Biology Test On Ch. 16, 17 , 18

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something composed of many thin layers of sediment pressed tightly together, resembling the layers of an onion stromatolite
prokaryotes that live in the most extreme environments on earth archaea
prokaryotic organisms that differ from archaea in several features of cell structure ad chemical makeup bacteria
spherical bacteria that cause pnemonia cocci
rod shaped bacteria bacilli
spiral shaped bacteria spirochetes
division in which the DNA copies and moves itself to opposite ends of the cell as the cell splits in the middle binary fission
resting cells endospores
a photoautotrophic group of bacteria that generates oxygen as a waste product of their photosynthesis cyanobacteria
the use of organisms to remove pollutants from water, air, and soil bioremedication
bacteria and other microorganisms that cause disease pathogens
in the _____ cycle, the phage that attaches to the host cell and injects it’s DNA. lytic
in the ___________cycle, a virus injects its genes into the host lysogenic
a virus that reverses the usual DNA-to-RNA flow of genetic information retrovirus
deactivated varieties or small pieces of pathogens that stimulate the immune system to defend against the actual pathogen vaccine
eukaryotes that are not animals, plants, or fungi protists
animal like protists protozoans
plant like protists algae
protozoans that move by means of one or more flagella zooflagellates
a plasma membrane in an amoeba pseudopodia
porous shells made of organic material and hard calcium carbonate forams
a diverse group of protozoans named for their use of cilia they use to move and feed. ciliates
brightly colored, branching growth on a decaying log is a protist called ________ plasmodial slime mold
a single mass of cytoplasm undivided by membranes or cell walls and containing many nuclei plasmodium
something an organism develops when food and water are in short supply and develops reproductive structures called fruiting bodies sporangia
decomposers that live mainly on decaying organic matter cellular slime molds
a group of single-celled, photosynthetic protists that possess one or two flagella and lack cell walls euglenoids
unicellular, mostly photosynthetic protists with a cell wall made of cellulose and two flagella dinoflagellates
communities of mostly microscopic organisms that drift or swim near the surface of ponds, lakes, and oceans. plankton
photosynthetic organisms in plankton phytoplankton
plankton that are protozoans or tiny animals are called zoo plankton
large multicellular marine algeae seaweed
a process in which chloroplasts and mitochondria evolved from small symbiotic prokaryotes that lived within other, larger host cells. endosymbiosis
tiny threads of cytoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane and covered by a cell wall hyphae
interwoven mat in a single hypahe mycelium
method by which the fungus absorbs small organic molecules from its surroundings absorptive nutrition
haploid cells with thick cell walls that function as the dispersal stage in the reproduction of fungi spores
spore forming structures at the tips of hyphae sporangia
a thick-walled reproductive structure zygospornagium
______hyphaein which each cell has two separate nucli dikaryotic
large above ground reproductive structure fruting body
single-cell fungi that inhabit liquid or moist habitats including plant sap animal tissues yeasts
fungi with no known sexual stage of reproduction imperfect fungi
any fungus that grows very rapidly on a surface mold
a mutualistic pairing of a fungus and an alga lichen
symbiotic relationships between fungal hyphae plant roots mycorrhizae