Chapter 17 Test

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This aimed to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life. progressive movement
Who became an advocate for improving the lives of women and children? Florence Kelley
What is the banning of alcoholic beverages known as? Prohibition
Journalists who wrote about the corrupt side of business and public life in mass circulation magazines during the early 20th century became known as this.
This term refers to John Bunyan's "Pilgrim Progress," in which a character is so busy using a rake to clean up the muck of this world that he does not raise his eyes to heaven.
Taylorism became a management fad, as industry reformers applied these types of studies to see just how quickly each task could be performed. scientific management
Under the progressive Republican leadership of this person, Wisconsin led the way in regulating big business. He served three terms as governor before he entered the U.S. Senate in 1906. Robert M. La Follette
Citizens could petition to place this-- a bill originated by the people rather than lawmakers--on the ballot. initiative
Then voters, instead of the legislature, accepted or rejected the initiative by this-- a vote on the initiative referendum
This enabled voters to remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to face another election before the end of their term if enough voters asked for it. recall
It was the success of the direct primary that paved the way for this ammendment to the Constitution.
Before 1913, each state's legislature had chosen its own United States senators, which put even more power in the hands of party bosses and wealthy corporation heads.
Seventeenth Ammendment
In 1896, African-American women founded this association by merging two earlier organizations. NACW
Who was a leading proponent of woman suffrage? Susan B. Anthony
What is the right to vote known as? suffrage
In 1869, Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton had founded National Women Suffrage Association which united with another group in 1890 to become this association.
Other prominent leaders included Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe, the author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.
NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association).
When muckraking journalist (this man) began research for a novel in 1904, his focus was the human condition in the stockyards of Chicago. Upton Sinclair
What most shocked readers in Sinclair's novel (this book) was the sickening conditions of the meatpacking industry. The Jungle
This president, like many other readers, was nauseated by Sinclair's account. The president invited the author to visit him at the White House, where he promised that "the specific evils you point out shall, if their existence be proved, and if I have the power, be eradicated. Theodore Roosevelt
If big business victimized workers, then President Roosevelt would see to it that the common people received what he called this. Square Deal
Roosevelt true to his word, in 1906 pushed for passage of this act which dictated strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created by the program of federal meat inspection that was in use until it was replaced by more sophisticated techniques in the 1990s. Meat Inspection Act
In 1906, Congress passed this act which lahted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling. Pure Food and Drug Act
Conservationists like Roosevelt and Pinchot, however, did not share the views of Muir, who advocated complete preservation of the wilderness. Instead this term to them meant that some wilderness areas would be preserved while others would be developed for the common good. conservation
In 1905 they held a civil rights conference in Niagara Falls, and in 1909 a number of African Americans joined with prominent white reformers in New York to found this.
Who was the head of the U.S. Forest Service under President Roosevelt, took a middle ground. Gifford Pinchot
Taft signed this which a compromise that only moderated the high rates of the Aldrich Bill. This angered progressives who believed Taft had abandoned progressivism. Payne-Aldrich Tariff
The Progressive Party became known as this after Roosevelt's boast that he was as strong as a bull moose. The party's platform called for the direct election of senators and the adoption in all states of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Bull Moose Party
In the 1912 presidential election, they put forward as their candidate a reform governor of New Jersey named this man. Woodrow Wilson
By the time Wilson began his campaign for a second term in 1916, the NAWSA's president, this person, saw victory on the horizon.
She expressed her optimism in a letter to her friend Maud Wood Park.
Carrie Chapman Catt
This sought to strengthen the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. It prohibited corporations from acquiring the stock of another if doing so would create a monopoly; if a company violated the law; its officers could be prosecuted. Clayton Antitrust Act
The second major antitrust measure, known as this, was given the power to investigate possible violations of regulatory statutes, to require periodic reports from corporations, and to put an end to a number of unfair business practices. Federal Trade Commission
By 1923, roughly 70 percent of the nation's banking resources were part of this. It was one of Wilson's most enduring achievements, this system still serves as the basis of the nation's banking system. Federal Reserve System
In 1919, Congress passed this ammendment, granting women the right to vote. Nineteenth Ammendment