Chapter 1 Structure Of Medical Language Flashcards

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appendic/o- appendix
arthr/o- Joint
cutane/o- skin
esthes/o- sensation, feeling
gastr/o- Stomach
hemat/o- Blood
hepat/o- liver
laryng/o- larnx (voice box)
mast/o- breast, mastoid process
nat/o- birth
neur/o- nerve
pneumon/o- lung; air
psych/o- mind
retin/o- retaina (of the eye)
tonsill/o- tonsil
trache/o- trachea (windpipe)
urin/o- urine, urinary system
ven/o- vein
-ac pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-ation a process; being or having
-ous pertaning to
-tic pertaining to
-ia condition, state, thing
-ion action; condition
-ism process; disease from a specific cause
-itis infammation of
-megaly enlargement
-oma tumor, mass
-osis condition; abnormal; condition; process
-pathy disease, suffering
-ectomy surgical excision
-graphy process of recording
-scopy process of using an instrument to examine
-iatry medical treatment
-itian a skilled professional or expert
-ology the study of
endo- innermost, within
intra- within
peri- around
sub- below; underneath; less than
an- without, not
hyper- above; more than normal
hypo- below; deficient
poly- many, much
brady- slow
pre- before; in front of
post- after, behind
tachy- fast
anti- against
dys- painful, difficult, abnormal
change the term nucleus to plural nuclei
Change the term atrium to a plural atria
Change the term bacterium to a plural bacteria
Change the term diagnosis to a plural diagnoses
Change the term testis to a plural testes
Change the term helix to a plural helices
Change the term apex to a plural apices
Change the tern phalanx to a plural phalanges
Change the term ganglion to a plural ganglia
Change the term carcinoma to a plural carcinomata
Singuar term: bura Plural term: bursae
Singular term: scapula Plural term: scapulae
Singular term: vertebra Plural term: vertebrae
Singular term: bronchus Plural term: bronchi
Singular term: musculus Plural term: musculi
Singular term: nucleus Plural term: nuclei
Singular term: atrium Plural term: atria
Singular term: bacterium Plural term: bacteria
Abbreviation for A assessment
Abbreviation for CC Chief complaint
Abbreviation for CPR Computerized patient records
Abbreviation for DS Discharge Summary
Abbreviation for Dx Diagnosis
Abbreviation for EHR Electronic Health Record
Abbreviation for EPR Electronic Patient Record
Abbreviation for H History & Physical Examination
Abbreviation for HIPAA Health Insurance Portability amd Accountability Act
Abbreviation for HPI history of present illness
Abbreviation for O Objective
Abbreviation for P Plan
Abbreviation for PE Physical Examination