Can You Answer The Following Theory Of Evolution Questions Flashcards

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A structure remaining in an animal but with no use at all is called: vestigial
If two species of birds occur in the same area but occupy different habitats they do not mate. This is an example of: ecological isolation
The notion that organsisms that are more distantly related should have time to accumulate more biochemical differences than those more closely related can best be illustrated using: a molecular clock
In certain population, the frequency of a dominant allele is represented by p=0.7, and the frequency of the recessive allele is represnted by 0.3. What is the frequency of the heterozygous genotype? 0.42
Over time, the same bones in different vertebrates were put to different uses. This falls under the category of: homologous structures
Choose the phrase that best represents macroevolutionary change. new forms of animals replacing older ones
Two populations of flowers are separated by a mountain range and would not be capable of interbreeding. This is an example of: geographical isolation
The molecular evidence of how the cytochrome c gene changes with time suggests that the gene evolves: at a constant rate
In human infants, there has long been evolution toward having the highest survival rate at a 6-7 pound birth weight. This is an example of: stabilizing or balancing selection
The hypothesis that suggests evolution occurs in spurts, with a great deal of evolutionary activity followed by periods of slower evolution is: punctuated equilibrium
The fossil record indicates that whales evolved from: hoofed mammals
The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is based on a number of assumptions. Which of the following is NOT one of those? mating occurs nonrandomly, and mates exert preferences
In small populations, gene frequencies can change drastically by chance alone. This phenomenon is called: genetic drift
When selection operates to eliminate intermediate phenotypes, it is referred to as: disruptive selection
Sickle-cell anemia in humans is an examply of: stabilizing or balancing selection
Whales are descendents of: a relative of a hippopotamus
The evidence for evolution includes which of the following? All of these are correct
The differences produced between breeds produced by artificial selection are more distinctive than differences between wild species true
In pools below waterfalles, where predation is _____, male guppies are _____, whereas in pools above waterfalls where predation is _____, male guppies are _____. high, drab colored, low, more colorful
All of the following are correct about Intelligent Design except: it is scientifically testable
The hypothesis that suggests evolution occurs slowly in organisms are nearly imperceptible is: gradualism
Biochemical changes that occur in organisms through time can help us: all of these
A population of frogs developing a slight difference in their matin calls is an example of: microevolutionary change
If two species of plants bloom during different seasons in the same habitat, this is known as: temporal isolation
choose the phrase that best represents microevolutionary change. changes in allele frequency in a population