Answer The Following Study Of Cell Organelles Flashcards

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Which organelle is known as the control center? Nucleus
Which organelle is the site of cell respiration (creates energy)? Mitochondria
Which organelle is the site of photosynthesis? Chloroplast
Which organelle is semi-permeable? Cell Membrane
Which organelle gives plant cells strength and protection? Cell Wall
Which organelle stores wastes, water, minerals and proteins for the cell? Vacuole
Which organelle contains digestive enzymes? Lysosomes
Which organelle is the site of protein synthesis? Ribosomes
Which organelle is responsible for transporting proteins throughout the cell? Endoplasmic Reticulum
What organelle is responsible for packaging proteins? Golgi Body (Golgi Apparatus)
Which organelle makes ribosomes? Nucleolus
What organelles contain genes? Chromosomes
Which organelles are only found in plant cells? Cell Wall and Chloroplasts
Which organelle is found mostly in animal cells? Lysosomes
An organism that does not contain a nucleus Prokaryote
An organism that does have a nucleus Eukaryote