Chapter 15 - The Autonomic Nervous System And Visceral Reflexes

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A motor nervous system that controls glands, cardiac and smooth muscle to maintain homeostasis, actions are involuntary ANS - Autonomic
Slower than somatic reflexes, include a visceral reflex arc, Example Elevated BP; baroreceptors stretch receptors (aorta & carotid), glossopharyngeal n., medulla, vagus n., heart pacemaker cells Visceral Reflexes
(receptor, afferent neurons, interneurons, efferent neurons, effectors), Visceral reflex arc
Mainly adapts body for activity, (“fight or flight”) Sympathetic
Mainly a calming effect, reduced energy expenditure, normal body maintenance (“rest & digest”) Parasympathetic
Background rate of activity from both divisions Autonomic Tone
Control nuclei in hypothalamus and other brain stem regions, motor neurons in SC, peripheral ganglia and fibers in cranial and spinal nerves, pathway involves 2 neurons Neural Pathways
Soma in brainstem or SC, ends in ganglion Preganglionic
Begins in ganglion and extends to target cells Post ganglionic
Short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers, cell bodies in lateral horns and nearby gray matter of SC, fibers exit via spinal nerves T1 to L2 and go to nearby sympathetic chain ganglia, interconnected by nerve cords there are typically 3 cervical, 11 thoracic, 4 lumbar, 4 sacral, 1 coccygeal Sympathetic Division; also called thoracolumbar,
Small myelinated, enter ganglia via white communicating rami Preganglionic
Unmyelinated, exit ganglia by gray communicating rami or other route Postganglionic
Enter ganglia, take one of 3 paths (end and synapse, go up or down the chain, pass through chain to another ganglia nearer target), fibers leave chain by: spinal n. (effectors in muscles and body wall), sympathetic n. (effectors in head and thoracic cavity), and splanchnic n. (effectors in abdominopelvic cavity), neural convergence and divergence are present Preganglionic
secretes steroid hormones Adrenal Cortex
modified postganglionic sympathetic neurons, secretes hormones epinephrine (85%) and norepinephrine (15%) into blood stream Adrenal Medulla
Also called craniosacral division, long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers, cell bodies in brain stem and segments S2 to S4 Parasympathetic Division
preganglionic fibers end in terminal ganglia in or near target, little divergence more selective SC
exit via 4 cranial nerves, III Oculomotor, VII Facial, IX Glossopharyngeal, X Vagus Preganglionic (brainstem)
(lens and pupil of eye) III Oculomotor
(tear, salivary, nasal glands) VII Facial
(parotid salivary glands IX Glossopharyngeal
contains 90% of all PS preganglionic fibers, (heart, bronchi, blood vessels to lungs, esophagus, liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, kidney & ureter, proximal half of colon) X Vagus
form Pelvic Splanchnic ns.: (distal half colon, rectum, bladder, reproductive organs) Preganglionic (sacral cord)
Within walls of digestive tract, innervates smooth muscle and glands, regulates motility of esophagus, stomach, intestines and secretion of digestive enzymes and acid, interacts with ANS Enteric Nervous System
Secrete ACh, released by all Sym & Parasym PG fibers & Parasym POG fibers, a few Sym POG fibers Cholinergic Fibers
all cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands, two types, work via 2nd messenger systems Muscarinic Receptors
all synapses in autonomic ganglia, cells in adrenal medulla, at neuromuscular junction, always excitatory, work via ligand-gated ion channels Nicotinic Receptors
Secrete NE, released by almost all POG Sym fibers Adrenergic Fibers
usually excitatory, two subclasses cause different effects, α1 (suppress synthesis of cAMP), α2 (use Ca+2 as 2nd messenger) α-Adrenergic Receptors
usually inhibitory, two subclasses cause different effects, β1 & β2 (use cAMP as 2nd messenger), many drugs are designed to be receptor selective β-Adrenergic Receptors

tend to last longer due to lingering effects of NE.

Sympathetic Effects
Most viscera receive dual innervation Dual Innervation
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cardiac, digestive, pupils, Antagonistic Effects
salivary glands Cooperative Effects
partial constriction of vessels due to baseline sympathetic innervation Vasomotor Tone
Limbic system provides a pathway connecting sensory and mental experiences with the ANS Cerebral Cortex
Major control center of the ANS, includes hunger, thirst, thermoregulation, emotions, and sexuality, output is mainly to more caudal areas of brainstem and then to cranial nerves and spinal cord. Hypothalamus
House numerous ANS nuclei many in the reticular formation, for cardiac, vasomotor, salivation, swallowing, sweating, GI secretion, bladder control, pupil control, and others, output is via spinal cord and cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X Midbrain, Pons and Medulla Oblongata:
Autonomic reflexes like micturation, defecation, erection, and ejaculation are integrated in the spinal cord Spinal Cord