sudoriferous and sebaceous glands
Oil glands that are connected to hair follicles are also called Sebaceous glands
When sebum hardens and the sebaceous duct becomes clogged, the pore impaction that is formed is a Comedone
Retinoic acid, or Retin-A, is a prescription cream used to treat Acne
Water is the number one nutrient of the body and composes what percentage of the body's weight? 50 to 70 percent
The principal functions of the skin are pretection, sensation, heat regulation, excretion, and Secretion and absorption