Chapter 1: Race And Ethnicity

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Minority Group Subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their
own lives than do the members of the dominant/majority group
Characteristics (5): unequal treatment, distinguishing physical or cultural traits,
involuntary membership, awareness of subordination, in-group marriage
Racial Group Group that is socially set apart because of obvious physical differences
Ethnic Groups
Group set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns
Differences: language, attitudes towards marriage/parenting, food habits
Biological Race Mistaken notion of a genetically isolated (perfect/pure) human group
Racism A doctrine that one race is superior
Racial Formation Sociohistorical process by which racial categroies are created, inhibited, transformed, and destryed
Sociology Systematic study of social behavior and human groups
Structured ranking of entire groupd of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and power in a society
Indentifies class (social ranking) of people due to wealth
Functionalist Persoective
Sociological approach emphaizing how parts of a society are structured to maintain its Stability
Conflict Perspective
Sociological approach that assumes that the social structure is best understood in terms of conflict or tension between competing groups


An element of a society that may distupt a social system or decreases its stability
Blaming the Victim Portraying the problems of racial and ethnic minorities as their fault rather than recognizing society's responsibilites
Labeling Theory
Sociological approach, by Howard Becher, attempts to explain why certain people are viewed as deviants and others engaging in the same behaviors are not
people who do bad do it because from "wrong of family"
Stereotypes Unreliable, exaggerated generalizations about all members of a group that do not take into account individual differences
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
In certain situations, people may respond to negative stereotypes and act on them, resulting with the false definition becoming accurate
A person or group described as having particular characteristics begins to display very traits attributed to them
Can create viscous circle
Migration Transfer of population
Emigration (by emigrants) leaving a country
Immigration (By immigrants) coming to a new country as a permanent resident
Worldwilde integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets
Through: trade, movement of peiokem and exchange of ideas
Colonialism Foreign power's maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural dominance over people for an extended period
World System Theory View of global economic system as divided between nations that control wealth and those that provide national resources and labor
Internal Colonialism Treatment of subordinate peoples as colonel subjects by those in power
Deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation
Ethnic Cleansing
forced deportation of peoplem accompanied by systematic violence
From: 1992--ethnic Serbs tried eliminating Muslims from parts of Bosnia
Segregation Physical seperation of two groups, often imposed on a subordinate group by the dominant group
Resegregation Physical separation of racial and ethnic groups reappearing after a period of relative integration